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Audio Show Flashback: CES 2010

07-01-2020 | By Carol Clark | Issue 110

Because the Coronavirus has halted audio shows for the foreseeable future, we thought it might be fun to go back and revisit some shows from days gone by. I believe this is the last CES that Dave and I attended.

Rogue Audio

Carol and Mark O'Brien of Rogue Audio.

We can all agree that 2009 was a down year in terms of the economy and certainly of sales related to the high-end. Many manufacturers felt the downward spiral and survived as best they could. What would CES 2010 bring us then? Well from past experiences (15 years and counting) we would say that this year saw a decrease in attendance by a good 30%—not only attendance by the press, dealers, importers, etc, but by the exhibitors as well. Yeah, instead of three floors it was down to two, and in many cases the halls were considerably less crowded than past years. Heck, even the Press Room and Registration Booths for those attending were downsized. No Press lunches!

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four