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Welcome to Jeff's Place

Greetings music lovers, and welcome to the new Jeff's Place located at Positive Feedback! Dave & David offering a no-cost-to-me spot on Positive Feedback servers is a big help, not only from a cost standpoint, but also from an IT support, website security, archival, etc., standpoint. Locating Jeff's Place at Positive Feedback is a win-win for both... Read More »

CanEVER Audio La Scala Amplifier

This article was written by and contributed to Positive Feedback by Roland Dietl of our affiliate publication in Germany, HiFi Statement. You may remember the ZeroUnoDAC and the ZeroUno PLUS looking like a small, tubed power amp, which inspired me a lot. Now, CanEVER Audio has expanded its product portfolio through offering a real power amp – the... Read More »

Get Real Audio: The Artist Perspective - Making a Direct to Disc Recording vs One Step Vinyl, Part 1

Lyn Stanley (photograph by Evelina Pentcheva) Part I Synopsis: There is some confusion in the audio world about the difference between a Direct to Disc recording and a One Step Record. Lyn Stanley has made both and she will explain in detail what they are and what is required to make each. First, I would like... Read More »

Top 500 SuperSonic List - Part 11

This is an ongoing project by Claude Lemaire of Soundevaluations 82. Pink Floyd, The Dark Side of the Moon. Harvest – SHVL 804, 1E 064 o 05249 (UK) (1973), 582 1361 (UK) (2003) (30th anniversary edition), 33 1/3 rpm. Genre: space rock, art rock, progressive rock, electronic, jazz fusion, and funk touches. Ahh, at last, there it is.... Read More »

The Fiio FH-5 In-Ear Monitors, with the LC-4.4C Balanced Cable

When I first gained an awareness of Fiio as a company, I thought their product offerings were very reasonably-priced alternatives to the typical mega-buck audiophile choices available in personal portables and accessories. But I wasn't absolutely convinced that they could make the transition to a company that could meet consumer demands for the level of... Read More »

Roger Skoff Writes About Building a New System:  Where to Start

WARNING: This may very well be the most controversial article on High-End audio you'll ever read. Roger Skoff at the LAOC Audio Society Gala, 2018 Are you going to put together a new High-End audio system? Start with the cables! Read on to find out why this can give you better sound and save you... Read More »

JPLAY Femto for Windows, and UPnP vs. DLNA in a Computer-based Music Server Setup

Marcin Ostapowicz of JPLAY contacted me a couple of months ago; JPLAY had just released the latest iteration of their superb computer-based music playing system, now billed as JPLAY Femto. Would I be interested in taking a listen? Of course, was the answer—JPLAY has definitely been my go-to software choice for making baseline comparisons between... Read More »

47 Laboratory Flatfish CD Player and Progression DAC

This article, as reviewed by Francisco Duran, Dave Clark, Larry Fisher, and Larry Cox, originally ran in audioMusings' Issue 12, 2000 and then in Issue 1, June/July 2002 of Positive Feedback To say that the 47 Labs CD combo is unconventional in its design and looks is an understatement. The Model 4713 Flatfish player/transport is a... Read More »

Furutech NanoFlux and LineFlux Cables and Power Products

When I first spoke with Scot Markwell, US Distributor of Furutech products, at Elite Audio Video Distribution in LA, and a longtime colleague of, and setup man for, the late Harry Pearson, about the opportunity to review a full loom of Furutech flagship cables and passive power devices, I admit to being more than a... Read More »

D’Agostino Relentless Monoblock Amp

Dan D’Agostino’s new reference Relentless Monoblock amplifier (website) weighs in at a record 570 pounds, can dance beautifully at 1 watt and will party all the way 6000 watts into 2 ohms when driven by a 220v electrical circuit. Although it takes 4 strong dudes to drop it in place, once warmed up and you’re past the dent in the checking account, I don’t think you’ll ever want to move it once you power it up.

Synergistic Research HFT and Factory Tour

It was a sunny day off the coast of Hawaii. Ted Denney was on his J/42 and having the time of his life. At some point, he checked in with his accountants by satellite phone. The news was horrifying.

The Gasparini Album

Roberta Invernizzi, soprano; Auser Musici/Carlo Ipata. Glossa GCD 922905.  TT: 59.30. Astianatte: Se la Grecia s'armerà. L'oracolo del Fato: Qui ti scrivo o nome amato; Se non canti più per me. Il Ciro: Nell'orror della procella. Bajazette: Par che mi nasca in seno. Sinfonia. Il Tamerlano: Svena uccidi; Cor di padre. Santa Eufrosina: Qui dal porto. Amleto:... Read More »

Sonus Faber Sonetto II Speakers

Should audio components always be 100% truthful to the source? Ahhh, that’s one of those questions that has resulted in untold audiophile angst, much like the supposed supremacy of analog over digital, or tubes vs. solid state. In the end, it’s ultimately up to the ear of the listener, and nothing else. If it sounds good to you, then it’s probably good.

Robinson's Positive Feedback Brutus Awards for 2018, Part the Fourth

David W. Robinson:  a portrait by John Robinson Onwards into Part the Fourth of my Brutus Awards. PASS Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier Wait! I'm not done yet with reference headphone amps. Early in the year, the good folks at PASS Labs sent along their HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier for my evaluation. I was pleased to get... Read More »

Latest Vinyl Releases - Are These References?

Here are some LPs that I've gotten in recently and I want to bring to your attention. Espresso, Bob James Trio, EVLP023, from Tappan Zee Records. 2018, Featuring Bob James, Billy Kilson, and Michael Palazzolo. $32.99. Tracks Recorded by Ken Freeman, KFP Studios, Bethlehem, PA. Tracks Recorded at Stagg Studios, Van Nuys, CA.. Assisted by Josh Frank. Mastered by Steve Vavagiaskis for Bang... Read More »

World Premiere Review of Grado Statement GS 3000e Headphones

I thought the GS 2000e was brilliant, being a mahogany/maple sandwich and built with large sophisticated point source driver. The Statement series is Grado Labs' top very approachable headphone series, primarily for the music lover, and secondarily for the music producer. Lighter in weight than the PS series, they are gently warmer and more fun to... Read More »

Kharma Elegance dB7-S Loudspeakers

Monologue: Kharma Loudspeakers…producing the sound of bowed and plucked strings alike with color, humanness, and texture. In this age of industrial wealth and manufacturing proficiency, the audio industry has leaped forward with a proliferation of companies now capable of adopting engineering and construction techniques that elevate quality to unforeseen levels. You only have to look at... Read More »

Carol Clark's 2018 Brutus Awards

In 2018, I made the jump from a passable desktop audio system into the big leagues. Because of that, I'm ready to hand out some Brutus awards, I think for the first time ever! It's not often that I need to listen to things as I work at my desk, but I find myself listening... Read More »

Somesh Mathur's Time Stood Still

Sweetbeats Productions, Digital download available at Apple Music and Google Music $8.99 I know I've raved about recordings in reviews, even in the last year, where I remarked that I put it in my CD player or an LP on my turntable and I didn't take it out/off for a very long time. That's a... Read More »
