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Elinor Frey, Fiorè Complete Cello Sonatas & 17th Century Italian Arias

Anyone with any level of appreciation for great cello performance should check out Elinor Frey at once; an immensely talented and virtuosic player, she's also a seriously gifted researcher and scholar of all things cello, with a special appreciation for the Baroque period. Although she plays both modern and period instruments, it's pretty clear that... Read More »

Playing J.S. Bach in the Style of Nicholas Bruhns

Like my good friend John Marks, proprietor of The Tannhauser Gate, I am a profound lover of Bach. But I was unaware of Nicholas Bruhns, and the other choice tidbits of musical history that John so adroitly shares with us here. I envy him the ability to attend the Bard Festival, and take in such focused wonders of... Read More »

AVM Ovation CS 6.2 Streaming CD-Receiver

AVM Audio Video Manufaktur GmbH is a German company that has been around more than 30 years but has only recently made a significant push into the United States. They have a huge catalog of electronic components separated into three product lines. The Ovation series is their current top of the line brand. After living... Read More »

Elliott Carter - A Personal Recollection by Radio Free Chip

There's an old adage folks like to dust off whence we suffer some loss, as wrenching as it is inexplicable, not unlike a late April ice storm, midst that initial gush of springtime bloom, which heretofore has served to affirm the promise and wonder of life and renewal after such a long, harrowing winter: "They... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society - Power Cables from Siltech and Crystal Cable

Meeting #109: Crystal Cable's The Ultimate Dream power cable and Siltech's Triple Crown power cable One of the most pleasant things about the job that I do—let me remind you, I am a specialist journalist who deals with the aspects of high-quality audio—is contact with people who share my passion for music and its best possible reproduction.... Read More »

Analogue Productions Goes to the Dogs: RCA Living Stereos on 15-ips Reel-to-Reel Tape

Shaded dogs that is! This isn't the first time these absolutely legendary RCA Living Stereo recordings have appeared on reel-to-reel tape (Scheherazade (FTC2017) was according to Discogs released in 1960 on four-track tape). This is, however, the very first time this pair of now close to 60 year old recordings are available on real time... Read More »

The Higher End: Shifting to Symantec VeriSign "Norton Secured" at Positive Feedback

This is a brief note to all our readers worldwide, letting you all know that as of late August, 2017, Positive Feedback has shifted to secure Web operations. We have done so by engaging a large and well-known company in the computer/network security industry, Symantec, and its VeriSign secure site certification. You'll notice the difference... Read More »

Blue Circle BC3 Preamplifier

This article, by Carol Clark, Victor Chavira, and Larry Cox, originally ran when audioMusings was in print - Issue 3, 1998 I met Gilbert Yeung, president and founder of Blue Circle Audio, at the Hi Fi '97 show in San Francisco. When I ran into him again at CES this year, he agreed to send us some products... Read More »

Review: DeVore Fidelity Gibbon X

John DeVore makes loudspeakers. I’m hoping you know that, prior to hitting this page, but on the off-chance this fact has escaped notice, consider this as notice served.

Revisited: PS Audio DirectStream DAC and Memory Player

OK folks, this one is an ongoing saga here in the world of Part-Time Audiophile. Like a boomerang (or certain Millennial offspring) the subject of this review just keeps coming back again and again. Why? Well that’s an easy one: it’s different each time!

Review: Aurender A10 digital music server and DAC

I come from a do-it-yourself type family. To the best of my knowledge, this handy trait started out with both of my grandfathers and got handed down from there. One was a country boy who liked to build stuff for his own use just for the fun of it. He used to build wooden boats for both work and pleasure, well, just because.

Notes of an Amateur: Ibragimova's Mozart, Haimovitz Plays Philip Glass, David Matthews' Piano Trios, McGill/McHale Trio.

Mozart Violin Sonatas, Nos 3, 8, 20, 25, 26, 30. Alina Ibragimova, violin and Cédric Tibeghien, piano. Hyperion CDA 68164. (2 CD's.) What always strikes us about Ibragimova's and Tiberghien's Mozart is that every sonata feels freshly addressed. Each work is allowed to have its own musical life and identity. I discovered this with their... Read More »

Brief Impressions: HDTT's Howard Hanson: An American Romantic on Reel-to-Reel Tape

Unless you're a 'phile who lives under rocks, listens to CDs, and thinks that eclipses happen because someone didn't pay the power bill, you're aware that reel-to-reel (RTR) tapes have been going through a quiet renaissance over the past few years. There's an incredible romance that goes along with RTR machines, one that is deeply... Read More »

Legrand Jazz, Impex Records LP Reissue

Legrand Jazz, Impex Records LP Reissue, Stereo. IMP 6028 of Columbia CS 8079 It is about time Legrand Jazz, this historic jazz LP—or shall I say "hard bop"—was reissued properly. The Impex LP is the 36th LP version of Legrand Jazz in the world, and the best, I think, by a country mile. Made from the Columbia session tapes... Read More »

Blank Recording Tape Comparison: Quantegy GP-9 vs. SM-900

Blank tapes:  Not usually the topic of an article in a high-end audio journal! But Greg Beron, he of United Home Audio fame, with its treasure trove of RTR tape recorders, knows whereof he speaks. He has lots of experience with tapes, and here shares a few comments about two tapes that are currently available.... Read More »

Sexy Blue Tubes: The Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B Vacuum Tubes!

I've always enjoyed visiting with Richard and Sue at Sophia Electric about their vacuum tubes and amplifiers, so when Dr. David contacted me about Sue's inquiry to see if I'd be interested in writing about the new Sophia Electric EL34-ST and Aqua 274B vacuum tubes, I said, "You bet!" I'll start with the new Sophia... Read More »

Hijiri 'Takumi'

Als ich mich vor etwa einem Jahr mit den Hijiri-'Nagomi'-Netzkabeln beschäftigte, musste ich den Rat des Herstellers, sie in einem mit Harmonix-Produkten getunten Raum zu verwenden, ignorieren.

Chord Hugo 2

Nachfolger erfolgreicher Vorgänger können es mitunter schwer haben, besonders wenn der Vorgänger die Messlatte sehr hoch gehängt hat. Dies ist bei dem vor drei Jahren vorgestellten Chord Hugo zweifelsohne der Fall.

Tony Minasian's Drums & Bells

I was at CES when GamuT Audio of Denmark was starting to make a footprint with their electronics. This was in the early 2000s well before Gamut had speakers which have deservedly garnered raves. GamuT showed with some speakers were an exceptionally finished product soundwise, if not also in appearance. The speakers? Tonian Labs speakers,... Read More »
