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RMAF 2017 Photo Essay Part 1

10-18-2017 | By Carol Clark | Issue 94

For the past fourteen years Rocky Mountain Audio Fest happens each October. Usually Dave and I battle airports and uncomfortable flights, but this year we decided to drive. Two days driving, gorgeous scenery, and we arrived midday on Wednesday. Plenty of time for rest and relaxation before the show began on Friday.

In this report, all photos by Dave Clark, words by Carol Clark.

Relaxing Feet

Although the drive out was not at all stressful, we decided to take a break and put our feet up for a bit. After a while, there was a knock at the door, and the announcement of room service. Confused, we approached the door to find Davar with some goodies.

rmaf goodies

After a bit of confusion, we discovered these were courtesy of the hotel. What a pleasant, and welcome surprise. After enjoying this treat, we went down in search of the new restaurant. Gone was the inviting Lift, and in its place was Pint Brothers.

rmaf pint brothers

Set up started on Thursday, so on Wednesday many enjoyed a pint at Pint Brothers. John Devore and crew, along with Rafe Arnott. Michael Vamos of Audio Skies in the background.

rmaf devore

Steve Silberman of Roon chatting with John Devore.

Thursday brought the registration lines, and then the show started in earnest. I will make note of the fact here that the weather was glorious, reaching a high of 82 degrees!

PS Audio's room was directly behind the registration area. The sound in here was very impressive. On display from PS were the DirectStream Memory Player, DirectStream DAC, BHK Signature preamplifer, BHK Signature 300 mono amplifiers, P20 PureStream Power Plant, P1 Power Plant, and AC 12 power cords. Loudspeakers from Focal, Sopra No. 3, and REL Acoustics 212/SE subwoofers. Interconnects and speaker cables were MG Audio Design, Planus AG 2 series 2, and IV AG respectively.

The ever friendly Ted Smith from PS Audio.

Wyred 4 Sound and Acoustic Zen had an impressive system, featuring new Wyred 4 Sound products including a Roon-ready music server, PS-1 modular power supply, nextGen amplifier, and DAC-2v2SE. As well, the system included the Recovery USB reclocker, STP-SE Stage 2 preamplifier, USB cables, interconnects, and power Cables. Acoustic Zen Maestro loudspeakers completed the system.

Classic Audio loudspeakers, Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Tri-Planar tonearms, Purist Audio Designs, United Home Audio tape deck.

Constellation Audio, Continuum Audio Labs, Wilson Audio.

One of the display rooms on the main floor. Kimber Kable, and Focal.

Kimber Kable.

EMM Labs.

We ran into Bruce Jacobs of Stillpoints. They were featured in many rooms, but he had time to chat for a bit.

Nordost display.

Mytek Brooklyn amplifier.

Mytek's listening station.

The Audio Alternative featured a Brinkmann Balance turntable and Nyquist DAC. From VTL the TP-6.5 Signature phonostage, TL-7.5 Series III Reference linestage preamplifier, and Siegfried Series II Reference monoblock power amplifiers. From Vandersteen Audio Model Sevin MKII loudspeakers and Sub Nine subwoofers. From Audioquest the Lyra Atlas phono cartridge, Niagara 5000 AC and 7000 AC, as well as Wild Blue Yonder/Wildwood audio cables. And from HRS VXR audio stands.

Richard Vandersteen, cheerful as ever!

In the Musical Surroundings room. Turntable one was Clearaudio Master Innovation, $92,500, it included Clearaudio tonearm, cartridge, record clamp, and stand. Turntable two was AMG Giro and tonearm and DS Audio phonocartridge, $17,250. Turntable three Was Clearaudio Concept Black, Satisfy tonearm, Hana mc cartridge, and Musical Surroundings SuperNova III phono stage, $7550. Electronics were by Audio Research, Martin Logan Neolith loudspeakers, cables and power conditioning by MIT, racks by HRS, and room treatment by ASC Tube Traps.

Clearaudio products on display.

On a Higher Note, The Source A/V, Artesania Audio, Clarus Cables, Gryphon Audio, and Vivid Audio. Sounded wonderful.

Philip O'Hanlon, smiling as always.

Axiss Audio, Apex Audio, Accuphase, Air Tight, Solution, Critical Mass Systems, Transrotor, Reed, and Piega. Beautiful sound.

VAC Renaissance phono stage, Renaissance MK V line stage, Signature 200iQ amplifiers, DAC MkII. Transrotor Rondino Nero turntable. TAOC ASR-4 silver rack. Esoteric K-03 CD player. Tannoy Kingdom Royal Mk II loudspeakers.

Zu Audio, and Peachtree Audio. As always, this room is a lot of fun. This year they were offering pour over coffee, and gluten free biscotti. The music selections here are always great, it's an easy place to sit and catch your breath.

Sean Casey, the man, the myth, the legend.