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AXPONA 2018, Photo Essay Part 1

04-18-2018 | By Carol Clark | Issue 97

This is the first year Dave and I have attended AXPONA. I quickly learned, it's not just another show. With over 160 rooms, there was a lot of ground to cover. It reminded me of the days of CES, lots of walking and not enough time for listening. There were new products to see, and manufacturers we haven't seen in a long time. We wore ourselves out, walking almost three miles on Friday, and almost four miles on Saturday. Overall, it is a great show, and one that I can only see growing over time. The captions listed below are primarily from door signs outside of rooms. In a few cases, equipment lists were provided.

As always, these show reports are a joint effort on our part. All pictures by Dave Clark (need a better lens and thanks to Lee Shelly, just bought one), words by Carol Clark.


Larsen, Pear Audio Blue, Dr. Vinyl, Levin Design, Audio Skies.


The new Sutherland Phono Loco. This is the newest phono preamp from Sutherland.


Here I am with Ron Sutherland, as he explains the new Phono Loco to Dave and me.


Sonist Audio Concerto 4 Gen 2 loudspeakers, ACE Computers MMS XE/UL media server, Playback Designs Merlot DAC, VAC Sigma 170i iQ integrated amplifier. Presented by Snake River Audio.


GTT Audio & Video, Audionet, Kronos, Kubala-Sosna Research, YG Acoustics.


Kronos turntable.


We met up with Maurice Jeffries, one of our newer writers at Positive Feedback.


Bill Parish and Greg Weaver in deep conversation.


Ayon Audio with yet another impressive array of outstanding products. Lumenwhite Kyara loudspeakers, BBS Audio Rack Systems 3 shelf rack, and an array of Ayon Audio products.


Beautiful Lumenwhite Kyara loudspeakers in French Nut finish.

On display from Ayon Audio, Spheris III preamplifier, CD-35 SACD player DAC/Streamer/DSD, S-10 network streamer/preamplifier.

Here I am with Charlie Harrison of Ayon Audio. It's always great to catch up with him!


And Susan Harrison, I always look forward to seeing her smiling face.


David Cope. Taller than usual.


Axiss Audio is a room that would have benefited from an equipment list. Included in the room were Accuphase, Air Tight, Franco Serblin, Jelco, Piega, Reed, Resolution Audio, Shelter, Soulution, TAOC, Transrotor, and Wireworld.


AXISS Audio room.


AXISS Audio room.


Merging Technologies, Acoustic Geometry, Aurender, MERGING+, Purist Audio Design, Star Sound Technologies.

From Prana Fidelity, purna/ca preamplifier, purna/ma amplifier, Vayu loudspeakers, Erhard Audio Nina tape head preamplifier, Kubala-Sosna cabling, Kuzma turntable, Luxman SACD/CD player.

Robert Youman of Positive Feedback, along with his wife.

On a Higher Note featured Kyomi Audio, Artesania Audio, Gryphon, Jadis, Koetsu, Magnan Cables, Pear Audio Blue.

Audio Thesis, MastersounD, North Star Design, Rosso Fiorentino, Wireworld Cables.

In the Joseph Audio room, wonderful sound from the Pearl 3 loudspeakers. Also featured were Jeff Rowland and Cardas Audio.

The reel-to-reel sound in Joseph's room is always great.

Beautiful Pearl 3 loudspeakers wired with Cardas cables.

The Renaissance Schaumberg had these great lounges on the 15th and 16th floors. This one featured a Kimber/headphone combination. They were very popular.

Gershman Acoustics showed their new Posh loudspeaker, it sounded amazing! Also in the room was VPI, Grande Studio, and VAC.

Ofra Gershman, me, and Christina Yuin.

Refined Audio, Cube Audio, First Watt.

Salk Sound, ANTICABLES, Bybee Technologies, EXOGAL, Wells Audio.

Ryan loudspeakers featured their S-Series stand-mounts. They sounded quite good. Also in the room, EXOGAL and cabling by WyWires.

EXOGAL components in the Ryan Speakers room.

More EXOGAL, this time with Pure Audio Project and WyWires again.

Pure Audio Project, COS Engineering Co. Ltd, VERASTARR, and Whammerdyne.

Stillpoints, Entreq, Rockport Technologies, Shunyata Research, Telos Audio Design, Viola Audio Labs, and Wolf Audio Systems.