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AXPONA 2019, Photo Essay Part 1

04-19-2019 | By Carol Clark | Issue 102

axpona 2019

Grandinote MACH 4 loudspeakers.

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Grandinote Shinai integrated amplifier, Volta music server, Celio phono stage. Funk Firm Vector V - FX-3 turntable and tone arm, London Jubilee phono cartridge. All cabling by Luna Cables, Modulum Audio rack and speaker platforms.

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Funk Firm Vector V - FX-3 turntable and tone arm.

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Ryan Speakers also always has a great sounding room. Included were the S610 loudspeakers, $3995. Vincent Audio SA 32 hybrid preamplifier, $995, and SP332 hybrid amplifier, $1995. Cabling by Cardas Audio, including Clear Beyond interconnects and power cables, Clear Cygnus speaker cables, Clear Premium USB cables, and a Nautilus power strip. Pangea Audio Vulcan shelf at like $200. AURALiC Aries G1 wireless streaming bridge, and Vega G1 digital audio processor.

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AURALiC, Pangea, Vincent, and Cardas in the Ryan Speakers room. Always impressed with Ryan and whomever else is in the room... after-all one is listening to the system and not just A or B or C.

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Eikon Audio.

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Nokturne Audio, Harmoni Racks, Lejonklou HiFi, NOKTable. Old skool.

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Audiogen, Black Cat Cables, WAVAC Audio Lab.

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This room featured DeVore Fidelity loudspeakers and WAVAC amplifier. Way nice.

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Evolution Acoustics loudspeakers.

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Merging Technologies.

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Wave Kinetics, darTZeel, Durand Tonearms, Analog Audio, ATR Services.

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Rutherford Audio.

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Also in this room, stunning Gold Note turntable and electronics. we have reviewed them both here in PF.

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Muzen Audio with a lineup of radios. They had a table in the Marketplace where you could buy one for yourself, but in this exhibit room you could see an artfully set up display and learn more about the history. In addition to being a radio these devices with stream Bluetooth. Pretty cool products, and really put out pretty amazing sound.

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The Muzen Original.

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Tenacious Sound had two rooms. This one featured TAD Evolution E1tx loudspeakers, $27,995. Also the AXPONA debut of CODA Technologies Model 8, v2 amplifier, $6200, as well as the world premiere of 07x FED preamplifier, $6500, and 06x phono preamplifier, $4800. Sounded really good, and a decent selection of music playing! Audience cabling, Wolf Audio Systems Alpha 3 music server, TAD DA1000 DAC, SolidSteel Rack.

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Tenacious Sound, Dr. Feickert Analogue turntable with Koetsu.

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Shayne Tenace of Tenacious sound is a really great guy, and both of his rooms sounded phenomenal. Included in this room were Audience Cables, CODA Technoloties, Eggleston Works, Primare, WAND, and Wolf Audio Systems. Loved this room!

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A close up of the Eggleston Works Nico Evo loudspeakers, $4295.

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WAND turntable and tone arm. Gorgeous to look at, a joy to listen to.

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Close up of the WAND turntable.

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Also in this room, Eggleston Works Kiva loudspeakers, $14,995. This is the first time these speakers have been actively demonstrated at any show in the world. Rich, full sound that was incredible! In fact...

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Shayne had Qobuz available. As I mentioned in my Brutus Award article (HERE), Qobuz features HiRes files of The Soft Moon. When I was asked what I wanted to hear, you know what I chose:

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I cranked the volume up, and even Sunil sitting behind me seemed mesmerized at the sound. It's not often you find exhibitors who are willing to give up three to four minutes to let me play music that is not the audiophile norm. As both Dave and I have said countless times, in order to really appreciate gear it needs to be heard with music you can connect to. I still connect to this, and I spent three and a half minutes totally transported. Both the Tenacious Sound rooms were great, but this one took the edge.