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Luxman LX-380 Integrated

The image above is presented as proof of my credentials for reviewing vacuum tube integrated amplifiers. The photo of my younger son was taken two decades ago sitting next to the Air Tight Acoustic Masterpiece M-101 integrated amplifier (audioMusings Issue 6, 1998 HERE). The infant is now a grown man and moved on to pursue his... Read More »

ESS 422H Headphones – A Quick Take

David Williamson, with additional comments from David W. Robinson Some days it's tough being the source for headphone recommendations among my friend group. First, there's an overwhelming amount of digital advertisements for "premium" and "cutting-edge" headphones crowding everyone's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds that one must contend with. Every social-media-derived question seems to be about... Read More »

Old Ears, New Tracks: Volume One

The premise is simple enough:  I key in on seven albums that are brand new to me. They could have been released at any point and time throughout history. Their format may be CD, Vinyl, Cassette Tape, or Streaming…who cares?! The albums may technically be singles or they may be EPs…again, who cares?! This is... Read More »

The 15th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2018

Beginning at the end of 2003, PF established its first annual awards for fine audio. The Brutus Award was established for the best that David Robinson and Dave Clark (and Carol Clark) had heard in their own listening rooms during that year. You can think of it as our equivalent of an "Editors' Choice" award. The Gizmo... Read More »

R+C+L, Part 2:  Roger Skoff Writes More About Cables and What Really Matters

Roger Skoff at the LAOC Audio Society Gala Banquet, 2018:  a portrait by David W. Robinson In Part 1 of this two-part article, I pointed out that we audiophiles are the only fan group I know of who argue, not just about which stuff is better, but about whether, for some products, there's any difference... Read More »

RMAF 2018 - Why We Listen: Music Changes Lives

At Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2018, I was asked to participate in a panel titled Why We Listen: Music Changes Lives. I didn't realize what they meant is that they wanted me to moderate the panel. To ease the stress of moderating my first audio show panel, I was given the opportunity to choose the... Read More »

Second Report:  The MAG-LEV ML1 Levitating Turntable

It's time for an update on the MAG-LEV ML1 levitating turntable. You'll find my world premiere review HERE. After four months in heavy use and with my modifications on board, I am pleased to report that the ML1, for all its novelty and glamour, is also a high performing, exceptionally musical turntable, even for the... Read More »

Audio Gangsters:  I’m With The Mob

It seems like such a long time ago since I last dropped in and shared my audio adventures with you guys. Well, I got a good one for ya in this episode of Wayne's World. I don't quite remember how it all got started, but more than likely I was bragging to David Robinson about... Read More »

RMAF 2018 - Creating the Future of the High-End

The following video is from RMAF 2018 where we discussed ways to increase the diversity in the audiophile community. Not only shows, but consumers as well. A lot to digest, to distill, and to build upon. Look for an article summarizing what we discussed soon, but till then.... stop denigrating people (age, gender, etc.) for their... Read More »

R+C+L, Part 1

Roger Skoff writes about the ongoing war over cables and what really matters Roger Skoff at the LAOC Audio Society Gala Banquet, 2018:  a portrait by David W. Robinson I've said it before, and you've seen it before:  We audiophiles, unlike any other group of fans or hobbyists that I know of, are always at... Read More »

The Bergmann Audio Odin Linear Tracking Tonearm

The Odin currently marks Bergmann's flagship in their range of air bearing tonearms. Head of company Johnnie Bergmann did not design it specifically for one of his turntables, but as a tonearm that is intended for universal application also on turntables from other manufacturers. Whilst visiting the company's headquarters in the Danish town of Hobro... Read More »

Improved Digital Conversion the CH Precision HD Upgrade

What's New? I've calculated that every time I leave my apartment, it costs me $50 on average. In an odd way, that makes me feel patriotic, like I'm doing my bit to keep the consumer economy humming. Doesn't it make me a good citizen? It was late summer and the doldrums had set in, so... Read More »

Magnum Dynalab MD 109 SE FM Tuner

  A tuner can deliver to the ardent music lover a huge selection of live and recorded music from a myriad of musical genres and can be educational and unwaveringly pleasurable invented in 1933 by engineer Edwin Armstrong, wide-band FM is used worldwide to provide high-fidelity sound over broadcast radio. FM broadcasting is capable of... Read More »

From an Editor’s Notebook: Glances in the Rearview Mirror

Ye Olde Editor, late summer 2018:  a portrait by John Robinson A late-year glance backwards. Memory, music, people, associations… "No sooner had the warm liquid mixed with the crumbs touched my palate than a shudder ran through me and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary thing that was happening to me. An exquisite pleasure had... Read More »

AGD Production Vivace GaNTube Monoblock Amplifiers

I hear this term thrown around loosely... "disruptive product," sometimes appropriately used... however in this case, we have a winner. I've been on a mission lately, unintentional as it may seem, to be reviewing Class-D based amplifiers. Talk about a dirty word. I've had so many in an out of here, my head is spinning.... Read More »

Light Eternal, The Choral Music of Morten Lauridsen (Trailer)

John Marks' latest recommendation from his The Tannhauser Gate blog site follows. As always, his recommendations are worth noting. David W. Robinson, Ye Olde Editor Friday, November 9 (2018), Deutsche Grammophon will release the CD Light Eternal—The Choral Music of Morten Lauridsen. Amazon's pre-order price for the CD is $12.59, which is a truly excellent price. But... Read More »

ORG's Reissue of Dave Brubeck's Time In

ORG Music, ORGM 1040, LP $27.99, available everywhere For a guy who has owned umpteen copies of Time Out over the years, everything from an early pressing to one of those JVC Super Bit-Mapped CDs to the latest LP remastering from Analogue Productions, my record collection is suspiciously devoid of Dave Brubeck records. Other than... Read More »

Issac Hayes, Shaft

Ratings Global Appreciation: 9.5 - Music: A - Recording: 9.5 - Mastering: 9.5 - Lacquer Cutting: 9.5 - Pressing: 9.5 - Packaging: fairly good gatefold + poly-lined paper inner sleaves Category: Memphis soul, funk, protodisco, soul-jazz, Blaxploitation soundtrack style. Format: Vinyl (2x 130 to 150 gram approx. LPs at 33 1/3 rpm) Credits Composed and Produced by... Read More »

The Audiophobe File:  A Safe Place To Scream!

This article by Laura Lovell ran when Positive Feedback was in print. Volume 9, No. 1, Fall 2000 I WANT MY OWN DAMN LISTENING ROOM!!!! So screeches Inner Miss Selfishness. Actually, I didn't understand this need until quite recently, when my husband Ross informed me that I wanted one. He also told me that I am to Build A Kit,... Read More »
