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Unique Innovation Technology (UIT) Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series: A Postscript

09-28-2017 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 93

Unique Innovation Technology Interconnect

Many of our readers will have read my earlier rave review of the Unique Innovation Technology (UIT) interconnects back in Positive Feedback Issue 92.

With some 18 meters of UIT Interconnect included in my two systems, I can now further report on the extraordinary performance of this under-$1000 per meter  interconnect development for audiophiles and music lovers. I found only two applications where I cannot recommend the UIT, while in all other significant applications UIT cables scored from excellent to superior.

First of all, the UIT Interconnect is not suitable for tonearm wire. It has the wrong impedance according to the designer, Mitch Ko. I tried it anyway and he is right. The balanced UIT cable following the E.A.R. tube phono stage, connecting it to the E.A.R. 912 tube preamp, works well and is exceedingly lovely.

The connection from solid-state phono stages, such as the E.A.R. 324, is also not automatically recommended, as my testing shows that the UIT cable is so neutral as to allow the 324 to just sound a bit too solid-state. As the UIT has virtually no sonic signature, it has little use as a tone control. The UIT allowed me to hear the extreme neutrality of the 324, and that the Stein Aventurin was ringing at the current impedance that sounded best. This is where you must use the wire that makes this all work, so I dropped in the Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnect ($3000 meter), and problem was solved immediately. I still used the UIT between the Townshend Allegri and E.A.R. V12 integrated, where all of these changes resulted in exceedingly gorgeous LP playback. 

Further, UIT does not make speaker cables at this time, so I use both Kubala-Sosna Elation speaker cables and Jorma Origo speaker cables.

I tried the UIT between my ModWright Sony 9000 digital player with Dan Wright's Signature Truth Modification, which was usually connected with my other (more expensive) references. It became even more detailed and entertaining with the UIT . I was surprised and pleased that the Dan Wright modified Sony was so elegant sounding that a very neutral UIT interconnect revealed more of its musical beauty than ever before.

Between my state of the art E.A.R. Acute 4 DAC and transport and E.A.R. 912 preamp, I have not found a cable more musical and real sounding than the UIT. I do not have any wires in house that beat it in this application at any price. 

The E.A.R. Acute 3 tube CD player performed superbly with the UIT. Also containing two tubes, the Acute had been tube-rolled with NOS Mullard and Phillips tubes and their inner strengths and superb definition were enhanced by the UIT. UIT cable is very highly recommended with DACs and universal disk players producing a more analog presentation. 

Long runs of UIT perform perfectly. I use two five meter lengths of the UIT with no problems to report. Quite the contrary, the pristine neutrality of the UIT cable stays very stable, while the elegant beauty of the musical source is communicated intact. LPs, SACDs, and Hi-Rez sources were alive with top-notch definition and dynamic punch. 

I mentioned in my original review the positive effect of UIT cable on great classic FM tuners. I tested the UIT cable on a Marantz 10B, Day Sequerra FM Reference, MD 108, Dyna FM-3, Scott 350, and McIntosh MR-71. All of the tuners were quieter with the UIT cables in place. I do not know why. All performed with subtle reductions in distortion and fuzz. All retained or showed increased definition. All had greater overall clarity to various degrees. Please see my original review for the technical details of UIT.

I have now tried both their UIT Headphone Cable Extender and the UIT wires designed to fit my Audeze LCD-X headphones. The extender may be used with all dynamic cans using 6.5mm plugs, and I tried it everywhere! All 9 dynamic cans in the house showed an improvement that I'd say was in the 10-15% range for added air and definition with the UIT Extender in the circuit. The UIT Audeze wires on their own contain a PMP module. No extender needed. I compared them to the Kimber Axios cables. Where the Axios wires enhanced the midrange primarily, the UIT brought an enhancement from top to bottom, favoring no range over another. I am splitting hairs here, but for CD quality resolution I preferred the Axios. For 24/96 and up, I preferred the UIT with the Audeze headphones.

My only quibble with the UIT cables after much use is as follows:  First, the lovely balanced XLR connectors fit well, but do not lock. I like a locking XLR best. Second, if your gear is all solid-state, I am not 100% sure the neutral UIT cables will be perfect for you. You'll have to use your own ears to check the match-up in your own system. The good news is UIT offers a 30-day return policy for any cables you do not want to keep.

Of all my many friends who bought UIT cables, only one returned them. No problems. All my other friends bought more!


Unique Innovation Technology Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series located throughout my two systems have proven themselves worthy of being called "Audiophile References." What makes this important is their approximately $750 per meter price, sold direct. 

The UIT are something entirely new, not some ancient dredged-up technology. I have searched far and wide for high-quality, well-made, musically-exceptional, and truly-neutral interconnects top to bottom, in this price range. I have finally found them, and can now recommend a really top-notch wire at a sub-$1000 price range that is mostly known for serious musical compromises in performance. I believe Unique Innovation Technology Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series cables are the top cables available today based on my long experience, with more definition and more neutrality, in the under-$2000 per meter category.

I highly recommend them. They belong in your "audiophile reference" repertoire. 

Now Mitch, how about some speaker cables please?

Perfect Music Purifier (PMP) Interconnect Series

Retail: $790 for 1.5 meters RCA terminations

Retail: $835 for 1.5 meters XLR terminations

Mitch Ko, Unique Innovation Technology



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