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RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 1

10-17-2018 | By Carol Clark | Issue 99

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest celebrated its fifteenth year this October in Denver! At the press and exhibitor mixer on Thursday night, Marjorie Baumert announced that next year the show is moving. The new location, The Gaylord Rockies, is closer to the airport and features 1500 rooms, eight restaurants, and many other amenities. For 2019, RMAF will move to September, but in 2020 it will be back in October.

In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark, except those in parentheses, which are by Dave Clark who will do his best to be nice.

RMAF 2018

And, we're off and running. Such a flattering picture of me. (Wetting her lips for some tasty sounds.. sadly not to be as way too many rooms were playing pretty much the same dreadful audiophile music that we hear year after year, show after show. Seriously play something other than the same 20 titles! Oh, how about letting the attendees play their own music without any judgement by the exhibitors... or other attendees. Say the last hour or so of the show?)

RMAF 2018

Andy Reagan, now with Mr. Speakers. (One of the people we always seek out for a good conversation about pretty much anything.)

RMAF 2018

Stirling Trayle and companion Carol, gearing up for day one. (Friends on FB, first time face to face, and we were able to share much together about both music and wine.)

RMAF 2018

The Atrium. For those who have attended this show in the past, this is where The Lift used to be, it now houses static display exhibitors.

RMAF 2018

Chris Sommovigo of Black Cat Cables.

RMAF 2018

ampsandsound had an impressive line up, including a VPI turntable.

RMAF 2018

ampsandsound amplifiers.


Can Jam 2018 at RMAF.

RMAF 2018

Can Jam was busy all three days!

RMAF 2018

Andy and Sue Reagan, Mr. Speakers. It's important to stay hydrated while in Denver! (Great to hear that they are moving closer to us.)

RMAF 2018

Kyron Audio, with DEQX speaker/room correction built in. Quite impressive.

RMAF 2018

This Kyron system sounded impressive!

RMAF 2018

DEQX, from Australia.


Bending Wave USA. CH Precision M1 amplifiers, preamplifier, power supplies, SACD/CD transport, and dual mono DAC. Göbel Epoque AEON loudspeakers and cables. TW-Acustic Raven AC turntable.

RMAF 2018

CH Precision electronics. (Can we add in one more piece?)

RMAF 2018

ESD Acoustic, full horn system with carbon fiber horns and field coil drivers. From China. Each horn has its own amplifier.

RMAF 2018

One wonders how they got through the door, but apparently they were custom made for this show. Impressive. (Sound? Not so much.)

RMAF 2018

Carbon Fiber horns.

RMAF 2018

Aaudio Imports. Wilson Benesch Resolution loudspeakers, $69,500.

RMAF 2018

Also from Aaudio Imports, Ypsilon PST 100 MKII preamplifier, Hyperion mono amplifiers, DAC 1000 valve DAC. Also, the N10 music server from Aurender.

RMAF 2018

Day one seminar, Music Changes Lives: Why We Listen. I moderated the panel that also featured Bill Leebens of PS Audio and Copper magazine, Angela Cardas Meredith of Cardas Audio, and David Solomon of Qobuz. The discussion was lively as we tried to convince people that sometimes the music that touches us is not audiophile approved. We were also pleased that some young DJs were in attendance, and they shared their thoughts. All in all, it was nice to have a different topic. (Sadly as noted above, the idea of playing music that people want/love to hear was overshadowed by rooms playing the same music that is overplayed... to death year after year, show after show. Even when asked if we could play something from, say, TIDAL, we were told that that is not an option and here, let's listen to "Keith Don't Go." And so in those rooms we simply walked out. Exhibitors need to play what people play at home—what they like and know. I get the need to play music that demonstrates this or that, music that will not drive people away due to a "non-audiophile" sound/acceptance, but this practice is not attracting new people. More on this elsewhere.)

RMAF 2018

Constellation Audio, Rockport Technologies, Continuum Audio Labs, Marutani Consulting.

RMAF 2018

Continuum Audio turntable.

RMAF 2018

Viva Audio's headphone amplifier.

RMAF 2018

Chad Kassem with Acoustic Sounds and a collection of LPs.

RMAF 2018

Even more LPs for sale.

RMAF 2018

Leland Leard of Music Hall. (another person we search out... good times.)

RMAF 2018

Nordost Cables.

RMAF 2018

Audio Alternative. AMG, AudioQuest, VTL.

RMAF 2018

Audio Alternative also featured Vandersteen loudspeakers. The room sounded wonderful!