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Impressions: Photo Essay of AXPONA 2023 Audio Oasis! Awards, a Final Wrap-Up [Updated]

02-19-2024 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 132

Ye Olde Editor, before the tsunami...

Personal tsunami, 2023. Such a strange year for me, one that threw me for a loop right in the midst of the two main audio show that I attended:  AXPONA 2023 and Pacific Audio Fest 2023.

Normally, I'm able to issue my considered judgements and Audio Oasis! Awards within about a month. And I did start to do so, HERE, and HERE

But then came a series of deaths of family and friends, illnesses and cancers of good friends, and some rough sailing with my own health (now recovered after some months). All of these ended up knocking me offstride for what should have been a relatively simple completion of my usual photo essays and Audio Oasis! Awards. And so the long delays for AXPONA and PAF occurred, and I am now working to complete them in an abbreviated form.

Congratulations to the winners of my Audio Oasis! Awards here at the end of the year, and apologies for their belated announcement.

Von Schweikert Audio/LampizatOr/Westminsterlab/Small Green Computer/Critical Mass Systems

The Von Schweikert Endeavor SE Loudspeaker

This room was a pleasant surprise for me. 

A surprise since this was the smallest pair of Von Schweikert Audio speakers that I had heard in a very long time. I have gotten used to the mighty towers that VSA normally shows with.

As to pleasure, these Endeavor SEs don't tower...don't overwhelm like, say, the 11s...but they certainly were musical. Clean, clear, detailed, and fun to listen to.

Westminsterlab's Rei monoblock amplifers

I don't know much about the Westminsterlab Rei monos, I confess. Obviously they are trim and compact. But I do know that they drove the VSA's quite well.

The LampizatOr Horizon DAC in fresco...a delight in every way!

The overall effect of this room on me was real musical pleasure. The synergy here was extremely high and quite complementary, which made me linger here longer than usual. My good audiobud Fred Ainsley was present, of course, and it was enjoyable to appreciate the quality of the music in this room with him there. (Sometimes you miss people at audio shows.)

Fred Ainsley of LampizatOr North America:  the man, the legend! And that's the LampizatOr Horizon DAC right by him...

This room epitomized the Audio Oasis! Award experience for me. 

And here's my award for a job well done.


MBL North America/Kyomi Audio

In the MBL/Kyomi Audio room:  There's glory for you!

For a number of years I have been greatly impressed by the prodigious design work of Juergen Reiss of MBL in Germany. His particular commitment to his vision of loudspeakers and electronics has led to a combination of stability and innovation in MBL's production. I've spent significant time auditioning MBL at high-end audio shows, with resultant Audio Oasis! Awards given on a regular basis. A great deal of the credit for such successful rooms goes to MBL's American distributor, Jeremy Bryan, who is an expert in getting the most out of an audio show room.

Jeremy Bryan and Juergen Reiiss in the MBL room at AXPONA 2019:  a study in ink outline

The MBL line is sui generis...a unique vision of electronics pursued in service of a particular vision of omnidirectional loudspeaker technology. I salue MBL for it longtime commitment to Juergen's creative vision, and for a uniquely enveloping musical presentation.

One of my Audio Oasis! Awards is definitely in order for MBL and Kyomi Audio.

Göbel/Bending Wave USA/Audio Research/WADAX

Elliot Goldman with the Göbel Gran Divin Loudspeaker and Audio Research electronics

Göbel Loudspeakers have been world-class for many years now. Oliver Göbel has been an audio acquaintance of mine, and he certainly does know how to create imposing, full range designs.

His exclusive American distributor for the Göbel High End line is Elliot Goldman of Bending Wave USA. Elliot and I usually see each other at shows that we both attend, and certainly at AXPONA.

A very impressive rack of brilliant electronics from WADAX, with the Göbel Gran Divin Loudspeaker peeking in from the left...

The Göbel Gran Divin Loudspeaker being driven by Audio Research amplification. The results were quite something.

The combination of Göbel/Bending Wave, Audio Research, and WADAX was enough to draw me into Elliot's room, and keep me there for a while. Full-range frequency response; tight and detailed music; and dynamics to burn. I have been taken by the Göbel designs from Oliver Göbel for years now; this experience did not change my take on the excellence of his work by one iota. On the contrary...

The need for one of my Audio Oasis! Awards was quite clear.

Thanks, Elliot!

Well Pleased AV/Vinnie Rossi Audio/Choice Audio/QLN/Merason/Qualiton/Innuos/GigaWatt/Swisscables/ SGR/AB-Tech

Mark Sossa of Well Pleased AV:  a portrait.

Mark Sossa's and Vinnie Rossi's room was a great opportunity to renew my audiobudship with these two fine gents. 

