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Shiitr Show 2

10-22-2017 | By Editors at Positive Feedback | Issue 94

Brian Hunter of Audiohead volunteered to cover this for Positive Feedback as we could not make it... As always with Schiit Audio, good time was had.

Schiit Audio's second live stream event (and IRL event) took place last Friday to address the company's newest 3 products the Magni 3, the Loki mini and a prototype form of a digital pitch shifter called the Gadget. The budget-friendly company recently opened a retail space in close proximity to Los Angeles in downtown Newhall appropriately named the Schiitr.

The Shiitr Show 2 was hosted by co owners Mike Moffat and Jason Stoddard and walked down the finer points of the latest crop of releases including the latest iteration of the popular $99 headphone amplifier Magni 3, now with 2W of current feedback output.

Jason's T-shirt for the day read "We're heretics, not monsters" referring to the mini-sized Loki, a 4-band equalizer intended to land in between the matching Modi 2 Uber DAC and Magni 3 for a Schiit sandwich on your desktop, if you are into that kind of thing.

You can check out the Facebook Livestream direct from the event here on Schiit's page HERE.

The upcoming Gadget from Mike Moffat takes a bit more explaining than your average component to fully grasp the concept, so you can find a video interview with him explaining it HERE.