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Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.3 Preamplifier: A Neutral Presentation That Excels in Micro Dynamics and Harmonic Delicacy

Review By Dean Cacioppo With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Dean Cacioppo shares his thoughts about the Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.3 Preamplifier. Read, and learn.... Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief In my humble opinion, the two most under appreciated aspects of high-end audio are room acoustics / speaker placement and... Read More »

Pure Audio Lotus DAC5

Pure Audio are a Taiwanese audio company with years of audio design experience under their belt. Despite not being famous amongst audio circles, the brand have attempted to break into international waters with their first successful distributor, Underwood HiFi, residing in the U.S.  Part of their mission to win customers on a global scale has... Read More »

Keces Audio P8 Linear Power Supply and BP-2400 Balanced Isolation Power Conditioner

Keces Audio (stylized KECES) is a high end audio audio manufacturer based out of Taiwan. They curate several different components, mostly focused around power (both creation and conditioning), so this review will be in two parts. One for the BP-2400 Balanced Isolation Power Conditioner, and the other for the P8 Linear DC Power Supply (Dual... Read More »

Hack-a-Rack: An Equipment Stand for Audiophiles on a Budget from VTI

Yes, V-TEE-I. That is not a typo. VTI is not from New Jersey; they don't make turntables (although they support them nicely); as far as I know, the initials stand for something other than Virgo Taurus Industries. Actually, I had never heard of them until recently, myself. I was mulling the prospect of replacing my... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Nola Boxer S3 Bookshelf Loudspeakers

In 2010, I declared, "If you're looking for a pair of standmount monitor speakers and you have about $1500 to spend, buy the Nola Boxers." The quality of sound at that price made the recommendation a cinch. Many other reviewers and audiophiles reacted with the same enthusiasm, so it's not a surprise that Nola continues... Read More »

The New Apartment Lounge - It's Raining Wires: The Stunning Kubala-Sosna Research Sensation Cable Loom

The Unbearable Simplicity of Good Design At the start of the summer, I waxed enthusiastic about the arrival of a boatload of new goodies that have made listening to music here at Casa Jeffries an unalloyed pleasure (HERE). Amongst the newcomers, the spectacular Kubala-Sosna Sensation cable loom really stood out. In my preview, I praised... Read More »

Göbel Lacorde Statement XLR Interconnects

I've bailed from the Hi-fi shows. The combination of expense plus the effort to produce a timely report (which could be intense) had become onerous. Of course, I miss the meet and greet, not to mention keeping up on trends and all the new gear. If my local New York show ever got out of... Read More »

Advanced Optical Streaming with the Sonore Signature Rendu SE System Optique

Since Adrian Lebena reached out to me three years ago with the offer to review Sonore's first product, the microRendu, a Sonore streamer has been in my system ever since. The microRendu was amazing—especially when paired with Sonore's Signature Linear Power Supply. It took my streaming experience—which previously had been restricted to bandwidth-limited and feature-limited... Read More »

Synergistic Research SRX Power Cord and Galileo SX Ethernet Cable

I have reviewed almost every Synergistic Research (SR) Power Cord over the last ten years. Each generation made a significant step forward in sound performance. In my opinion, each was a competitive, if not superior option at every price point. My last review included a full loom of the flagship Synergistic Research Galileo SX cable... Read More »

AV RoomService Low Density EVPs: Now Providing Superior Isolation for Lightweight Components

Vibrations. They occur in every aspect of the listening room environment, whether that room is dedicated to the listening experience, or just happens to be your living room—or any other room where your audio equipment resides, for that matter. The problem is—even when you think you've taken the greatest precautions to prevent spurious vibrations from... Read More »

Simaudio Moon 390 Network Player and Preamplifier

We're Gonna Spread Our Wings And Take To The Sky For some time now I've been attempting to implement, to my satisfaction, a home built music server/home theater PC. Being an audiophile, I set the bar higher for sound than picture. But until just recently my attempts have not produced sound quality competitive with my... Read More »

KECES Ephono and Ephono Power

One of the great benefits of reviewing the KECES Ephono is that I have been playing so many records lately. But with the recent inclusion of the Sophia Electric Baby Magik Box installed into my digital rig, digital music has been a lot more palatable and fun to listen to. This fact has reduced my... Read More »

SVS Prime Wireless Speakers and SVS SB-1000 Subwoofer

Based in Youngstown, Ohio, SVS are an audio brand with a vision to build top quality speakers, subwoofers and audio accessories, and bring passion and expertise back into the world of audio. With the late trend for extortionate pricing, the firm promises to challenge over-priced products and deliver equipment on the top of their price-performance... Read More »

The New Usher TD-10 Loudspeakers - A Diamond in the Buff

The Usher TD-10 loudspeaker is a downsized F-86 Sabre Jet wing on steroids. Swept back and shiny, it looks built for speed and, at just under four feet tall, this handsome 180 lb bruiser surfs the sound waves atop a thick wooden plinth on brass spikes.   Made by Taiwan-based Usher Audio, it's essentially their BE10... Read More »

Wells Audio Commander Level II Tube Line Stage

World Premiere Review! I found myself often thinking of Van Morrison's terrific tune "Cleaning Windows." Review By Dr. Jules L. Coleman With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Dr. Jules L. Coleman shares his thoughts about the Wells Audio Commander Level II Tube Line Stage. Read, and learn.... Dr. David W. Robinson,... Read More »

The Triangle Art Hathor - a Resplendent Turntable

The Triangle Art Hathor (courtesy of Triangle Art) When sharing rack space with other electronics, the Hathor calls to mind actor George Clooney glamming the Golden Globes in his one button tux; understated and angular in black with gold and chrome accents, it's usually the head turner in pairings. But not only is it chic,... Read More »

Dita Audio Twins - Fealty & Fidelity IEMs

With a vibrant commerce scene and international trading links, Singapore is a country where personal audio and high-fidelity sound are significantly valued. Planning to capitalize on these national traits, Dita Audio are a Singaporean brand striving to seek perfection without conforming to market trends. The latest in their rather impressive line-up is the new Twins... Read More »

The Zenith of Headphone Planar Technology and Headamp Design from Audeze: World Premiere Reviews of LCD24 Headphones and King 2 Amplifier

As an audiophile and headphone aficionado for over half a century, I was only aware of two ways headphones could be operated until 2008:dynamic headphones and electrostatic headphones. Grado, Beyer, Sennheiser, and Sony owned most of the market share of dynamic cans, while Stax and Koss produced electrostatic models. Headamps dedicated to either format was... Read More »

Butcher Block Acoustics Maple Edge Grain Audio Platform

Every once in a while you meet someone special in this industry. Jim Whithorne is that guy. Owner and proprietor of Butcher Block Acoustics (BBA), he has a wonderful back story including 40 plus years selling and distributing products in the Butcher Block industry. But, his real passion in life is music, and this connection... Read More »
