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Brief Impressions from an Editor’s Notebook:  The PS Audio LANRover USB Transport

In which our hero meditates… What a year it's been. As I observed in the first of these "Brief Impressions" articles, on the Oppo Sonica (HERE), there have been so bloody many products and projects here at PF Central in 2016 that I'll be writing from here until the end of the year to cover... Read More »

Marc Phillips and the Music: Luis Filipe Fortunato’s 'Live and Pure'

Luis Filipe Fortunato’s Live and Pure A year or two ago I had to adopt a somewhat self-serving policy as a reviewer—physical formats only, please. I did this for a few reasons. First of all, too many publicists simply wanted to send me a link to some MP3 download of their clients—one in particular wanted... Read More »

National Audio Show 2016 (UK)

This is my fourth attendance at the National Audio Show held each year at Whittlebury Hall near Towcester, England. I believe this will be the first time our readership at Positive Feedback will have been exposed to this show. This has been the premier show in the UK until the last couple of years where... Read More »

John Marks' Vault Treasures: David Oistrakh, Shostakovich Violin Concerto No. 1 (1956)

Once again John Marks educates and enlightens us with his recommendation of a worthy recording from our audio treasures. "Some of the best recordings were done decades past" is a truth that is none the worse for being so true that is has become a truism.  Those who are newer to fine audio will want... Read More »

Williamson on the Hardware: The Alpha Design Labs STRATOS

Incredibili Sine Compromissum   This is it. Think of Trader Joe's. The Hyundai Genesis. A Hamilton watch, Uniqlo clothing, a CAO cigar, the...well, you may begin to get the idea. Bear witness: this is the Alpha Design Labs STRATOS and it is the hidden value champion of USB DAC's. Long may it reign. God Knows... Read More »

MEE audio Pinnacle P1

Pinnacle: der Gipfel, der Höhepunkt! MEE Audio stapelt bei der Produktbezeichnung seines In-Ear-Hörer gewiss nicht tief. Und auch die Transportbox belegt den gehobenen Qualitätsanspruch, denn sobald die umfangreich beschriftete Verkaufsverpackung abgestreift ist, zeigt sich eine edle schwarze Schatulle aus Karton.

Acoustical Systems Pickup The Palladian

Acoustical Systems' Tonarm Aquilar zeichnet sich ebenso wie das Topmodell Axiom durch die von Dietrich Brakemeier neu entwickelte Uni-Din-Geometrie aus. Ein neues Generator-Prinzip haben die Analog-Spezialisten aus Bayern nun nicht erfunden, zeigen mit dem Tonabnehmer The Palladian aber, wie weit man mit der geschickten Kombination bekannter Lösungen klanglich kommen kann

Melco N1ZH60

Sie möchten auch hochaufgelöste Audio-Files genießen, ohne einen Laptop oder PC in Ihrer Kette zu haben und sich mit langwierigen Installationen herumzuschlagen? Das ist mit Melcos Einstiegsmodell N1A oder dem noblen und entsprechend teuren N1ZS kein Problem. Die Lücke zwischen diesen beiden schließt nun der N1ZH60.

Cartoon: The Wild, Weird World of Walker!

[I'm pleased that our longtime cartoonist, Bruce Walker, is becoming active with us again. His unique style of edgy, crazy, Feifferesque drawings are unlike anyone else that I know of. He's been drawing for us on and off again from the very early days of Positive Feedback...we hope to have new work from him periodically. Enjoy!... Read More »

Grado Statement Series 2 Phono Cartridge:  World Premier Review

Out of production for two years, the Statement Series top of the range of Grado Cartridges is back and remarkably improved. Sporting a newly designed shape of all imported Jarrah wood from Australia, the lowest mass coils ever used, more precise construction, and double the output, we have a stunning contender for ideal reference cartridge.  The... Read More »

Brief Impressions:  The YG Acoustics Sonja XV Reference Loudspeaker, a Photo Essay

Funny thing. You'd think that there wouldn't be any enormous mountaintops in Newark, New Jersey. And you'd be wrong…. Let me explain. Bill Parish of GTT Audio A couple of months ago I got an invitation from Dick Diamond of YG Acoustics, Bill Parish of GTT Audio, and Joe Kubala of Kubala-Sosna to attend a... Read More »

YG Acoustics Sonja XV Speaker Launch

Select members of the audio press were invited to GTT Audio for the YG Acoustics Sonja XV speaker press event. Over the course of a week, each of us got to experience a personal listening session. Lynn and I were scheduled for the afternoon of the first day; Dr. David Robinson, ye olde editor at... Read More »

Marc Phillips on the Music: Michael Kiwanuka, Love & Hate

Michael Kiwanuka, Love & Hate Polydor B0024912-01 2 LPs – $24.99 Purchased at The Sound Garden in Syracuse, NY   Tidal strikes again. Just a few weeks since I accidentally played The Avalanches' Wildflower on the streaming music service and discovered a mind-bending, sensibility-changing masterwork, I've done it a second time. Hmmm…Michael Kiwanuka…wonder who this is,... Read More »

Feuilleton Acapella Audio Arts

Dirk Sommer, with photographs by Helmut Baumgartner For everyone who takes a real interest in High End it's a truism that even the best equipment can't recreate a live impression. This alleged fact, however, while perhaps not refuted, would be at least seriously shaken by visiting the Audio Forum in Duisburg, Germany, the Acapella Audio... Read More »

Sound Galleries Monaco Server (SGM2015)

I first seriously embraced the advantages inherent in computer audio when Linn released their first iterations of the DS range of ethernet based streamers and dropped CD players altogether. I felt instantly liberated with access to my entire digital library at the hands of my iPad. At first my brain went into complete overdrive as... Read More »

Impressions:  Ilya Itin, Debussy, Preludes Books I and II in Quad DSD [UPDATED]

[UPDATED VERSION with new purchase links for NativeDSD.com included at the end of the review.] For quite a while now I've been sitting on an advance copy of an important Quad DSD recording, waiting for it to be released commercially. Now, I'm glad to say, the time has come…at last! The album is music by... Read More »

Pierre Boulez Conducts Mahler's Ninth

MAHLER: Symphony No. 9 Chicago Symphony Orchestra/Pierre Boulez Deutsche Grammophon 289 457 581-2 TT: 79.46 The death of Pierre Boulez earlier this year provides as good an opportunity as any other to consider his recorded legacy, as well as giving me an excuse to check out this 1995 Mahler Ninth, which I'd somehow managed to... Read More »

Heavy Metal Fantasies: The Beautiful Bryston Limited 4B³ Stereo Power Amplifier

Defying Expectations   For some time now, I have hinted that the Bryston Limited 4B³ Stereo Power Amplifier (pronounced "Four Bee Cubed") is not your father's Bryston (to wit, neutral, quiet, and highly linear, but also somewhat lacking in air, instrumental body and overall transparency). In my 2016 AXPONA show report, I described the updated... Read More »

A Visit to Distinctive Stereo

It was a glorious day for a Hudson River crossing, with clear skies and endless visibility, the kind of day that photographers love. Lynn and I were off to visit Distinctive Stereo in northern New Jersey. We boarded the New York Waterway ferry at West 39th Street. Eight minutes later we docked at Port Imperial/Weehawken,... Read More »
