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July - August 2016

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Audio Discourse

John Marks: A Summer Sunday's Afternoon at Tanglewood with the...

08-24-2016 | By John Marks

[The Boston Symphony Orchestra has been entangled with Tanglewood for decades. This outdoor setting of historical (for America) lineage has seen more...

From the Positive Feedback Archives (1993): A Vintage Bruce...

08-14-2016 | By David W. Robinson

Oh damn!! There goes my new dedicated power supply!

From the Kipnis Studios: The View from the Top (Digital...

08-09-2016 | By Jeremy Kipnis

"On a cost vs. sound quality basis (alone), Digital Amplifier Company DAC DAC may be the best digital to analog converter to come along in 3 decades;...

Audio Ramblings - The Vandersteen Audio Quatro Wood CT...

07-29-2016 | By Dave Clark

A couple of years ago (wow, make that like 3 years and you can read it HERE) I had the pleasure of reviewing the Vandersteen Audio Quatro Wood...

The Higher End:  The Passing of Winston Ma

07-26-2016 | By David W. Robinson

David W. Robinson, with John Tucker Winston Ma at his garden:  A portrait. Bellevue, WA, 2001. There seem to be a number of passings in 2016 already....

Tales from the Dungeon, Part 1

07-21-2016 | By Tom Gibbs

"The more things change, the more they remain the same." - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr What a load of crap! Sometimes, when things change, they...

Impressions:  From an Editor’s Notebook

07-17-2016 | By David W. Robinson

In which our hero meditates… Some plaudits where plaudits are due I have several items that have been accumulating in my notebook for a couple of...

Audio Ramblings - The Entreq Grounding Boxes

07-15-2016 | By Dave Clark

So if you have been following my ramblings over the years (of which I tend to ramble—hence the title of my column) it is obvious that one of my goals...

The Neoteric Listener - The Eclipse TD508 Mk3 Loudspeakers

07-13-2016 | By Dean Seislove

Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous,...

From Clark Johnsen's Diary - Sounding Out!

07-08-2016 | By Clark Johnsen

Many PF readers will be as surprised by finding this as I was. It's properly academic (in the more pleasant sense of the word), but also very au...

A System Approach: Benchmark Media Comes to gb's Tune Saloon

07-05-2016 | By Gary L Beard

For a number of months, I've been jamming to the sounds of the Benchmark Media Systems DAC2 HGC D/A converter and AHB2 stereo amplifier. While a bit...

Bricasti M1 "Limited" Digital-to-Analog Converter

07-01-2016 | By John Marks

Yes, what you see is what you get (if Santa Claus really likes you, that is): A Bricasti M1 Digital-to-Analog Converter with gold-plated casework....

Focal and Headphones

06-30-2016 | By Dave Clark

So the news got out early, and we goofed by not having the right day nor time to attend the Press Event at The Source AV in Torrance, but in the end...

The Neoteric Listener - The WyWires Platinum Series

06-28-2016 | By Dean Seislove

And, now, a quick audiophile word association game. What comes to mind when you read the following? Belt drive turntables Quad DSD Marantz Model 9...

RIVA S Wireless Bluetooth Speaker: A Layman's Review

06-20-2016 | By Scott Dedo

"Hey, check this out," Dave said as he pulled a sleek silver and black gizmo from a sturdy little nylon sleeve. "It's a RIVA portable speaker," he...

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Hardware Reviews

Violectric V281 Amp

08-15-2016 | By Smit Patel

Headed by Fried Reim, Violectric specialises in a wide number of reputable amplifiers which have caught the attention of many in the avid world of...

Fritz Carrera BE Loudspeakers

08-09-2016 | By Francisco Duran

The drivers on the new Fritz Carrera BE Loudspeakers have been used in one combination or another in more than a few speaker designs to varying degrees...

Ortofon Cadenza Red

08-02-2016 | By John Hoffman

Several years ago I had the pleasure of an extended visit of the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze in my system. The Bronze is a remarkable cartridge in every...

High End Audio in the Age of Uncertainty Part 2: The Wonderful...

07-26-2016 | By Maurice Jeffries

First Impressions   As I reported in Part 1 of this installment, I first encountered the Maggie 1.7 loudspeakers (recently upgraded to its current...

Audiomat D1 Transport

07-22-2016 | By Paul Candy

You have not accidentally stumbled into the archives of PF. The subject of today's review is indeed a $9000 CD transport and the year is 2016 not 1996....

Morrical on the Hardware: Wall Audio Opus 88 Stereo Preamplifier

07-19-2016 | By Brad Morrical

Introduction Wall Audio is a brand that is not well known to many people, even in the audiophile world, but Andreas Wall has been designing and...

