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Tales from the Dungeon, Part 1

"The more things change, the more they remain the same." - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr What a load of crap! Sometimes, when things change, they seriously change, and things are nowhere nearly the same as they were! What I'm referring to here is my personal situation, where, in the space of a couple of months, we bought... Read More »

Audio Exclusiv 103 MC Pickup

Die kanadische Manufaktur Charisma Audio hat es in nur wenigen Jahren zu viel Anerkennung gebracht. Bei uns werden die hochwertigen Moving-Coil-Tonabnehmern aus lizenzrechtlichen Gründen unter der Flagge des Importeuers Audio Exklusiv angeboten.

Audeze LCD 4 Headphone

Ich denke, der iPod war Schuld: In der letzten Dekade ist mobiler Musikgenuss wieder ungemein populär geworden. Das verwundert nicht, wenn man sich an den früheren Erfolg von Walkman und Co. erinnert.

XTZ Divine 100.33 Speaker from Sweden

XTZ dürfte Hifistatement-Lesern schon seit Anfang des Jahres bekannt sein: Da testeten wir einen kleineren Kompaktlautsprecher. Die Topserie von XTZ heißt Divine, und wir hatten das Vergnügen, uns mit dem zweitgrößten Modell der schwedischen Firma zu beschäftigen.

Morrical on the Hardware: Wall Audio Opus 88 Stereo Preamplifier

Introduction Wall Audio is a brand that is not well known to many people, even in the audiophile world, but Andreas Wall has been designing and building high end products for more than 30 years. However, he has a very good reputation for his products in the German speaking world and has garnered numerous very... Read More »

Stage III Triton Power Cord

You know how you can tell in 10 seconds if a component has it? Alas, it doesn't happen all that often—the good ones are few and far between. Just like the players in this industry—those who know real sound are few and far between. Most think it is synonymous with the Audiophile Report Card, the... Read More »

Impressions:  From an Editor’s Notebook

In which our hero meditates… Some plaudits where plaudits are due I have several items that have been accumulating in my notebook for a couple of months now. One was a notion for a full review that didn't need to be done, since another PF reviewer (Marshall Nack) did the main lifting; the others were candidates for... Read More »

John Marks' New Music: Sergey Schepkin: J. S. Bach: The Six Partitas, BWV 825-830

For this week's "New Music" selection, John Marks shares with us Sergey Schepkin's Bach:  The Six Partitas. I agree completely with John when he writes "Familiarity with at least some of Bach's masterworks is a matter of core Cultural Literacy..." Amen! Think of it as a matter of "cultural critical mass"...the truly worthy things that you... Read More »

Jane Ira Bloom’s 'Early Americans'

"Carmine said one boy, here are two!" – Larry London, The Freshman I'm not sure why I started hearing the late Maximillian Schell's heavily accented voice in my head the first time I listened to Jane Ira Bloom's new CD, Early Americans. I suspect it had something to do with reviewing Todd Hunter's Eat, Drink,... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - The Entreq Grounding Boxes

So if you have been following my ramblings over the years (of which I tend to ramble—hence the title of my column) it is obvious that one of my goals with our system is to minimize noise. Not my music per se, since much of it is noise, but the noise that rides in the... Read More »

Exogal Comet Plus DAC

In this particular case one word explains it all... Wadia (www.wadia.com). This iconic American brand for years has been synonymous with high-end digital source, as it specialized in Compact Disc players, both integrated and separates. Later they were joined by SACD players, for example, Model 581. Wadia Players used the best available transports, i.e. VRDS and... Read More »

A TTG Vault Treasure: John Marks on 'Clifford Brown with Strings'

For John Marks' initial cross-publication to Positive Feedback of his Tuesday offerings on great recordings from The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com), we offer the first of his columns:  Clifford Brown with Strings. As usual, John enriches our lives with recorded gems that we should all be aware of...and this time is no exception. Read on! Dr. David W. Robinson... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Eclipse TD508 Mk3 Loudspeakers

Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night. "God sees everything," repeated Wilson. "That's an advertisement," Michaelis assured him - Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby They look like eyeballs to me. At first, they... Read More »

Delmoni & Martorella: Chopin/Milstein

Delmoni & Martorella: Chopin/Milstein One of the categories of music reviewing and commentary that John Marks brings to Positive Feedback from The Tannhauser Gate is that of music videos. With the global explosion of online videos driven by YouTube, music lovers and audiophiles have been given a great opportunity to see as well as hear great performances, and... Read More »

From Clark Johnsen's Diary - Sounding Out!

Many PF readers will be as surprised by finding this as I was. It's properly academic (in the more pleasant sense of the word), but also very au courant with political and cultural thinking and teaching in American universities. For whatever that's worth. Now have at it. Their opening salvo: Sounding Out!/ is a weekly... Read More »

The Chord DAVE DAC, Part 1

As reported in the News Section of HiFi Statement, I didn't have much chance to listen to some music when developer Rob Watts visited me with the Chord DAVE. But fortunately, I didn't have to wait too long for a second chance, as I could pick up the first DAVE available in Germany in the... Read More »

Respighi Impressioni brasiliane, La Boutique fantasque

John Marks' first cross-published music review from The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com) is of a composer near and dear to my heart for many years now:  Ottorino Respighi. I have many of his recordings various formats, including LP, CD, and SACD, but am always pleased to find a new recording that renews my delight with his creative... Read More »

Impressions:  THE Show Newport Beach 2016, Part 1, My Audio Oasis! Awards

Already! Already THE Show has come and gone! Where did June 9-12 go? The first post-Richard Beers event is in the books now, and the results are in. According to Maurice Jung, the new president of THE Show, and his staff, total attendance was nearly 10,400 over the four days. The “Industry Day” was Thursday,... Read More »

TARA Labs' Evolution Cables

The impact of tests in trade magazines is either described as none or of a sort that can change everything; it depends on whether or not the one who expresses such an opinion likes or does not like the press and/or reviews. But if you want to form your own opinion, it would be best... Read More »