Mark had gathered quite a collection of brands in his room, ones that he handles via his Well Pleased AV high-end audio distribution/sales company.

Key components included Vinnie Rossi Audio's latest Brama integrated, digital via Innuos (who was quite ubiquitous at AXPONA 2023), and a pair of gorgeous Qln loudspeakers (a monitor pair of which are now under review by PF's Dean Waters). I own the Vinnie Rossi L2i SE integrated amp with DAC and phono...in fact, I am listening to it as I write this...but have only heard the Brama line at shows. What I've heard of the Brama was quite promising, though.

As always, Mark and Vinnie were getting terrific sound in their room. In fact, I don't remember a time when they had another other than brilliant going on in their show rooms. Staying there and listening was a distinct pleasure, always a sign of a room that ought to receive one of my Audio Oasis! Awards.

Mark Sossa of Well Pleased AV and Vinnie Rossi of Vinnie Rossi Audio in one of their rooms. They've worked together for years, and their collegiality is a model for the industry.


Stillpoints/Audio Design & Marketing/Purist Audio Design/Rockport Tech/Viola Audio Labs/Wolf Audio Systems

Bruce Jacobs of Stillpoints

In the Stillpoints/Audio Design & Marketing/Purist Audio Design/Rockport Tech/Viola Audio Labs/Wolf Audio Systems room. Very solid sound, with both analog and digital sounding musical and detailed.

I was able to spend some time (though not enough) in the Stillpoints, etc. room. My good audiobud and spiritual brother Bruce Jacobs was on hand with the latest from Stillpoints, together with some companies that I hadn't heard in their room before (e.g., Purist Audio and Rockport Tech) as well some some that I had (Wolf Audio Systems...really good Music Servers there, for sure).

Kim Aud-Stahl with one of the Purist Audio cables at AXPONA 2023

We have a lot of the Stillpoints ESS Racks here at PF Central, and appreciate the excellence of them all. Likewise, Wolf Audio Systems (the Alpha 3SX Music Server) and Purist Audio cabling resides here, as well.

The AXPONA 2023 show confirmed my real satisfaction with these, and their synergy with the other designs in this room.

Audio Oasis! Award time!

AGD Productions/Ocean Way Audio/Synergistic Research

Alberto Guerra, the "AG" of AGD Productions, with a bevy of his remarkable designs

Alberto Guerra has been establishing his presence in fine audio with a growing collection of impressive designs. Using his highly innovative Gallium Nitride (GaN) power MOSFETs, clad quite cleverly and attractively in tube jackets, Guerra has developed an entire line of power and preamp designs. (Two of his amplifiers are on review here at Positive Feedback right now, in fact.)

In the AGD Productions/Ocean Way Audio/Synergistic Research room...seductive!

Having heard the AGDs at various shows, I can say that Alberto is really onto something unique here. The GaN MOSFETs develop a great deal of power, and would have no problem driving most loudspeakers. I recommend that you visit Alberto's Web site and browse the descriptions and specifications of his entire line. The prices are reasonable for high-end gear (and no, I won't get into that argument).

The Ocean Way monitors that AGD was using mated nicely with the AGD electronics, and Synergistic Research provided a linkage that provided exceptional clarity and detail. 

Yep. An Audio Oasis! Award winner without a doubt.

Gershman Acoustics/VAC/exaSound

In the Gershman Acoustics/VAC/exaSound space

This room excelled in a quite, authoritative way to my ears. 

VAC, of course, requires no introduction, no much comment from me. I have sung the praises of VAC at shows for many years now, and have know Kevin Hayes at a distance for some 30 years. As usual, the VAC electronics were remarkable, driving all downstream with aplomb.

exaSound is another name that I have known for many years. I own three different exaSound components currently (the Delta Server, the e62 stereo DAC, and the e68 8-channel DAC), and George Klissarov's brilliant work is very well known to me.

Gershman Acoustics, on the other hand, is a brand that I am not particularly familiar with. I can remember hearing Ofra Gershman's loudspeakers a time or two in the past. I haven't reached any conclusions on this line year.

But I can say that this particular combination sounded really quite good at AXPONA 2023. Lack of familiarity notwithstanding, I'd say that one of my Audio Oasis! Awards was in order here.

And here it is.

Aurender/Shunyata Research/HRS

Ari Margolis of Aurender with the absolutely brilliant new Aurender AP20 Integrated with DAC, etc. Killer!

Aurender was in a lot of rooms. A lot.

I have long experience with Aurender, stretching back a number of years. I have praised their W20 Music Server, and have enormous respect for their A30 all-in-one Music Server and N20 Network Transport (both of which are here).

