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Welcome to Jeff's Place

01-12-2019 | By Editors at Positive Feedback | Issue 101

Greetings music lovers, and welcome to the new Jeff's Place located at Positive Feedback!

Dave & David offering a no-cost-to-me spot on Positive Feedback servers is a big help, not only from a cost standpoint, but also from an IT support, website security, archival, etc., standpoint.

Locating Jeff's Place at Positive Feedback is a win-win for both web sites in that it will bring new readers to Jeff's Place from Positive Feedback that wouldn't normally be visiting, and vice-versa.

You'll see that all the great content of Jeff's Place has been preserved, which is fantastic, but you will notice a couple of changes to Jeff's Place as a result of the move to Positive Feedback.

The first thing you'll notice will be that the appearance of Jeff's Place has changed. You'll no longer see my dark themed "late nite listening" look, and instead the Jeff's Place appearance will match the grey & white theme of Positive Feedback.

A few other changes are that my old Jeff's Place navigation bar at the top of the page has been relocated to the right-side column, and the navigation bar at the top of the page now links to the main Positive Feedback website.

Many thanks to Robert—who provides the website services for Positive Feedback—for doing such a great job on the move of Jeff's Place to Positive Feedback! It looks awesome, Robert!

The comments from my old site will still be present for archival purposes, but new comments for Jeff's Place at Positive Feedback will be coordinated through the DISQUS comment management of Positive Feedback.

As you know, in the past I have run Jeff's Place as a Consumer Reports style "no advertising" publication, as I absolutely hate those web sites that have so many advertising popups and inserts that you can barely follow the content.

However, you will now see the integrated advertising that appears at Positive Feedback, which is how Dave and David are offsetting the cost of hosting Jeff's Place on the Positive Feedback servers. Fortunately Dave and David's inclusion of advertising is tastefully done, and doesn't affect the readability of the posts like you see at some websites.

For me, personally, Jeff's Place remains a not-for-profit blog, and I write about hi-fi out of enthusiasm because it is a terrific and rewarding hobby, not as a source of income. I receive no steady stream of income from my hi-fi hobby, in fact it’s just the opposite, lots of money flows out of my pocket—not in!

I do get paid a small honorarium for my published Positive Feedback articles (but not Jeff's Place posts), and prior to 2019 I received a trickle of donations to help me offset the cost of running Jeff's Place, but that's pretty much it.

During the transition to the new Jeff's Place at Positive Feedback, if you come across anything that didn't transfer correctly, be sure to let me know so we can get it fixed.

Please join me in saying a big "Thank you!" to Dave and David at Positive Feedback for hosting Jeff's Place!

As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!