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September - October 2018

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Audio Discourse

Impressions:  The exaSound PlayPoint DM Network Audio Server...

10-01-2018 | By David W. Robinson

Ye Olde Editor with pipe weed. Portrait by John Robinson. This seems to be a season for culminating projects. Given that autumn is upon us now, I...

The exaSound PlayPoint DM - Designer's Notes

10-01-2018 | By Editors at Positive Feedback

George Klissarov and David W. Robinson George Klissarov, AXPONA 2017 exaSound's new flagship device, the PlayPoint DM Dual-Mono D/A Converter and...

Impressions:  The Audionet STERN Preamp and HEISENBERG...

09-28-2018 | By David W. Robinson

Ye Olde Editor:  a portrait by John Robinson Audionet's STERN and HEISENBERG:  Back to the mountaintop again! Fair warning:  This is yet another one...

The Pass H2 Harmonic Generator

09-25-2018 | By Nelson Pass

Nelson Pass:  a portrait. Sea Ranch, CA, 2018. Photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson. Introduction – Why do we care about 2nd...

Wolfsong Audio to the Rescue!

09-25-2018 | By Tom Gibbs

A couple of weeks back, I arose on an otherwise unremarkable Sunday morning, had my coffee and checked my losing lottery numbers. I then proceeded...

An Unknown Quantity: My Loudspeakers

09-23-2018 | By Michael Zisserson

In a discussion with Managing Editor Dave Clark in regards to what may be slated for review, it was noted that my loudspeakers may prove difficult for...

From an Editor’s Notebook:  Linn Returns to the USA!

09-23-2018 | By David W. Robinson

I just back from a quick (two day) trip to Chicago, courtesy of the good folks at Linn in Scotland. On Tuesday, September 18, a very limited number of...

Impressions:  Xact Audio's The Beat MagDrive™ Turntable...

09-20-2018 | By David W. Robinson

The Beat MagDrive™ Turntable with Schröder Linear-Tracking (LT) Tonearm Ye Olde Editor, in medias puffus (photograph by John Robinson) Me, I...

The Schröder LT Tonearm Story

09-20-2018 | By Editors at Positive Feedback

Steve Dobbins of Xact Audio and Dr. David W. Robinson I asked Steve Dobbins to give the background story of the design of the remarkable Schröder LT...

How I Got Into Turntables – and Turntables Got Into Me!

09-20-2018 | By Editors at Positive Feedback

Dr. David W. Robinson and Steve Dobbins This sidebar article is by Steve Dobbins of Xact Audio, the designer of The Beat turntable that I've reviewed...

Indianapolis International Violin Competition Live Video...

09-11-2018 | By John Marks

One of the most important international competitions for young (ages 16 to 29) violinists takes place in the United States every four years. (The other...

The Saddest Song

09-05-2018 | By John Marks

Open Goldberg Variations, Werner Schweer, editor. Listening to "happy" music can make one feel happier. However, instead of always making people feel...

From Clark Johnsen's Diary - America's Greatest Living Composer,...

09-04-2018 | By Clark Johnsen

The late George Walker was old school, a kindly gentleman with Southern-style manners and an immense musical talent that took many forms, most notably...

Audio Ramblings and the AQVOX SE Switch - A Step in the Right...

08-23-2018 | By Dave Clark

All right, so I am a digital file playback guy and I admit it. My confession. I apologize and please forgive me for my regressions in audio… digital...

Leaning Forward into Laid Back: A Forsensic Approach

08-22-2018 | By Wayne Goins

"Laid Back is a masterpiece! Gregg's greatest solo album and I'd be shocked by anyone disagreeing with that!" - Alan Paul, author of One Way Out: The...

Remembering our Friend, Carrie Ellyn Fisher

08-20-2018 | By Carol Clark

Carrie Ellyn Fisher, January 19, 1959 - August 4, 2018. Carrie Ellyn Skokut Fisher of Reston, VA, born on January 19, 1959 in Garfield Heights, Ohio,...

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Hardware Reviews

JICO Seto Hori Cartridge

10-24-2018 | By John Hoffman

The Nippon Precision Jewel Industry CO LTD is typically referred to as JICO, a company many analog hobbyists are familiar with. JICO has a long and...

MAG-LEV Audio ML1 Levitating Turntable: U.S. Premiere Review...

10-19-2018 | By Robert H. Levi

Disruptor! The MAG-LEV Audio ML1 Levitating turntable is a disruptor! Are you surprised? I own one of six Paravicini magnetic drive turntables in...

AVM Evolution A5.2 Integrated Amplifier

10-18-2018 | By Gary L Beard

Introduction to the AVM I love audio components that offer a lot for the money. The Evolution A5.2 Integrated Amplifier is just such piece of audio...


10-15-2018 | By John Zurek

I remember my first high-end digital player, a California Audio Labs DX-1. Looking forward to perfect sound forever, I tried to sell myself on the...

Synergistic Research Galileo SX Cables - A Suspension of...