At AXPONA 2023 I got to see and hear their incredible new (and now shipping) AP20 Integrated with DAC, streamer, analog and digital I/O, and headphone amp, with all the trimmings. Just hook up your loudspeakers, and away you go!

In fact, that's what I've done. I'm listening to the AP20 in our reference office system now.

It's already sounding killer. I'll give it another week or two to check the bloom factor....

In the Aurender/Shunyata/HRS room

The sonic results were exceptional. Aurender's AP20 paired with Shunyata, HRS, and the Wilson Audio Sabrina loudspeakers were a convincing combination, and left me wishing that I had more time there. 

And meeting Ari Margolis was a real treat.

Definitely a PF Audio Oasis! Award winner!

ModWright Instruments/Studio Electric/Cardas Audio

Dan Wright the Wrighteous, the Big Kahuna and Lead Designer of ModWright gear

A roomful of ModWright electronics, including his new KWA 99 monoblocks and LS99 preamp, with the Studio Electric m5's providing the transduction. Audio highways by Cardas Audio.

David MacPherson of Studio Electric, designer of the loudspeakers in Dan Wright's room...quite a gifted audio person.

Yes, another home run for ModWright/Studio Electric/Cardas Audio. No surprise...I'd have been disappointed if things had been any other way.

Incoming! Another Audio Oasis! Award!

And rightly so...

Zesto Audio/Cardas Audio/YG Acoustics/Stillpoints/Reference Analog/Dr. Feickert Analogue

In the Zesto Audio/YG Acoustics/Cardas/Stillpoints/Dr. Feickert Analogue/Reference Analog room

George and Carolyn Counnas of Zesto Audio at AXPONA 2023

Good audiobuds George and Carolyn were fine hosts in their room, as usual. Tubes and analog(u)e galore, and a guy who really knows how to bring out the magic in the glass-vacuum bottles and circuitry. I have to say that the YG Hailey 2.2s were sounding quite luscious as the albums spun. 

As it should  be, but sometimes isn't...


Jeff Harris of Reference Analog

Overall, this room had a very pleasing, seductive presentation of the music. Zesto's rooms always seem to have this quality...in fact, I count on it. Glass, sass, and grooves. And the cabling by Cardas Audio was doing its thing, as it has for decades, eh?

I'm pleased to give all involved another one of my Audio Oasis! Awards...

Audio Skies/Fidelis Distribution/ArgentPur Cables/Ideon Audio/JMF Audio/Harbeth

A pile of audio excellence, all in one place! A ton of JMF (left rack and on the floor, center), Ideon Audio on the right rack, and some Harbeth, too.

Michael Vamos was demoing his new line of JMF Audio electronics at AXPONA 2023. I was unaware of this company and its designs...which is why you do your editorial thing and go to shows, eh? Ideon Audio I know and respect very well for their streaming/digital products. They're certainly in the global first-rank of high-end digital designs.

Michael Vamos of Audio Skies:  a study in watercolor

Michael Vamos really has an ear for putting together superior products in his line card. The Harbeth 40.3's were new to me, but they did a tasty job of working with the rest of the system upstream. This included JMF's PRS 1.5 preamp, HQS 6002 power amp, the PC102 power line filter, and some JMF Siren cables. Ideon Audio's contributions featured the Absolute Epsilon DAC (I heard a much earlier version of this), their Absolute Stream...well...streamer, and another component that I've heard in our reference listening room here, the Absolute Time re-clocker.

The earlier version of the Ideon kit that I listened to here had some limits on its performance (it topped out at DSD128, for example), but was otherwise quite top o' the heap. This new generation of Ideon DAC clearly bested the earlier iteration that I heard and gave a Brutus Award to back in 2020. Bloody impressive improvements here at Ideon; don't miss any opportunity to hear their digital stack. It's incredible.

Cut to the chase:  JMF + Ideon + Harbeth = one of the great rooms at AXPONA 2023.

Thus, another Audio Oasis! Award is called for, and done.

Joseph Audio/Aurender/Berkeley Audio Design/Cardas Audio/Doshi Audio/Notable Audio/J. Sikora/Lyra/HRS

Jeff Joseph of Joseph Audio in his element at AXPONA 2023 with his Pearl Graphene Loudspeakers

Here's another n0-surprise room:  Jeff Joseph always puts great gear around his loudspeakers. In this case, we're talking the Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene Loudspeaker with its usual gorgeous wood finish, sounding like a million bucks.

Of course, it didn't do the job alone. 

The rather large mix of supporting cast in the audio chain included first-rank brands like Doshi Audio (phono amp, preamp, and mono amps), Cardas Audio cabling, Aurender's N30A Music Server (I'm listening to the AP20 right now as I write), turntable and tonearm by J.Sikora, Lyra MC, and rack by HRS. Very imposing.

