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Images of the High End Exhibition 2016 - Part 3

05-15-2016 | By Wojciech Pacuła | Issue 85


Tape cassettes recorded directly from an analog master tape, the so-called "Master Compact Cassette". And the box! The Hemiola Records company specializes in reel analog tapes that are master tape copies.


The Tone Tool turntable, Sprocket model. Prices starting from €108 900—without the arm, of course.


The Swiss Goldmund is a synonym for high-end. The person behind its success is the company director—Mr. Michel Reverchon (in the photo).


Pro-Ject has prepared new versions of finish for devices from the Box Design series. The photo shows the MaiA DS2 amplifier with 1970s-style wooden sides.


The Polish Pylon company presented its Emerald speakers in Munich—a special model prepared with the help of High Fidelity editorial staff. The work has almost finished.


The Polish Fezz Audio company presented its two new amplifiers—a push-pull one based on KT88 tubes and a single-ended one based on 300B tubes. Special features—output transformers on a toroidal core.


Pylon and Fezz Audio again—natural veneer on the speakers, even though these are inexpensive models.


That obscure object of desire: the Horh Audio copy of the master tape with the Star Wars movie soundtrack. The soundtrack available from episodes IV, V, and VI.


Up to now, the Playback Designs company has been concentrating on playing SACDs—its CEO, Mr. Andreas Koch, is one of the most well-known advocates of this format. However, the firm presented a new product series at the exhibition, mostly designed for streaming. The photo shows the Merlot—a two-in-one DAC and headphone amplifier.


Another Polish accent, this time representative of high end—the LampizatOr company accompanied by, among others, a Kronos turntable, Skogrand Cables, and Italian EMMESpeakers.


Franc Audio Accessories, a Polish manufacturer of anti-vibration equipment and the Power On-E power strip, has prepared its version plated with 24 Karat gold. The strip is integrated with an anti-vibration base. It is sold under the Franc Audio Power brand.


The Japanese Triode company presented a prototype of its new Musashi amplifier with the KT150 tubes.


Furutech and a new method of vibration damping in power sockets and plugs—the NCF. It makes use of the piezoelectric properties of certain materials—vibrations are transformed in them into electrostatic charges, while the charges are then transformed into heat.


Another Compact Disc player presented at the exhibition—the Accustic Arts Player I. Of course, it is equipped with a fully functional DAC.


A fantastic-looking presentation with Dan D’Agostino, Sonus Faber and Meridian electronics—signal was transmitted from an EAT turntable, through a new Dan preamp, from its streamer or from a Meridian CD player.


I think nobody had been expecting that—a new series of Contour Dynaudio speakers looks quite ordinary. The front is still a thick aluminum cast and there are top-class speakers, but there is a classic housing. A clear influence of the softer sex…


One of Chord’s new products was the TToby power amplifier that was supposed to be part of a system based on the Hugo TT DAC.


The Transrotor company has also changed its design, at least when it comes to the Massimo model. The streamlined edges reminded me of the 1960s.


A new version of a cleaner that I have been using for two years—the Vinyl Cleaner PRO from the German company AudiodeskSysteme Gläss. Its main features are a more powerful ultrasound generating system and a range of available colors.


Vintage? Of course, but only on the outside—the Old School Studio Monitor M2 for €2490.


This year, the symbols of High Fidelity rewards could be found at many places, such as the Harbeth company room. However, CEC, Einstein, and other companies also willingly used them.


YG Acoustic speakers will soon be available in Poland. We talked about it with the company representatives and we agreed to arrange the first tests in High Fidelity. On the right there is Mr. Kerry St. James, Senior Account Executive, on the left, Mr. Alexander Kostyria, a distributor.


Trinnov Audio, a company specializing in room acoustics correction, presented the Atlitude32. It is a digital preamplifier designed for home theater systems, equipped with the latest decoders: the Dolby Atmos, Auro-3D, and DTS:X.


The HF award on the door of the Blumenhofer Acoustics company room.


Vermeer Audio with the "Universal Control Center" Two—an all-in-one preamp, DAC and LAN streamer.


Powerful Zellaton Statement speakers. Sources: a Loit CD player and a Reed turntable.


The Zellaton speakers were powered by the Sueskindaudio Frans de Wit Signature Century power amplifier on a Schnerzinger platform.


Files rule here: the Lindemann company—devices from the Musicbook series—with Wiener Lautsprecher Manufactur speakers.


One of the most interesting CD players at the exhibition—the Viva Numerico with a transformer analog output.


Another new CD player—the two-piece EAR DAC4 + Drive, both pieces with chrome finish.


Gabi van den Kley (Crystal Cable) is showing an element made of milled aluminum to Ken Kessler (Hi-Fi News & RR), thanks to which the treble is better dispersed in the Arabesque speakers.


The Bauta speakers and Jacek Gawłowski, their constructor, behind the door.


KR Audio – the P130 preamp and the VA910 power amplifiers. The latter are a new product which uses 4 KT120 lamps per channel.


Turntables of the Czech 440 Audio company in G1-G5 series; their special Art Edition versions above. Acryl plates, bases made of different materials, excellent workmanship.

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