10-09-2018 | By Robert S. Youman

Let's keep it simple and direct. The new Synergistic Research Galileo SX cables are the finest cables that I have used in my system. Over the last two...

Indra and Sakra Interconnects from STEALTH Audio

09-30-2018 | By Marshall Nack

Indra Redux Back in the Precambrian Era of audio (circa 2003), STEALTH Audio introduced an interconnect that disrupted the cable industry. The Indra...

Wax Rax RC-2 Vinyl Record Cart

09-21-2018 | By Michael Corsentino

The larger your record collection, the more likely many of your favorite albums will remain buried, waiting years or possibly decades for another...

Still Audio EL84 Integrated Amplifier: Affordable Handcrafted...

09-16-2018 | By Jeff Day

When Mark Still contacted me in June about reviewing his handcrafted Still Audio EL84 integrated amplifier (below) I was immediately intrigued,...

Ferguson Hill FH007 Loudspeaker System and FH008 Subwoofer

09-15-2018 | By Smit Patel

Ferguson Hill are a niche British designed loudspeaker company who have garnered notable interest for their innovative and striking horn-loaded...

The Neoteric Listener - The GLOW Audio Amp Two

09-12-2018 | By Dean Seislove

Nearly a decade ago, my girlfriend and I co-wrote a favorable review of the GLOW Audio music system, composed of their Voice One loudspeakers, GLOW Amp...

final Sonorous X Closed Back Headphones

09-10-2018 | By Robert H. Levi

The final Sonorous X Closed Back Dynamic Headphones are the unmatched audiophile enigma of the decade. This cost-no-object luxury model of S'Next Co....

Analysis Plus Silver Apex Cables

09-08-2018 | By John Hoffman

Analysis Plus is essentially an engineering firm that has chosen audio manufacturing as one of the areas to focus their resources. What I find...

World Premier Review of IAMP - Incredible AC Purifier Power Cord...

09-05-2018 | By Robert H. Levi

Ever since I discovered the ultra-high-value audiophile cables and now power cords from Unique Innovation Technology (UIT), my audiophile life has...

Synergistic Research Atmosphere X Euphoria (Level 3)...

09-02-2018 | By Robert S. Youman

While sitting in the Synergistic Research room at Axpona 2018 this year, what I observed proved to be quite insightful but it also just verified what I...

AV RoomService EVPs (Equipment Vibration Protectors):...

09-01-2018 | By Tom Gibbs

When this review offer came from Norman Varney's company, AV RoomService, Ltd., I knew Norman from the Facebook experience, and I knew that he worked...

Sumiko Moonstone Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge

09-01-2018 | By Gary Lea

As I just retired and find myself back full time to the second love of my life (the first being my beautiful wife of 30 years, Paula of course) and...

Argento Audio Flow Phono Cable - Escape to the Old World

09-01-2018 | By Marshall Nack

Now that the 2018 classical concert season has drawn to a close, I'd like to share a few of my most contentious observations: 1) the best European...

Furutech NCF Booster Performance-enhancing Connector and Cable...

09-01-2018 | By Marc Phillips

Marc Phillips has been doing music reviews for Positive Feedback for quite a while now. In the interest of full disclosure, he is also a distributor...

Luxman L-507uXII Integrated Amplifier

09-01-2018 | By John Acton

Luxman Corporation of Japan celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2015. In late 2017 into early 2018, the high-end audio manufacturer introduced several...

The Fuuga Cartridge Moving Coil Cartridge, Part 1: A Heavyweight...

08-26-2018 | By Myles B. Astor

Cartridges and jazz musicians share at least one thing in common. Ask five artists to play a song and each performer will give a slightly different...

The New Apartment Lounge: Musical Fidelity's Scrumptious M6...

08-22-2018 | By Maurice Jeffries

A Distinguished Legacy My use of, and admiration for, the expansive range of audio products from British manufacturer Musical Fidelity (recently...

Hijiri HCI-R10 Interconnects and HCS-25 Loudspeaker Cables

08-21-2018 | By Wojciech Pacuła

Audio companies usually showcase their best, and also the most expensive products. These present company's full potential, its best techniques and...

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Jacek Gawlowski

07-01-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

A Kingdom for a Horse - Mastering According to Jacek Gawlowski We know who a sound engineer and a sound director are, as well as we are aware of the...

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Music - SuperSonic Recordings

Top 500 SuperSonic List - Part 10

09-10-2018 | By Claude Lemaire

This is an ongoing project by Claude Lemaire of Soundevaluations 73. The Stooges, The Stooges. Elektra – EKS-74051 (1969), 33 1/3 rpm. Genre:...

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Music Reviews

Notes of an Amateur: Pärt, Beethoven, Henze, and Blue Violet

10-11-2018 | By Bob Neill

Arvo Pärt. Mullova - Järvi. Onyx 4201. Darf ich..., Fratres, Passacaglia, Tabula rosa, I Ludus, II Silentium, Spiegel im Speigel] I have never been...