Stage III Triton Power Cord

07-18-2016 | By Marshall Nack

You know how you can tell in 10 seconds if a component has it? Alas, it doesn't happen all that often—the good ones are few and far between. Just...

Exogal Comet Plus DAC

07-14-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

In this particular case one word explains it all... Wadia (www.wadia.com). This iconic American brand for years has been synonymous with high-end...

The Chord DAVE DAC, Part 1

07-07-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

As reported in the News Section of HiFi Statement, I didn't have much chance to listen to some music when developer Rob Watts visited me with the Chord...

Puro BT5200 Headphones

07-01-2016 | By Victor Chavira

One day while browsing at the local Fry's Electronics superstore I noticed the mindboggling variety facing headphone customers. An entire aisle display...

Burson Conductor Virtuoso and Timekeeper Virtuoso

06-29-2016 | By Steve Lefkowicz

There's been a long, and I think unfortunate trend in the upper reaches of high-end audio over the last fifteen years or so. It is the moving of high...

Rhapsody from Bali - Cables from Vermouth Audio

06-28-2016 | By Al Chieng

Checking my email inbox I was happily surprised to find an email from the owner of Vermouth Audio. Based out of Bali Hendry Ramli has created a line of...

PS Audio PerfectWave Memory CD/DVD Player and DirectStream DAC

06-20-2016 | By Gregory Petan

On a recent visit to Bleeker Records in NYC, I asked the Owner how LP sales were doing. "Fine, but it is CDs that are really hot". I did my best...

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Chord DAVE, Part 2: The Interview With Rob Watts

07-24-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Introduction:  Interviews to listen to... For the English version of the second and third parts of the review on the Chord DAVE, we have come up with...

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Music Reviews

John Marks Music Video: Matt Monro, “On Days Like These”...

08-13-2016 | By John Marks

Late '60s let's-make-lots-of-money British mainstream studio action flick here (The Italian Job), generally well regarded for the acting and the...

John Marks' Vault Treasures: Blossom Dearie, Verve “Jazz...

08-11-2016 | By John Marks

In this week's "Vault Treasures," our trusty musical guide John Marks shares with us a jazzic voice that I was not familiar with:  Blossom Margrete...

John Marks: Anne Sophie von Otter Music Video

08-06-2016 | By John Marks

John Marks is a lover of fine music videos. In our generation, a major new blessing has been the marriage of high-quality audio with high-quality video...

Marc Phillips on the Music: The Avalanches – 'Wildflower' on

07-27-2016 | By Marc Phillips

The Avalanches, Wildflower Astralwerks 2547900289 $19.99 for the two LP set "Is that serious music?" I remember my first wife asking me that question...

John Marks' Vault Treasures: Julie London, 'Time for Love: The...

07-26-2016 | By John Marks

In this week's cross-published installment of "Vault Treasures" from his site, The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com), John Marks...

Klaus Florian Vogt: Helden

07-22-2016 | By Stephen Francis Vasta

It's refreshing not to have to cringe at a "new" singer's technical flaws, as I find myself doing more and more. Klaus Florian Vogt, in a program is...

John Marks' Vault Treasures: Frank Sinatra, 'Where Are You?'

07-21-2016 | By John Marks

This week, John Marks touches on one of the truly great popular singers of the 20th Century, Frank Sinatra. Where Are You? comes to us from the later...

John Marks' New Music: Sergey Schepkin: J. S. Bach: The Six...

07-15-2016 | By John Marks

For this week's "New Music" selection, John Marks shares with us Sergey Schepkin's Bach:  The Six Partitas. I agree completely with John when he...

Jane Ira Bloom’s 'Early Americans'

07-15-2016 | By Marc Phillips

"Carmine said one boy, here are two!" – Larry London, The Freshman I'm not sure why I started hearing the late Maximillian Schell's heavily accented...

A TTG Vault Treasure: John Marks on 'Clifford Brown with...

07-13-2016 | By John Marks

For John Marks' initial cross-publication to Positive Feedback of his Tuesday offerings on great recordings from The Tannhauser Gate...

Delmoni & Martorella: Chopin/Milstein

07-09-2016 | By John Marks

Delmoni & Martorella: Chopin/Milstein One of the categories of music reviewing and commentary that John Marks brings to Positive Feedback...

Respighi Impressioni brasiliane, La Boutique fantasque

07-07-2016 | By John Marks

John Marks' first cross-published music review from The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com) is of a composer near and dear to my heart...

Marc Phillips Music Review: Ingvild Koksvik’s Og sangen kom...

