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Synergistic Research UEF Record Weight

A fairly common thread that runs through most audiophiles who are partial to vinyl rather than digital, is their penchant for tweaking. In contrast to digital domain, where there is a limited scope to tweak the sound, in the analog domain, a cornucopia of tweaking opportunities abound, and many analog buffs revel in them.   ... Read More »

Equinox Balance Acts – Listening to Vinyl

The year continues to be a trial for us all in balance and direction. I hope you are making the transitions needed or wanted in the most healthy and happy ways. September 22nd marks a nice day in our planet's orbit to feel less wobbly and angular and more direct and equally distributed. Happy Equinox... Read More »

Time Stands Still - Neil Peart's Heady Metal

Freeze this moment a little bit longer Neil Peart GHOSTS…In keeping with my apparent predilection—as an obsessive chronicler of fructifying high end sonics and spiritually inspiring music—to focus my attentions on the fallen, and finally having access to a working computer (again, my long time PC vapor locked on me in pre-pandemic January), Radio Free... Read More »

Just Listen: There’s Something Special Going On

To my ears, the Dutch label Just Listen Records is today capturing much of what is best about live, or nearly live, recordings in their direct-to-DSD256 productions. And occasionally live-to-DXD if needed by the recording and venue. In my days collecting vinyl, I always enjoyed direct-to-disc recordings...when they were well done. And not all were.... Read More »

Preferences in Reproduction

I think it's fairly well-known in the high-end community that people tend to like what they like, and they tend to like different sounding systems. Many people like severely colored systems, but they like their kind of severely colored system and they don't like the kind of system their friend likes. Horn speaker people like... Read More »

Goebel Epoque Aeon Speaker

Es wäre wirklich schön, wenn ich mich öfter mit Testobjekten so intensiv beschäftigen könnte wie mit der Epoque Aeon Fine. Schon das Vorgängermodell ohne den Namenszusatz Aeon hatte mich nachhaltig beeindruckt, wenn unsere Beziehung auch getrübt wurde. Dieser Langzeittest hatte ebenfalls Folgen: Währenddessen habe ich die Lautsprecher erworben.

Chord electronics 2go Streaming Module

Angekündigt wurde das Streaming-Modul 2go schon vor langem. Auf den Norddeutschen Hifi-Tagen konnte ich ein frühes Exemplar sehen, und jetzt ist die Ergänzung zum HUGO 2 lieferbar. Sie macht aus der mobilen Wandler-Kopfhörer-Kombination einen Digitalen Audio Player – als Display und Bedienfeld wird allerdings noch ein Tablett oder Smartphone benötigt.

Audio Note Vindicator Amp and Preamp

Achtung, befangener HiFi-Redakteur: Die Audio Note M2 Phono ist meine, die ich mir schon vor einiger Zeit gekauft habe und ich liebe sie. Der Vertrieb hat die 2A3-Endstufe Vindicator Silver zum Test beigestellt, für mich als 2A3-Maniac die obligatorische Wahl.

Does a 1956 Recording Really Belong in a High Res Music Library?

When Dr. David, Ye Olde Editor at PF, invited me to write some music reviews with a principal focus on DXD and DSD256, I don't think he expected I might start with these particular albums from High Definition Tape Transfers. But, honestly, I just have to start with these wonderful recordings from the earliest days... Read More »

Core Power Technologies Equi=Core 1800 MK2

How to think about Power Conditioning Power conditioning is an incredibly touchy subject and seems to divide the audiophile community as a whole. There are some who say it is extremely important, subscribing to the classic garbage in, garbage out mentality. Then there are those that argue that if the equipment is designed properly and... Read More »

Yes, There Really is Music After Vinyl - Part 4

Part 4 – So what does the new system sound like and what are we listening to? Fair warning: my focus is on classical music with a smattering of jazz and acoustic. So, my comments about sources and music and what we're excited about will lean heavily in this direction. In earlier parts of this... Read More »

Verity Audio Otello Floorstanding Loudspeakers

A loudspeaker for music lovers. Review By Rufus Smith With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Rufus Smith shares his thoughts on the Verity Audio Otello Floorstanding Loudspeakers. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Founded in 1995, Verity Audio hit the ground running in 1996 with the debut of their first speaker, the... Read More »

Collective Soul: 25th Anniversary LP Reissues

Back in the early nineties, I worked at my day job with a guy, Tim, who was following his dream, trying to make it as a guitarist moonlighting in a local Atlanta rock band. He was a wickedly gifted guitar player, and his band had often gone head to head against another local band, Mr.... Read More »

Yes, There Really is Music After Vinyl - Part 3

Part 3 - In which we get down in the weeds: the files, the library and how this all gets lashed together… "Nobody knows everything, nobody has everything [i.e., tools, equipment], but if you're lucky enough to add friendship to your life, you have so many more opportunities for joy and accomplishment and satisfaction." Scott... Read More »

Koetsu Black Goldline Moving Coil Cartridge

Auditioning cartridges is a lot like wine tasting and shopping for televisions. You never know how good a glass of wine from a $100 bottle tastes compared to a $10 bottle until you've experience it for yourself. And you never truly appreciate the delta between TVs until you've seen them side by side at an... Read More »

Organ Transcriptions of Handel

Handel: Organ Transcriptions (arr. J. Walsh and J. Hook). Simone Vebber, organ (Serassi organ, Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Milan, 1835-7). Discantica 314.  TT: 54.04 Saul: How excellent Thy name, O Lord; Preserve Him for the glory of Thy Name. Organ Concerti: Op. 4, No. 4; HWV 295 ("The Cuckoo and the Nightingale"). Coronation Anthem, HWV... Read More »

From an Editor’s Notebook:  the Ryan Tinsel LP Rack Stack

Ye Olde Editor with an exceptional La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull (portrait by John Robinson) Oregon and trees…they go together. The forests of the Pacific Northwest are a joy to the soul and a medicine for melancholy, and are not to be misused or simply "consumed" to make "wood products." The back of my hand... Read More »

AURALiC Aries G1 Streaming Transporter

When it comes to streamers, my point of view is simple: software is king. Good software can make a streamer, and bad software can break a streamer. For example, I have a streamer that sounds wonderful, however, it crashes at least once a listening session. For a time I tolerated these crashes, however, with no... Read More »

Plussound Tri-Silver X8 Cable

Plussound is a boutique custom cable company with roots in Los Angeles, California. Headed by Christian Oliver, the American company has built a legion of followers and has recently occupied the high-end arena. Throughout the years, their approach has been simple yet effective—the provision of high-quality products with an excellent customer service. It is refreshing... Read More »
