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New from the audio analyst©, Part 3 – Virtual High End Munich – And You Thought AXPONA 2024 was Big!

06-05-2024 | By Greg Weaver | Issue 133

While AXPONA represents the largest hi-fi show in the US, High End Munich, held each May at Munich's monstrous Order Center, is the largest, most well-attended audio show on planet Earth!

With the first of my episodes from this year's event, episode 175, I've included a virtual walk from the stairway in front of the third floor of Hall four, across the connecting walkway, and then the full length of its two, long, parallel corridors. Finally, we'll go back down to the ground floor, exit Hall Four, go outside into its atrium, and walk from Hall Four to Hall One along the MOC's dedicated access road, so you can get a sense of just how massive the MOC is.

E175: High End Munich 2024: The Munich Order Center - https://youtu.be/Q4Hf_55fzV0

This year, I was prohibited from accessing the exhibit floors before the show opened, and therefore prevented from keeping appointments I had made to record videos in rooms with several manufacturers.

One room that I was able to keep that appointment in, one that was quite important to me as it saw the launch of a number of the most significant products introduced at this year's event, is presented here. I think you'll understand just how significant the Munich show is after you see this one.

E176: High End Munich 2024: Kronos, Mola Mola, Kubala•Sosna & Vivid - https://youtu.be/XQSb_PbE9io

Lastly in this installment, episode 177, I will share coverage of three more simply remarkable rooms I visited while in Munich, two at the MOC, and one at the renegade show held coincident with High End Munich every year, HiFi Deluxe, just three miles to the southwest of the MOC at the Munich Marriott Hotel.

E177: High End Munich 2024: Alsyvox, Gryphon, & Master Fidelity - https://youtu.be/PWc6uivqEFE

More coverage to come… Stay tuned!