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Puccini, Arias

Angela Gheorghiu, soprano; *Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden; Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi/Anton Coppola; +Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Antonio Pappano. EMI Classics 50999 9 65938 2 0. TT: 73.35 Madama Butterfly: Un bel dì vedremo; Tu, tu, piccolo Iddio (with Roberto Alagna, tenor). Edgar: Addio, mio dolce amor*; Nel... Read More »

Radio Free Chip

Confession is Good for the Soul Those few pilgrims who've remained in touch, and kept up to date with RADIO FREE CHIP's infrequent musings, might just recollect how a persistent and recurring theme of recent columns centered around how contented I was with my rig, how my system had evolved to the point where I... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - The CORE and EDGE from Antipodes Audio, Part 1

So it is now 2017, and many of us music lovers and gear nuts have moved into the area of playing back our music files (streamed or downloaded from the internet or ripped from a CD) in some fashion. The world of computer-based audio has evolved from using an off-the-shelf PC or Mac to do... Read More »

The Greatest Tail-Chaser of Them All

Roger Skoff Comments on the State of Music and Our Hobby Most of us will never sit on the stage at a concert of any kind. Neither will we ever have the opportunity to actually see—either by our physical presence or even through pictures—our favorite music of whatever kind being performed or recorded. Even so,... Read More »

Fidelizer's Nimitra and Nikola Linear Power Supply

Fidelizer Nimitra About two months into my first job—bagging groceries—I had a recurring nightmare. Mid-conversation I would discover I was sitting cross-legged on the counter next to the register wearing only my boxer shorts. Writing about computer audio makes me feel, well, let me say my nightmares involve fewer clothes these days. As foreshadowing for... Read More »

Grado Labs Prestige Black2 Phono Cartridge: A World Premier Review

Have I got great news for you! The development of the brilliant, new Epoch $12,000 Grado Lineage Series Cartridge (see my review of it in PF Issue 92 HERE), incorporating unique and inventive engineering galore, caused the design team headed by John Grado himself to rethink the entire cartridge line-up! This includes their entry-level cartridges.... Read More »

Franco Serblin Lignea

Die Franco Serblin Lignea ist ein sehr ausgefallener Lautsprecher, wohl schon eine Skulptur. Einzigartig ist das Design, jedoch keineswegs willkürlich. Seine Schöpfer, Franco Serblin hat seine Lignea selber nie gehört.

Audia Flight FLS 10

Der neue Audia Flight FLS 10 Vollverstärkers war auf der diesjährigen Highend zu besichtigen. Hören konnte man ihn jedoch noch nicht. Es dauerte noch zwei weitere Monate, bis er das angestrebte technische und musikalische Niveau erreichte.

SWR Vokalensemble, Marcus Creed: Morton Feldman, "Rothko Chapel"

Our fellow voyager and good audio friend, the esteemed John Marks, he of The Tannhauser Gate blog site, strikes out in a direction in this article that speaks to me. It's the moving and deeply inward world of Morton Feldman's Rothko Chapel, a commissioned composition both celebrating and creating the spiritual framework for the edifice of that... Read More »

Rocky Mountain Audiofest 2017: Revamped, Refreshed and Reinvigorated!

At last! The construction that plagued last year's Rocky Mountain Audiofest is history and the show is back to normal. Improved sleeping rooms. Much larger restaurant with the same amount of help. The same nice friendly staff. The Marriot's tower section packed with audio equipment of all shapes and sizes from the Mezzanine to the... Read More »

Ripping CDs Made Easy...The Acronova Nimbie USB Plus Disc Autoloader

Ripping CDs is a job that's easy to put off.  "Honey, what's the plan for these CDs?" my wife says sweetly. I may be a little obtuse at times, but even I speak enough Spouse to know that what she really means is, "When are you going to get off your duff and do something... Read More »

SPEC RSA-F33EX Integrated Amplifier

The SPEC company and its founder, Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki, as well as its main constructor, Mr. Banno Tsutomu, have a special place in my heart. I was the first person from outside Japan to test the company's products and my relationship with Mr. Shirokazu is especially close. It was no coincidence that he described the... Read More »

Marek Pospieszalski

Marek Pospieszalski, gra piosenki, które śpiewał Frank Sinatra Marek Pospieszalski MP001, Medium: Compact Disc. Date of release: 15th March 2017 A parcel with Marek Pospieszalski's album was sent from my home city of Cracow. It is modest, released in a digipack without any booklet, with minimum lettering imprinted on the CD and is – let me tell... Read More »

From Clark Johnsen’s Diary: Tone, Tweaks, & Digitalia: Paradigms Lost…

This article, by Clark Johnsen, originally ran when Positive Feedback was in print - Volume 8, Issue 2, 1999 I. In The Beginning Was The Tone The amiable, estimable John Marks (or is that, inestimable?), before appearing on the cover of our previous issue, addressed in TAS #115 the vital topic of how to engage (or is that,... Read More »

The Linear Tube Audio Micro ZOTL MZ2 Headphone Amplifier/Preamplifier and ZOTL 40 Amplifier

When I listened to the Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S (read that review HERE) I was hoping to pair them with the Linear Tube Audio Micro ZOTL MZ2 preamp/heaphone amp and ZOTL 40 power amp. Clayton Shaw of Spatial audio opined that the pairing of the LTA components driving his M3 Turbo S was magical,... Read More »

GTT Audionet Launch

Lynn in the BIG room Last year Lynn and I trekked out to New Jersey for the YG Acoustics Sonja XV speaker press event. That roll out went so well that GTT Audio staged a reprise this year for the launch of the Audionet Heisenberg amplifier and Stern preamp. So, Lynn and I recently returned... Read More »

Parasound Halo JC 3 Jr. Phono Preamplifier by John Curl:  Premier Review

Having known the legendary John Curl's work since he did the JC2 Preamplifier for Levinson in 1972, a ground-breaking design for solid-state, and every bit as competitive as the tubed ARC SP-3a-1 of the era, I fearlessly replaced my current mega phono gear, both tube and solid-state, with the Parasound Halo JC 3 Jr. Phono Preamplifier, costing just... Read More »

Shiitr Show 2

Brian Hunter of Audiohead volunteered to cover this for Positive Feedback as we could not make it... As always with Schiit Audio, good time was had. Schiit Audio's second live stream event (and IRL event) took place last Friday to address the company's newest 3 products the Magni 3, the Loki mini and a prototype... Read More »

Lars Jakob Rudjord's Indiepiano on LP

Fyrlyd Records FYRLYDLP1602, available at http://fyrlyd.no/ for 389 NOK "I'm a huge fan of those guys." Music reviewers aren't supposed to admit to such things. We're supposed to be objective in our approach to something that's almost perfectly subjective. We're supposed to accurately describe the release, offer some sort of reference for the reader that... Read More »
