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The Legacy Continues – The Valve Amplification Company (VAC) Renaissance SE Phono Stage

Over the last two years, I have been on a determined mission to find a standalone phono stage for my system. I have been experimenting with both solid state and tube phono stages at several different price points. I have posted a few reviews, but not for everything that has entered my listening room. The... Read More »

Audio Note (UK) Tomei 211 SET Integrated Amplifier and M3 RIAA Phono Preamplifier: The Third Realm!

I've been pondering how best to write up this article about my listening experiences with the Audio Note (UK) Tomei 211 single-ended-triode (SET) integrated amplifier, and M3 RIAA phono preamplifier, for a while now. I'll start by saying the Tomei 211 integrated amplifier (left) and M3 RIAA phono preamplifier (right) are easily the highest performing... Read More »

Zesto Audio Andros Spirit Phonostage World Premier

The Zesto Audio Andros Spirit Phonostage (image courtesy of Zesto Audio) The new Zesto Audio Andros Spirit Phonostage is an inexpensive wonder. It is so precisely cut from the same cloth as the Andros II and Deluxe II, all tubes all the time, that the audiophile will forget the small differences and accept the Spirit... Read More »

Mola Mola Lupe Phono stage

The Dutch company Mola Mola was founded in 2012. Its founders were Bruno Putzeys and Jan-Peter van Amerongen; both knew each other from their work for Hypex. Their first products, a line preamplifier and a power amplifier with nCore modules operating in class D, were presented at the 2012 Munich High End Show. We test... Read More »

Krell K300p Phono Stage

One of the hooks that grabbed me when I first fell for high end audio was that it totally aligned with my need to obsess over whatever brand of gizmo or gadget that caught my eye. After all, my entire childhood was defined by a series of brands I'd obsess about from the likes of... Read More »

Trumpet MC Phono Stage from Hagerman Audio Labs

This third incarnation of the Trumpet MC Phono Stage is a musical blockbuster. With an amazing purity combined with near reference definition, the listener will be transported to the event as close as the vinyl allows. Very flexible and versatile, the Trumpet heralds a breakthrough performance similar to my reference stages at a quarter of the cost... Read More »

The Simaudio Moon 810LP Phono Preamplifier - A Flagship Offering that Checks all the Boxes and More

As I continue to re-evaluate my system, I have been auditioning various standalone tube phono preamplifiers. I am a big fan of utilizing tubes in the front end of my system when paired with solid-state preamplifiers and/or amplifiers. The unwritten rule claimed by many audiophiles is that there must be tubes somewhere in the system... Read More »

Affordable Magic - the SOTA Pyxi Phono Stage

Recently, I was reading about a leading industry engineer who strived for components that were "one-noters." What they meant by that phrase was simple: a piece of audio gear should create an impact in your listening environment from the first note you hear through it. Tall order. It certainly gave me pause for thought. How... Read More »

Running the Gamut- PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamplifier

The Stellar Phono Preamplifier is now the third piece from PS Audio's Stellar line that has graced my listening room. Somehow, while it was exceptionally difficult, I mustered the gumption to return those first two amazing pieces back to PS Audio after the earlier reviews. However, this may be the phono stage that I cannot... Read More »

McIntosh MP100 Phono Preamplifier

If you are a reader of this esteemed publication it is not a stretch to presume you are an audiophile and probably pretty deep into our wonderful hobby. Having said that, I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone amongst us who has not heard of, listened to, or even owned McIntosh components... Read More »

The Pass Labs XP-17 - a Phono Preamplifier with Sublimely Transparent Sonics

I was student-teaching at Whitney Young Magnet High School and waiting tables several nights a week at Reza's, an upscale Persian restaurant in Chicago's River North neighborhood. Now closed, in 1994 this posh eatery sat on the site of the former Berghoff's Brewery on Ontario Avenue just west of the Rte. 94 turnoff. Before the... Read More »

Dynamic Sounds Associates Phono III Preamplifier

With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music where Greg Weaver shares his thoughts on the Dynamic Sounds Associates Phono III Preamplifier. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Exceptional performance, and versatility to match. Review By Greg Weaver Illustrious Beginnings I first met Dr. Douglas Hurlburt, the incredible force behind Dynamic Sounds Associates, in... Read More »

Impressions – A Study in Synergy, Part the Last, at last! Dohmann Audio, Schröder, Phasemation, & Gold Note

David W. Robinson in Jerusalem, Israel, 2022: a portrait by John Robinson The Dohmann Audio Helix Two Mk2 Turntable, Schröder CB-11 Tonearm, Phasemation PP-2000 MC cartridge, & the Gold Note PH-1000 Phono Stage with PSU-1250 Power Supply Part the First of my reflections on the superb synergy of the Gold Note PH-1000/PSU-1250 Phono Stage, the... Read More »

Impressions – A Study in Synergy, Part the First:  Dohmann Audio Helix Two Mk2 Turntable, Schröder CB-11 Tonearm, Phasemation PP-2000 MC cartridge, & the Gold Note PH-1000 Phono Stage with PSU-1250 Power Supply

  Ye Olde Editor, 2022: a portrait in Ink Outline (photograph by John Robinson; image processing by Ye Olde himself). A Study in Synergy There's that word again. As defined online by Oxford Languages, synergy is "the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater... Read More »

Brief Notes from an Editor's Notebook: More on Gold Note…the PH-1000 Phono Stage

Ye Olde Editor, a moment. Happy Valley, OR, 2018 (Photograph by John Robinson; image processing by YOE) Continuing my brief notes on Gold Note from last month, and progressing onwards in their designs, here's the June installment of what's up with this impressive audio company. Combining audio-technical achievements with a fine sense of design aesthetics,... Read More »

Paradox Pulse Signature 70 Phonostage and Pulse Guard R RSG Cartridge Upgrades

In 2019 I reviewed the Paradox Pulse Signature 70 MC Phono Preamp. I was so engrossed with it that I actually bought one along with the Paradox Pulse Guard R SMR Cartridge that I also reviewed around the same time. In the subsequent two years since my purchase Terence Robinson has upgraded both pieces with... Read More »

The Parks Audio Puffin Phono Stage - Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc…

So why all the Etc's? Because, while nominally an affordable MM/MC phono stage, the Parks Audio Puffin incorporates a flock of features and functions simply unavailable in phono stages commanding ten times the asking price ($489 to $639 depending on options). OK, not at any price. But for starters, the Puffin does do the phono... Read More »

Parks Audio's Almost New Puffin

I am happy to tell you about a little device that will do things you might never imagine possible. It is something that feeds my restless pursuit of perfect sound. You might simply call it a phono stage. But that would be like a fairy tale with only the, "They lived happily ever after" ending.... Read More »

Zesto Audio Andros Téssera Reference Vacuum Tube Phonostage Preamplifier:  World Premiere!

I had the good fortune of reviewing the excellent original Andros Téssera, which when spiced up with a few Mullard tubes, revealed extraordinary musical performance. I have since purchased a Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phonostage with the introduction of the new tube combination and the massive upgrade in the power supply. Unlike the Téssera I reviewed,... Read More »
