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Brief Notes from an Editor's Notebook: More on Gold Note…the PH-1000 Phono Stage

06-10-2022 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 121

Ye Olde Editor, a moment. Happy Valley, OR, 2018 (Photograph by John Robinson; image processing by YOE)

Continuing my brief notes on Gold Note from last month, and progressing onwards in their designs, here's the June installment of what's up with this impressive audio company. Combining audio-technical achievements with a fine sense of design aesthetics, I have been very impressed with the audio arts coming out of Italy via Gold Note.

To repeat what I wrote last month, I am not alone at Positive Feedback in my growing enthusiasm for Gold Note. As I said a few weeks back, our PF archives reveal the following earlier reviews of Gold Note by others here:

Dave Clark on the Gold Note PH-10 Phono Stage HERE. His notes on the Gold Note Mediterraneo Turntable, B 5.1 Arm, and Donatello MC Cartridge are HERE

Dean Seislove commented on the Mediterraneo Turntable and PH-10 Phono Stage HEREABOUTS, while Larry Cox added his response to the PH-10 Phono Stage OVER YON.

Gold Note is continuing its 10th Anniversary with a series of YouTube teasers. As I said last month, they are short, but extraordinarily artful. Very high-quality computer graphics are at play.

The second of these has been published, concentrating on the Gold Note PH-1000. I'm in the final stage of writing up the PH-1000 Phono Stage with its dedicated PSU-1250 Power Supply (optional) as part of a highly synergistic analog playback chain. Stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, those interested can check out the second of the Gold Note 10th Anniversary series of YouTube videos HEREABOUTS.

I'll continue to give you a brief update each month as each new Gold Note product and YouTube links are released.