So was the music. Jeff is really dialing in a group of components that compliment the Pearl Graphene extremely well.

Given the number of years that he's been doing shows, it's no mystery where the synergy in this room came from.

Give the man...and these companies...one of my Audio Oasis! Awards for 2023!

Valve Amplification Company/Acora Acoustics

Among the truly impressive rooms at AXPONA 2023 was the Acora Acoustics/VAC/Cardas space. Impressive, authoritative sound, as you could predict knowing these brands. I have to admit that while I know VAC and Cardas very well, the Acora VRC-1 Loudspeakers were new to me. Killer sound! Seductive looks! Top-notch, world-class design and execution.

I'd really like to do a PF review project of Acora + Audio Research (a company that Valerio now owns). Based on what I heard here, his work is worthy of further examination.

Valerio Cora was a great host as he demonstrated his work, with some fine music, no less. (That doesn’t always happen.) No doubt about it:  Valerio's room was a definite 2023 Audio Oasis winner!

Focal Naim North America

Focal-Naim always takes major space at the shows that I've seen and heard...lots of great designs

Focal's Romain Vet with the always-impressive Maestro Utopia loudspeaker

I've spent the past four years or so enjoying Focal products here at Positive Feedback Central. The Sopra One's and Sopra Three's have shown themselves to be stellar loudspeakers, with speed, detail, transparency, and reasonable bass extension, and have brought a great deal of musical pleasure in our reference office system room. (And yes, I do a lot of work here.) French craftsmanship is impeccable in the Focal line, for sure.

So when I go to shows, I always check out the Focal-Naim room(s). Creative things are always happening there!

Shows also give me the opportunity to hear the big Utopia line, their reference loudspeakers...always a pleasant recalibration.

This year at AXPONA 2023, I finally got a chance to met Romain Vet, whom I've had only email connection with over the years. Romain was a very pleasant host to the Focal-Naim space.

But the main thing happening at this show was Focal Naim producing surround experiences...7.2.4 and such-like...and also showing off outdoor faux rock speakers. ("Everybody must get stoned.") Their very reasonably priced Theva line of surround loudspeakers paired with Naim electronics, ready for Atmos, was attracting a lot of traffic and interest. The envelope was certainly being pushed here.

Fun stuff. 

And worthy of one of my Audio Oasis! Awards.

Here 'tis!

T+A North America/HRS

In the T+A/HRS room at AXPONA 2023

T+A, a German high-end audio company, is one that I have been following for a handful of years now. 

Their HA 200 DAC and Headphone Amp is absolutely killer, and won a 2022 Brutus Award from me. The quality and versatility of the HA 200, especially with DSD (all the way out to DSD1024!) was mind-blowing. Brilliant sound with both the T+A Solitaire P, their reference headphones, and a Brutus Award winner in 2022, as well as with the Focal Utopia (2022 Edition) headphones, another one of my all-time reference headphones. Love the three headphone outputs on the HA 200, and multiplicity of feature switching. You will too!

Thus I have become more and more impressed with T+A, and in a really big way. AXPONA 2023 gave me the opportunity give their line a look-see-hear (where possible).

Featured were the T+A Solitaire S Loudspeakers, driven by the immense H 40 MV monoblocks (550W into 8 ohms; 1kW into 4 ohms) sitting on HRS amp stands. T+A's highest level components, the HV (High Voltage) series, were located on a side wall, in various stacks.

Stacks of T+A electronics...very impressive indeed!

My prior experience with the T+A HA 200 and Solitaire P, together with this show and room is what has got me started into some extreme interest in the T+A HV line.

I'll be publishing the results of my T+A HV line evaluation in the near future...don't miss it.

Meanwhile, here's one of my Audio Oasis! Awards for T+A at AXPONA 2023.

...and finally...

I saw a couple of the best examples of memorable marketing at AXPONA 2023 that I've ever seen.

As in:

You just can't beat this!

Kudos to Kevin Deal and Upscale Audio for making me laugh, big time.


And that's that for the catch-up with AXPONA 2023. I hope that I don't ever have to go through so much disease, death, and health issues with family and friends in anything like the near future.

AXPONA 2024 is coming up in a couple of months. I'm expecting a great show like 2023 was, and I already have many colleagues and friends planning to show up.

Should be a blast! Camera, cigars, Port, great food, primo high-end experiences at the USA's largest audiophile show...what's not to like?!

See you there!

All photographs and image processing by David W. Robinson. Alice in Wonderland drawing by Sir John Tenniel, in the public domain.