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RMAF 2018 Photo Essay Part 4

10-18-2018 | By Carol Clark | Issue 99

Continuing on with our coverage...

In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark, except those in parentheses, which are by Dave Clark who will do his best to be nice.

RMAF 2018

Wavelength Audio, Vaughn Loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Vaughn, plasma tweeter loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Also in the Wavelength Audio and Vaughn room.

RMAF 2018

On Saturday, Dave moderated a panel called: Creating the Future of High End. The panel included Kathleen Thomas of Bowers & Wilkins, Andrew Jones of ELAC, and Adrienne Alterman of YG Acoustics. This photo from my iPhone, and I will let Dave describe the panel. (Look for an article summarizing what we discussed soon, but till then.... stop denigrating people (age, gender, etc.) for their choices in music and/or audio components (it is what they like and can afford), be inclusive not exclusive (that also includes product design and pricing), stop stereotyping (age, gender, etc.), and let people play their music and not the same audiophile approved tracks year after year, show after show... . Try reaching a more diverse audience and things could turn out better for everyone.)

RMAF 2018

RMAF 2018

Klipsch Group: La Scala III, Forte III, Heresy III. Heritage Theater Bar: Heritage Wireless.

RMAF 2018

This was another great sounding room. From ModWright PH 9.0 phono stage, Oppo Sonica DAC with tube modifications, Pro-Ject pre box S2 with tube modifications, Innuous ZENmini MKII music server, KWA 1000SE amplifier, SWL 9.0 Anniversary preamplifier. Studio Electric M4 Monitors. Fern & Roby Montrose turntable. All wired with Zu Audio Mission cables.

RMAF 2018

KWH 200i which is our new 200W Hybrid Integrated amplifier with tube preamp stage and Solid State amplifier stage. Dan says it will be released in the first quarter of 2019. Very nice.

RMAF 2018

Beautiful Fern & Roby Montrose turntable.

RMAF 2018

Studio Electric M4 monitor loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Jern Speakers, from Denmark. These are really great speakers, made from cast iron. Pictured here are the Jern 14EH. They were also using a REL T/5i sub along with a Jern base plate, and a Prima Luna integrated. They are heavy, and sound really good.

RMAF 2018

These can be set on a shelf, or mounted on a stand. There are also color options available.

RMAF 2018

Old Forge Audio, the Rethm Maarga loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Old Forge Audio, Pure Audio ONE, version 3, integrated amplifier.

RMAF 2018

Also Old Forge Audio, The Wand 14-4 turntable with the Wand Plus tonearm. Quite beautiful, and sounded amazing.

RMAF 2018

Cary Audio Design, DMS-600, a new digital music center.

RMAF 2018

The Cary Audio system sounded quite nice, DMS-550, DMS600, SLI-100, SI-300.2d. ProAc Response D20 loudspeakers. Wireworld Eclipse cables.

RMAF 2018

Cary Audio, DMS-550 network audio player. And oh look, it's cued up to my favorite song to hear at a show. Not!

RMAF 2018

Thrax Audio, Sound Application, Symposium Acoustics, and Tekton loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Eikon Audio Image1 loudspeakers. Aurender W20 music server and ACS10 caching server and streamer. IsoTek power conditioner and cables. Grand Prix Audio stand.

RMAF 2018

RMAF 2018

Two Aurender products, beautifully crafted.

RMAF 2018

Eikon Audio Image1 loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Listenup, NAD Electronics, Bluesound, PSB loudspeakers.

RMAF 2018

Gershman Acoustics POSH statement loudspeakers, and Grand Avant Garde loudspeakers. VAC Statement 450S amplifier and Master preamplifier. VPI turntables, Oracle CD player, cabling by Nordost.

RMAF 2018

Gersman Acoustics Posh Statement loudspeaker. This room sounded quite nice!

RMAF 2018

Gershman Acoustics Avant Garde loudspeaker.

RMAF 2018

Bowers & Wilkins, an impressive set up, wonderful sound.

RMAF 2018

Bowers & Wilkins, 800 Series Diamond.

RMAF 2018

Sim Audio electronics. Stunning.