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Pacific Audio Fest, Part Two

08-04-2022 | By Carol Clark | Issue 122

Continuing on with our coverage of the Pacific Audio Fest.

ModWright, Seattle Hi-Fi, SME, Revel, Cardas Audio. Images below.

Pictured below is Dan's new Analog Bridge. It adds a tube quality to any solid-state device.

As always, we had a great time catching up with Kristin Vittitoe and Dan Wright.

Daedalus Audio, LampizatOr, WyWires, VAC. Lou Hinkley, of Daedalus Audio, was one of the show organizers, so he was not in the room when we visited. He did tell me to go back and ask for them to play my beloved Paris, by the Cure. Sadly, we did not have the chance, but I do appreciate the fact that he remembered. Images below.

Loved this room regardless not hearing The Cure... wonderful system.

Salk Sound, McGary Audio, Anticables. Images below.

Wells Audio, Bella Sound. Images below.

Linkwitz. Hmmm... interesting but not something we could live with visually. Nice sound though. Images below.

Audio Ultra. Images below.

The "power conditioner" is pictured below. Talk about robust.

Linear Tube Audio, Daedalus Audio, LampizatOr, Final Touch Audio. Images below.

Another nice sounding room.

The NFS room. And booze too, including a wine from 1988! Images below.

Olsons HiFi, MSB, Estelon, Krell, Innuos, AudioQuest. Images below.

Ocean Audio, Sonner Audio, Small Green Computers, Sonore, SW1X, Pranawire, LKV Research, Butcher Block, Les Davis Audio, The Lotus Group. Images below.

Sounded great.

Arion Audio, Chang Lightspeed Audio, Audio Research, Wolf Audio Systems, VPI Industries, Soundsmith, EMM Labs, Acoustic Sciences, JPS Labs, Analysis Audio. Images below.

Eficion. Images below.

Jaguar Audio, EAR, Enleum, Puritan Audio Laboratories, Phasemation, Avantgarde, Analysis Plus. We liked this room a lot. Way nice and they played Roxy Music and Sky Cries Mary. Images below.

Part Three is in the works... tomorrow.