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The Neoteric Listener - The Black Cat Cable Stargate Series Interconnects

In a world where smiling boxes mysteriously appear on your porch and contain products that may or may not be missing a crucial part, fail to operate after two days, or simply not work right out of the box, high end audio is a welcome relief. Online forum tirades from the bored and disgruntled notwithstanding,... Read More »

Clarus Audiophile Collection - Crimson Cables

I enjoy a good challenge. Whenever a cable review comes my way, I accept wholeheartedly knowing that it will be quite the adventure. I say this because reviewing cables comes with quite the controversy. People seem to have an open mind when it comes to devices with circuitry with respect to a review, maybe because... Read More »

Audience Au24 SX Interconnect, Phono and Speaker Cables: Thin Is In

Cables, cables everywhere. Thin, thick, round, flat, flexible, stiff, heavy, light, silver, copper, gold, silver plated copper, silver with gold. Just about every possible permutation under the sun. That brings us to Audience's latest Au24 SX interconnect and speaker cables. Audience's newest top-of-the-line cables are a rare and endangered breed falling into the thin, light... Read More »

Kubala-Sosna Elation! Full Cable Set Preview

Two gents walk into a bar… So the joke generally begins. Unlike a joke, however musing, what comes next is nothing short of a blockbuster HiFi story worth telling and then some. The two gents in question, Howard Sosna, and Joe Kubala, went on to form what is otherwise known as Kubala-Sosna (or "KS" for... Read More »

Tellurium Q Interconnects and Speaker Cables

I wonder if Geoff Merrigan, the owner and designer of the British company TELLURIUM Q is having nightmares? The question seems to me to be all the more justified, since both him and his company have roots in the pro world, that is, one set on functionality and utilitarianism and reluctant to any experiments. The experiments... Read More »

High Fidelity CT-1 Ultimate Reference Cable System

Few cable manufacturers had the kind of rookie effort Rick had with his first company, Virtual dynamic, in the early 2000s. Like his initial approach, Rick continues to have an unwavering commitment to the use of high powered magnets that surrounds the wire the signal passes through. Rick has several patents, and plenty of data... Read More »

Skogrand Beethoven Cables - A Study In Transparency

It's patently clear after countless years of reviewing that cables can—and often do—make or break the sound of better audio systems. Enter the Skogrand Beethoven speaker cables originally reviewed in Issue 75 of Positive Feedback (HERE). In the end—even with my patience being tested by the Beethoven's long burn-in time—the speaker cables truly excelled when... Read More »

CH Precision Reference Cables

The Age of Bulk Occasionally I invite non-audiophile, classical music aficionados over to listen. I intentionally leave them unprepared for what they will see, except to mention that I'm an audiophile. It's a setup and it always works. They enter my living room and they freeze. After a pause, they point to the Kronos Sparta,... Read More »

Levi's Quickies - Townshend, EAT, and Stax

F1 Fractal™ Interconnect by Townshend Audio On the heels of the ridiculously superb (passive) Allegri+ preamplifier (HERE), with its secret sauce…fractal wire…comes the introduction to America of Townshend F1 Fractal Interconnects. (There are speaker cables also, but I did not have them for review.) The interconnects are extremely exotic looking and terminated in excellent shielded... Read More »

Premier Review of the Kubala-Sosna Sensation Interconnects 

Located between the Emotion and Elation! series of Kubala-Sosna Research cables comes the brand new Sensation Interconnects. A pricing of $5600 per meter does not exactly fall halfway between their $3000 and $6000 per meter cost, respectively, but musically the Sensations eclipse the best of the best I have heard to date. And, as a... Read More »

The State of the Cable Art: van den Hul 3T Mountain Cables, & the Kubala-Sosna Realization Series

Experience, Direct Witness, Astonishment What It Is Across more than forty years I've recorded live jazz in many locations. The list of venues and places has grown long. The number of musicians—great, very good, extraordinary, iconoclastic and, on occasion, startling—has grown even longer. Jim Merod with Ornette Coleman (photograph courtesy of BluePort Records) Early on,... Read More »

Unique Innovation Technology (UIT) Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series: A Postscript

Many of our readers will have read my earlier rave review of the Unique Innovation Technology (UIT) interconnects back in Positive Feedback Issue 92. With some 18 meters of UIT Interconnect included in my two systems, I can now further report on the extraordinary performance of this under-$1000 per meter  interconnect development for audiophiles and music lovers. I... Read More »

Brief Impressions: UIT Perfect Music Purifier Series RCA Cables

Back in Issue 92 of Positive Feedback, Bob Levi did a review of the Unique Innovations Technology (UIT) Perfect Music Purifier Series of audiophile cables that he had recently discovered. According to Bob, the UIT cables provided quite a substantial percentage of top-notch performance at sub-$1000 pricing. In his summary, he stated, "The Unique Innovation Technology... Read More »

Unique Innovation Technology Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series, World Premiere Review

At the recent LA Audio Show packed with manufacturers—many known to me, but also many surprises—I noticed a table loaded with sharp-looking cables and manned by a gentleman I knew: Mitch Ko. His previous company, INEX, built the most fascinating and unusual cables on the planet:  they were made of fiber optic cable and battery powered.... Read More »

Nordost SPM Interconnects and Loudspeaker Cables

This article, by Dave Clark, Victor Chavira, Francisco Duran, and Sherman Hong, originally ran when audioMUSINGS was in print - Issue 1, 1998. At the Hi-Fi 97 Show in San Francisco, Vince Garino and Joe Reynolds of Nordost were most gracious in giving Carol and me a semi-private demonstration of the cable line. The demonstration involved... Read More »

New from TARA Labs - The Muse Cables

One Sunday afternoon we were listening to Krzystof Penderecki's Clarinet Concerto (DUX 0559). This is difficult, contemporary music—difficult enough to turn many listeners off; enough to make your neighbors complain. At 2:20 into the first movement, the solo clarinet plays a series of grace note figures which never fails to take my breath away. It... Read More »

Graham Slee Lautus Analog Interconnect Cables

After a publication gap while I was on vacation recently, John Marks of The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com) returns to grace the pages of Positive Feedback. In this review, he praises the work of Graham Slee. Since John also does work with cables, his Esperanto line, we would normally not publish any commentary...but how can one be unimpressed... Read More »

Music Interface Technologies ACC169 Speaker Interface and Oracle MA-X SHD XLR Interconnects

Music Interface Technologies (MIT) products have had a place in my system on and off over the last twenty years. From the MI-850 Tri-wire designed for my long lost and loved Avalon Radian speakers to the subject of this review, the ACC169 Speaker Interface and the Oracle MA-X SHD XLR Interconnects. In that time I... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - The Luminist Revision Neptune Cables from Purist Audio Design

Cables, cables, cables. What are we supposed to do? Yeah, there are those who feel that regardless of what one hears, they can't be hearing what they are hearing, because, well you can't hear that as cables done correctly do nothing... to the sound. That is, cables cannot make a difference as long as they... Read More »
