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Impressions: The Classé DTP-1 Transport & DAC-1 D/A Converter

This article, by David W. Robinson, originally ran when Positive Feedback was in print - Vol. 7, No. 5, 1998. Background to a review If you do high-end audio reviewing long enough, you get to hear a lot of equipment. Some of the names come and go...I'd tell you which ones, but I don't remember them!...... Read More »

The Pass Labs XP-15 Phonostage Preamplifier

Perhaps I should start at the end. I love the XP-15 phonostage preamplifier. In fact, I love it so much that one night I dreamt I had barricaded myself in the Tune Saloon, armed with a cheap 1980's CD player blasting a non-remastered version of "We Built this City" at 120dB, forming an impenetrable sonic barrier against... Read More »

Rocky Mountain Audio Fest: The Good and Bad

Every October for the past 13 years I have looked forward to RMAF (Rocky Mountain Audio Fest). It is my favorite audio show because I can just walk around, see the sights, and reconnect with old friends I only get to see a few times a year. For a while I was glad, because I'd... Read More »

The Lumen White Mystere Reference Turntable

From the first glance onwards, the Lumen White Mystere turntable fascinates with its visual elegance and noble appearance. Its beauty however still reveals little about its price class and the technological sophistication at its core. Not to mention its sonic performance.... we are in the presence of a veritable audiophile wolf in sheep's clothing. 17... Read More »

John Marks: My Audio System Description

John Marks' Stereo System (as of fall 2016) The essential sound of this system is determined first by the loudspeakers, prototypes called Esperanto Parolantos. That's something of a pun, in that it means "Esperanto Speakers." (Esperanto, from the audio company I started after leaving Stereophile magazine.) Mike Zisserson designed the Esperanto Parolanto loudspeaker while taking... Read More »

RMAF 2016 Photo Essay - Part 4

Vandersteens at RMAF 2016. Musical Surroundings and The Audio Alternative were together with Vandersteen Model Seven MkII and a new subwoofer. Two turntables were shown, an AMG V12 Turbo, and Clearaudio Performance DC wood. Electronics were Audio Research, cables by AudioQuest, and racks by Harmonic Resolution Systems. Richard Vandersteen. As usual, Philip O'Hanlon's On a Higher... Read More »

RMAF 2016 Photo Essay - Part 3

Margules. All the way from Mexico for RMAF 2016. Andrew Jones from ELAC, what a joy to hear him talk! Standout Room Winner. ELAC, new integrated amplifier. The integrated can calibrate any speaker and subwoofer for a seamless integration. ELAC, Audio Alchemy. Aaudio Imports showed Wilson Benesch A.C.T. One Evolution P1 'Ettore' loudspeakers, Finite Elemente... Read More »

RMAF 2016 Photo Essay - Part 2

MQA showing the difference at RMAF 2016. Aurender had two rooms. The source was the Aurender A10 Server with MQA DAC, 4TB storage. Loudspeakers were Revel Salon 2, amplifier was Mark Levinson No534 2-channel, and cables by Audioquest. Audio Engine. Gavin Fish of Audio Engine having a moment with Carol. ListenUp also had a room... Read More »

RMAF 2016 Photo Essay - Part 1

Lines were long at registration on Friday for RMAF 2016, that's a good sign! Everyone seemed ready to enjoy the show! Even with all the distractions with the hotel's remodeling, this show went rather smoothly and many, many rooms were producing excellent sound. Much appreciation goes to Marjorie and her team for putting on another... Read More »

John Marks' New Music: The Parker String Quartet: Felix Mendelssohn, Opus 44 String Quartets 1 & 3

Here's a hot flash update (if such things exist in the world of classical music!) from John Marks of The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com). This is a fine new recording from the Parker Quartet, a young and refreshing ensemble. The samples that John provided are quite moving, showing both great verve and boldness, as well as a touching... Read More »

The HIFIMAN SuperMini Digital Audio Player

Here in the Dungeon, I'm challenged in every way to enjoy good music on any level possible. Almost all my equipment is still packed away in a storage unit awaiting the completion of my new home, and what little bits I've been able to access consists of my computer, a few assorted smallish DACs and... Read More »

Impressions:  The Playback Designs Merlot Quad DSD DAC and Syrah Music Server, with Brief Notes on the Pinot Quad DSD ADC

So here I am again, returning to one of the touchstone companies for DSD and digital audio:  Playback Designs. Am I surprised? Should anyone be surprised? Heck no. In fact, according to Andreas Koch, he and I first saw each other at the original DSD demonstration at Mobile Fidelity in Sebastopol, CA, back in September... Read More »

Ortofon MC A95 Moving Coil Cartridge - Delivering the Goods

Amazingly the Ortofon MC A95 Moving Coil Cartridge is the very first Ortofon transducer—particularly given the company's long tenure in the cartridge field—that I've ever reviewed. Now part of that oversight was availability. Part of that oversight was having a phono stage capable of amplifying very low output moving coil cartridges without the addition of... Read More »

Luminous Audio Technology Axiom II with Walker Modifications Passive Preamplifier

Luminous Audio Technology Axiom II "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." – Ferris Bueller Over the years, I have struggled with what I really want out of my stereo system. Is it mind-blowing aural pleasure that veers to the dark side of neutrality,... Read More »

Ryan Speakers R610 Loudspeakers

Call me old-fashioned, but I have always preferred a good two-way. There is something comforting, but not necessarily boring or same-old-same-old as a solid pair of two-way loudspeakers. The promise of something "extra special" from a pair of three-way or even four-way (where would one even get the strength) loudspeakers, has often been a huge... Read More »

Deep Impressions:  The Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable, Durand Telos 12” Tonearm, & the Ortofon Anna MC, a Photo Essay and Review

There's glory for you! In which our hero meditates… This isn't going to be anything like a standard review, which is something that I don't do anyway. No short-term romance…no quickie relationship…no three-months-and-done. No "Wow, what the hell was that?!" No "of all the turntables I've ever heard, this is another one." No, this is... Read More »

LP Gear - The Vessel A3SM Cartridge

In 1995 the world of analog playback was a dark place, and hobbyists had very few places to find the parts and supplies needed to keep their turntables functioning properly. During this time Rome Castellanes made the decision to open LP Gear, and provide turntable owners with a high quality selection of belts in order... Read More »

Audio Research Reference 6 Preamplifier – A Flash Back to the Future

This review brought back some wonderful memories. It has been quite some time since I have auditioned an Audio Research Corporation (ARC) product. Please be patient as a little backstory might explain. Audio was a hobby that began with my Father's love for building Heathkit amplifiers and various clones of Acoustic Research speakers. He, his... Read More »

The GoldenEar Technology SuperSub XXL Subwoofer

Over the last twenty-five years of system building, external subwoofers have never been part of the equation for me. Despite my love of deep bass, my love for the seamless continuity between drivers has always won out over the prospect of deep but poorly integrated bass. Bolstering this attitude has been the several systems I... Read More »