06-26-2016 | By Marc Phillips

I absolutely adore Ingvild Koksvik. A small part of that is because she's this beautiful and almost ethereal creature wandering through vast Norwegian...

Brief Impressions: Fiona Joy's Into the Mist in Quad DSD from...

06-20-2016 | By David W. Robinson

Fiona Joy - Into The Mist I have been spending some time with several new titles from Cookie Marenco's Blue Coast Records, all in Quad DSD. One of them...

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New Old Stock - Articles from Our Days in Print

E.A.R. 834 Integrated Amplifier

05-08-2017 | By Editors at Positive Feedback

This article, by Dave Clark, Larry Cox, Francisco Duran, and Roger McNichols, originally ran when audioMUSINGS was in print - Issue 4, 1998. Let's...

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Our Friends at HIFI Statement

Audio Exclusiv 103 MC Pickup

07-20-2016 | By Wolfgang Kemper

Die kanadische Manufaktur Charisma Audio hat es in nur wenigen Jahren zu viel Anerkennung gebracht. Bei uns werden die hochwertigen.... . . Read More »

Audeze LCD 4 Headphone

07-20-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Ich denke, der iPod war Schuld: In der letzten Dekade ist mobiler Musikgenuss wieder ungemein populär geworden. Das verwundert nicht, wenn man sich an.... . . Read More »

XTZ Divine 100.33 Speaker from Sweden

07-20-2016 | By Peter Banholzer

XTZ dürfte Hifistatement-Lesern schon seit Anfang des Jahres bekannt sein: Da testeten wir einen kleineren Kompaktlautsprecher. Die Topserie von XTZ.... . . Read More »

Resonessence Labs Veritas

05-14-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Schön, dass der deutsche Vertrieb es möglich gemacht hat: Der Resonessence Labs Veritas, der erste D/A-Wandler für den Einsatz in HiFi-Anlagen mit.... . . Read More »

Transrotor JR Tamino

05-14-2016 | By Dirk Sommer

Mit seinen Topmodellen spielt Transrotor auch international in der aller höchsten Analog-Liga. Einen zu diesen High-End-Laufwerken passenden.... . . Read More »

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Our Friends at High Fidelity

Exogal Comet Plus DAC

07-14-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

In this particular case one word explains it all... Wadia (www.wadia.com). This iconic American brand for years has been synonymous with high-end...

TARA Labs' Evolution Cables

07-06-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

The impact of tests in trade magazines is either described as none or of a sort that can change everything; it depends on whether or not the one who...

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 103 TARA LABS Evolution Series

06-16-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

Expensive cabling systems have become something 'common'—both for you, the readers of High Fidelity, and for us, the members of the Krakow Sonic...

Acoustic Revive Interconnect and Power Cable

06-16-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła

It seems that High Fidelity was one of the first magazines in the world, and surely outside Japan, that received  Acoustic Revive cables based on...

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Show Reports

Impressions:  THE Show Newport Beach 2016, Part 1, My Audio...

07-06-2016 | By David W. Robinson

Already! Already THE Show has come and gone! Where did June 9-12 go? The first post-Richard Beers event is in the books now, and the results are in....

T.H.E Show Newport 2016 (Part 1)

07-03-2016 | By Steve Lefkowicz

I know I always start my show report with some kind of a rant about the state of the high-end audio as both an industry and a hobby. Not this time....

THE Show Newport

07-01-2016 | By Larry Cox

I'm late for the party: Many have already posted their thoughts on Irvine's, er Newport Beach's "THE Show" from early June. I intended to post earlier...

T.H.E. Show Newport 2016, Part Five

06-17-2016 | By Dave Clark

T.H.E. Show Newport, the conclusion! From Part One... Second year at the same location, the Hotel Irvine, room 441, and with us arriving...

T.H.E. Show Newport 2016, Part Four

06-17-2016 | By Dave Clark

T.H.E. Show coverage continues... with more. From Part One... Second year at the same location, the Hotel Irvine, room 441, and with us arriving...

T.H.E. Show Newport 2016, Part Three

06-17-2016 | By Dave Clark

T.H.E. Show coverage continues...  about half way there! From Part One... Second year at the same location, the Hotel Irvine, room 441, and with us...

T.H.E. Show Newport 2016, Part Two

06-17-2016 | By Dave Clark

T.H.E. Show coverage continues... with a second page. From Part One...  Second year at the same location, the Hotel Irvine, room 441, and with us...

T.H.E. Show Newport 2016, Part One

06-17-2016 | By Dave Clark

Second year at the same location, the Hotel Irvine, room 441, and with us arriving late Wednesday afternoon after a full day of teaching. Tired,...

Recent Discussion