Sarah Reich, New Change

09-25-2018 | By Marc Phillips

Sarah Reich, New Change. Tap Music Productions B07FTXR22W, CD $9.49 from Amazon.com "I want to be the first tap dancer to win a Grammy Award!" Okay...

Silva Film Music and the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

09-04-2018 | By Roger S. Gordon

In Positive Feedback Issue 31 (May/June 2007) I reviewed three CDs from Silva Film Music (HERE). Silva Film licenses the rights to film scores and...

Ronn McFarlane, The Celtic Flute

09-04-2018 | By Roger S. Gordon

The lute is an ancient instrument with its forebearers having been traced back to 3100 BCE in Mesopotamia. Though a popular instrument during the...

Paavo Järvi Conducts Bruckner's Ninth

09-01-2018 | By Stephen Francis Vasta

Paavo Järvi conducts Bruckner's Ninth. BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9 in D minor. Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra/Paavo Järvi. RCA Red Seal...

Friday Night In San Francisco by John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola,...

08-26-2018 | By Robert S. Youman

Friday Night In San Francisco  - John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, and Paco De Lucia Back Story Impex Records has now reissued Friday Night In San...

Notes of an Amateur: Vivaldi, Bach, Ferneyhough, Auerbach, and...

08-24-2018 | By Bob Neill

Vivaldi, Sonatas for Cello and Basso Continuo,  Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello. Harmonia Mundi. It has been quite a while since we've had recordings of...

Lee Hazlewood's Woodchucks, Cruisin' for Surf Bunnies

08-17-2018 | By Marc Phillips

Light in the Attic Records LITA169, colored LP $22, LP $20, CD $12, available at lightintheattic.net "Lee Hazlewood wasn't a cowboy, but he sure played...

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Our Friends at HIFI Statement

Albat GP 24 Power Cable

09-19-2018 | By Wolfgang Kemper

Die Albat GP.24 Power Cable hat das Format einer Kredit-Karte, ist schwarz und trägt das Firmenlogo und die Modell-Bezeichnung auf der einen Seite..... . . Read More »


09-19-2018 | By Finn Corvin Gallowsky

Als ich den xDSD zum ersten Mal sah, kam mir das Konzept eher kryptisch vor. Features wie XBass+ und 3D+ sind bei Produkten von ifi zwar keine.... . . Read More »

Twelve Inch Tonearm by Einstein Audio

06-18-2018 | By Dirk Sommer

Einsteins The Tonearm gibt es ganz klassisch in den Längen von neun und zwölf Zoll. Die kurze Version hat seit über einem Jahr fast ununterbrochen.... . . Read More »

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Our Friends at High Fidelity

The Second Life of Blu-Ray

09-01-2018 | By Wojciech Pacuła

What is the difference between a collector and someone who just gathers some items? Mieczysław Stoch, the hero of the interview you can also read in...

Struss DM250 Integrated Amplifier

08-07-2018 | By Wojciech Pacuła

I wanted, I really wanted to start this text somehow differently, to escape from the memories from the review of the Chopin MkIV by Struss Amplifiers,...

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Our Friends at Part-Time Audiophile

How do we Attract More Younger Listeners?

09-01-2018 | By John Stancavage

I was checking my email recently when I noticed a breathless announcement from Best Buy that “AUDIOFEST IS HERE,” with “Incredible Savings on.... . . Read More »

McGary Audio SA-1 Stereo Amplifier Review

09-01-2018 | By John Richardson

One of the fun aspects of reviewing gear from small start-up companies is getting to know the owner/proprietor, who is also usually the designer and.... . . Read More »

ZYX UNIverse Optimum 1Ω MC Cartridge

09-01-2018 | By Richard Mak

US $16,995.00. There, I’ve said it, in bold. That’s nearly seventeen thousand dollars for a phono cartridge. I still remember the first turntable I.... . . Read More »

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Show Reports

RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 4

10-18-2018 | By Carol Clark

Continuing on with our coverage... In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark, except those in parentheses, which are by Dave Clark...

RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 3

10-17-2018 | By Carol Clark

Continuing on with our coverage... In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark, except those in parentheses, which are by Dave Clark...

RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 2

10-17-2018 | By Carol Clark

Continuing on with our coverage... In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark, except those in parentheses, which are by Dave...

RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 1

10-17-2018 | By Carol Clark

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest celebrated its fifteenth year this October in Denver! At the press and exhibitor mixer on Thursday night, Marjorie...

Lone Star Audio Fest 2018

09-04-2018 | By Norman Tracy

Lone Star Audio Fest the high-end audio show held annually for 14 years the first weekend of May in Dallas, Texas was a grand success this year. The...

California Audio Show 2018

08-12-2018 | By Malachi Kenney

Come a little closer. I want to tell you a secret. Are you ready? I don't go to stereo shows to listen to stereos. It's true! Maybe once, in the dim...

California Audio Show 2018: Kirsten's Highlights

08-11-2018 | By Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney

I have a lot of affection for the California Audio Show. It's an easy drive down from the Oregon Coast, and some of my most enjoyable show experiences...

Recent Discussion
