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Marius Leirånes: Man of the Wilderness

Marius Leirånes. Photo by Natalie Jensen, used with permission. A few miles south of the arctic circle, in the small village of Rognan, Norwegian musician Marius Leirånes has, for decades, been dreaming up dark musical fantasies. Although his influences are diverse, he and his long-time friend and collaborator, Jostein Haugen, have plumbed the depths of... Read More »

A Conversation with Jared Sacks, Channel Classics

Republished from January - February 2021 I wrote about Jared Sacks and Channel Classics this past fall, focusing on several recordings which I find treasurable (HERE). Today, I'm returning to share a further conversation from this past December in which Jared and I talk about his recording philosophy, his work with some of the artists... Read More »

A Conversation with Tom Peeters, Cobra Records

You know how certain record labels become favorites that you come back to again and again? For me, it comes from a developing trust in the label and the people behind that label—it's a brand thing. I know that I'll be safe taking a chance on a new release even if I don't know the... Read More »

Greg Weaver, the audio analyst©: the Latest Chapter of a Lifelong Journey

A portrait of Greg Weaver, Chicago, 2018. Photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson. Greg Weaver is a very good audiobud of mine. I first became aware of him back in the 90s, when I received a copy of his the audio analyst newsletter. His prose and commentary on LPs were top-notch. I got... Read More »

An Interview with Andreas Spreer of TACET Musikproduktion

TACET a musical term to indicate that an instrument or voice does not sound, also known as rest. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacet date of access: 25.10.2020 The name of the TACET Musikproduktion record label comes from the language of music and, in a broader perspective, from Latin, where the proverb "qui tacet, consentire videtur", i.e. "he who is... Read More »

A Q&A with Estelon - A Decade of Loudspeaker Excellence

The Estonian based loudspeaker company, Estelon, has helped shape the past decade of top-tier loudspeakers. To celebrate their tenth anniversary, Estelon has made significant updates to six of their loudspeakers in the X and Y series, details HERE and have released ten, special edition pairs of their Forza loudspeaker HERE. These updates represent ten years... Read More »

Tim de Paravicini - The Passing of a True Giant in the Audio Industry

Photograph by David W. Robinson, copyright © 2020, all rights reserved. Photograph may not be used or republished without the express written consent of the artist. It is with deep sorrow that I report that legendary audio designer Tim de Paravicini passed away on December 17 in Japan, at age 75. The cause of death... Read More »

The Editors Series 30 - Dave Clark of Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback is an American audio magazine. From 1990 to 2002 it had been printed, but then it started to be published online only; it is one of the oldest and largest online audio magazines in the world. We are talking to one of its founders, Dave Clark. Dave and Carol Clark in their listening... Read More »

An Interview with NativeDSD's Mastering Engineer Tom Caulfield

Tom Caulfield is NativeDSD's mastering engineer and an accomplished DSD multi-channel recording engineer. I've had the pleasure of getting to know Tom over the past several months via a series of email conversations as he's tried to help me understand the ins and outs of some of the digital technology with which he works every... Read More »

Time Stands Still - Neil Peart's Heady Metal

Freeze this moment a little bit longer Neil Peart GHOSTS…In keeping with my apparent predilection—as an obsessive chronicler of fructifying high end sonics and spiritually inspiring music—to focus my attentions on the fallen, and finally having access to a working computer (again, my long time PC vapor locked on me in pre-pandemic January), Radio Free... Read More »

Cooking Cables with PTFE - a Tour of Straight Wire, Inc. and an AV Cable Factory

Steven Hill, president of Straight Wire, Inc. (photo courtesy of Spencer Burke) "Many of our customers are engineers," says Steven Hill, 63, owner of Straight Wire, Inc., a straight-shooting, cigar-chomping graduate of University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School, former CPA, and 37-year veteran in the audio industry. Mr. Hill has no time for nonsense or... Read More »

Albert Von Schweikert: In Memoriam

Albert Von Schweikert, March 13, 1945 – May 29, 2020. Founder and Chief Designer: Von Schweikert Research/Von Schweikert Audio Though born in South America in 1945 to a US military officer and the daughter of one of the principal engineers of the Panama Canal, the Von Schweikert family moved to Heidelberg, Germany while he was still... Read More »

Martin DeWulf of Bound for Sound Magazine Has Passed Away

Yet more sad news: I've received the belated word today that Marty DeWulf, editor and publisher of Bound for Sound, another well-known high-end audio journal from the late 1980s until the early 2000s, passed away at the relatively young age of 65 on March 22, 2020. Marty's health had apparently not been good for a... Read More »

Clark Johnsen:  The End of an Audio Diary

Clark Johnsen, Private Ear (series drawing no. 1, by Bruce Walker, 1993) I got the news first thing in the morning last week. Clark Johnsen has passed away of cancer, at the ripe age of 78. I wasn't surprised; a mutual friend had warned me four or five months ago that Clark was in a... Read More »

Gaute Storsve: Blending Cuban, Nordic Jazz, and Prog

Gaute Storsve, photo by Dag Thrane, used with permission. Gaute Storsve is a Norwegian guitarist, composer, band leader and educator who has recorded with his own jazz trio, contributed to many diverse and eclectic projects, and frequently collaborated with Ketil Vestrum Einarsen, including a new project, +Ingelrii+, and the 2nd Weserbergland album, due out in... Read More »

An Interview with Karen Gomyo

Karen Gomyo was born in Tokyo, but grew up in Montréal. That is, up to the point when, at age 10, she moved to New York City, in order to study at the Juilliard School, at the invitation of Dorothy DeLay. Miss DeLay taught, among many others, my friends Arturo Delmoni and David Kim. Indeed, it's the... Read More »

Homeward Bound: Reflections on a Musical Legacy

A boy hears a sound. He hears sound before he has a name. He hears gurgling, pounding underwater. He hears an ocean of blood swimming around him. Through his veins. Through his mother. He breaks into the light of day. He's shocked that he has a voice. He finds his voice and screams. He hears... Read More »

An Interview with Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen

Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen with his latest SIA-030 amp, next to the High Fidelity reference system Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen, usually called Hans Ole, known for his surname—Vitus (it will become clear at the end of the interview), is the founder, owner and main engineer of the Vitus Audio company. It is one of the most... Read More »

Focal Powered by Naim North American Grand Opening

On October 30th, Focal Naim America, manufacturer of Focal speakers and Naim electronics opened its first branded store inside of Scottsdale, AZ dealer LMC Home Entertainment's exquisite high end audio/home theater store. At the grand opening I had a chance to sit down with LMC owner Mike Ware as well as Focal Naim America's VP... Read More »
