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Audiophiles as Artists - Chris Morris

Originally published in Issue 104. Twenty questions with an audiophile who is also an artist. For this Audiophiles as Artists, we feature Chris Morris. What's your background? I grew up on a farm in eastern Colorado. No town or major population to speak of, lots of time to myself and explore the world around me. It... Read More »

Stereovox SEI-600 Interconnects

This article, as reviewed by David Robinson originally ran in Issue 3, October/November 2002, so while we call this section "New Old Stock - Articles from Our Days in Print" you are also going to see some articles from our early days of going online. Yowzah! Cables Again! The world of cable/interconnect reviewing is a... Read More »

Flashback: California Audio Show 2018

Although some audio shows are finally back on this year, we are still mostly on hiatus. In the mean time, take a trip down Memory Lane with two reports on the California Audio Show, 2018, Oakland, CA. Read this report from Malachi Kenney: Come a little closer. I want to tell you a secret. Are... Read More »

The New First Watt F8 Stereo Amplifier from Nelson Pass: Time Travel In a Black Box!

Whether musing about the greater understanding the Belle II particle physics experiment at KEK may bring to questions around Standard Model predictions, dark matter, and the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the universe, or the exciting themes of parallel universes, the multiverse, and time travel that we see imaginatively explored in science fiction, physics... Read More »

PS Audio Stellar PowerPlant 3

There was hum in my system! It was the dreaded 60 cycle hum. So was it caused by a faulty power supply, or a power transformer too close to a high gain amplifier? No, more likely the progenitor of this problem was electromagnetic coupling somewhere in the cabling. Experimentation narrowed my search for the source... Read More »

Circle Labs A200 Integrated Amplifier - Thank You

Gratitude, or the expression thereof, is a universal struggle today. There is a lot going on, and we all are a little on edge, are we not? Billy Joel described it right in 1989 when he said so eloquently: "We didn't start the fire." Music is a great way to break the firefighting that goes... Read More »

Diffusion Confusion?

Norman Varney of AV RoomService Ltd. has joined Positive Feedback as a Senior Technical Editor as of Issue 113. His expertise in his field of audio acoustics and experience in the field makes him a helpful voice in our creative community for the audio arts. As has been our wont from the beginning of PF,... Read More »

Colored Vinyl

Colored vinyl, or a few words about the phenomenon of colored vinyl with the Komeda Quintet's Astigmatic in the version released on the artists 90th birthday as an example. Colored vinyl LPs are flooding shops and the Internet. What's the point in that? Do consumers really get more or is it just a way to... Read More »

May The Circle Remain Unbroken: A Tribute to Roky Erickson

Roger Kynard "Roky" Erickson was, if nothing else, a Texas original. As founder of Austin's Thirteenth Floor Elevators, he was on the cutting edge of the first wave of psychedelia when the band's most noteworthy song, "You're Gonna Miss Me" ascended from a regional hit to crack the national charts in early 1966. One month... Read More »

Patricia Barber, Clique

I wasn't raised from birth to be a jazz-hound; that came about as a happy accident of Reaganomics, where I suddenly found myself out of a job, and ended up working again in 1990 in the commercial print industry. Where I spent the next seven years in a 1940's era bunker of a building that... Read More »

Siltech Silver-Cables

Die niederländische Kabelmanufaktur Siltech hat ihr umfangreiches Angebot an Cinch- und XLR-Kabeln in interessanten Preisklassen aktualisiert. Diese neuen, aber auch das etablierte Crown Princess konnte ich ausgiebig testen. Können sie ähnlich beeindrucken wie kürzlich die Siltech-USB-Kabel?
