
Positive Feedback Logo

Review Process Disclaimer and Policy

Revised 2023

Positive Feedback (hereinafter PF) is a review journal and creative forum for audio and video equipment, recordings, accessories, and anything else related to the audio and video arts. We are here to educate and entertain our readers, who trust us to provide them with our impressions of the hardware and software that we review. To carry out this mission, PF handles many review samples of hardware from manufacturers, designers, distributors, and dealers (hereinafter "suppliers") every year. In order to prevent any misunderstandings about costs, liabilities, responsibilities, and disclaimers for our review process and its logistics, these are the guidelines that we operate under.

Note that these guidelines are not negotiable, and that no reviewer or editor has the ability to make any exceptions to these guidelines.

  1. All review hardware items are considered to be the property of the supplier of the hardware. Until and unless they are purchased by a reviewer, they remain the responsibility and property of the supplier.
  2. Therefore, all shipping and shipping insurance both to and from the PF reviewer is the responsibility of the supplier of the review component(s). Neither PF nor its reviewer(s) accept any responsibility for any of these costs.
  3. PF reviewers handle all hardware sent to them with great care, and we have a very high satisfaction rate among the many firms who have sent equipment to us over the past 23 years. Nevertheless, accidents and damage do happen from time to time. PF hereby disclaims any responsibility/liability of any kind for any damage to review components. All review components are sent at the sole risk of the supplier, as part of the cost of doing business. While the review component(s) are under review, the supplier is responsible to insure all items against theft, damage of any kind, failure of the review component(s), failure of other components that might damage the component that a supplier provides for review, acts of God, and so on. PF can accept no costs or liabilities of any kind associated with the components that it reviews, and the supplier must agree to indemnify and hold faultless PF and its reviewers from any claim of damages whatsoever.
  4. PF reviewers are held to the highest standards of ethics and responsibility. In the extremely unlikely event of the theft of a review component by a PF reviewer, that reviewer will be terminated immediately, upon irrefutable proof of theft. This constitutes the only responsibility that PF accepts in such cases; replacement of stolen goods/legal prosecution will be the responsibility of the supplier.
  5. During the review process, suppliers are welcome to contact the review/the editors with questions/comments that may assist the review process. Suppliers are not welcome to attempt to influence the outcome of the review in any way. Such attempted manipulation will lead to termination of the review by PF.
  6. The purchase of a review component is usually an option in a review, and usually involves some sort of industry accommodation pricing, subject to negotiation between the reviewer and the supplier. This transaction is solely at the discretion of the supplier, at the voluntary request of the reviewer. No transaction can be forced by one party on the other in any circumstance. All such transactions are entirely the financial responsibility of the purchasing reviewer. PF does not accept any financial responsibility for any reviewer purchase, and disclaims all financial liability totally. Likewise, PF disclaims any obligation to intervene on behalf of a reviewer to complete or abrogate a reviewer accommodation purchase.
  7. In the event of a problem with a reviewer, a question about the status of a review components or components, or a question about these guidelines, the supplier is directed to contact either Editor Dave Clark at [email protected], 562.230.4178, Editor-in-Chief Dr. David W. Robinson at [email protected], 971.570.6339. No other members of the PF community are authorized to make any decisions on behalf of PF.