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ALT-USB: Cables Curious, Unique, Magic, and Lush

Seriously? A review of four idiosyncratic USB cables? Didn't some sage audio scribe opine back in the MP-3 days that USB meant "Usually Sounds Bad"? Well, audiophiles have since embraced first High-Res downloads, and then streaming services like Tidal and Qobuz. With the result that getting the best sound from file-based audio often depends on... Read More »

Astell&Kern SR25 - Incredible Transparency Weds Wondrous Musicality!

In the late 1990's, prior to Apple's creation of the iPod, the company, IRIVER, had been manufacturing consumer electronic products and some of the first portable music players in the world. Music players that were capable of both lossy and CD-quality music playback. For the next twenty plus years IRIVER would continue to produce portable... Read More »

The Volti Audio Razz Loudspeaker

In 2018, Volti Audio's Greg Roberts offered me the opportunity to review his wonderful Rival Loudspeakers (HERE) I'd never heard a horn speaker in my home, and the Rival was somewhat of a dynamic revelation. Like the Rival, the new Volti Audio Razz is also a hybrid horn / bass reflex loudspeaker, designed by Mr.... Read More »

Thöress EHT Amplifiers

Hybrid a thing made by combining two different elements; in biology: the offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties; a mythical creature being a combination of existing animal, such as griffin; […] If there was an audio award that would be given to products for their design, the Thöress brand would... Read More »

FiiO Q3 - A Powerful, Little Musical Engine!

If you think about it, every musical instrument has its birth, grows its shape, as it chooses its skin—metal, wood, glass, reeds—and develops its own unique tone / timbre. Though there are various families—woodwinds, brass, strings, keyboard, idiophones, friction instruments, and percussion—that share, within families, similar to overlapping voices. And there are literally hundreds of... Read More »

Kimber Kable Naked Interconnects

Let's go skinny dipping... with an impressive leap in cabling technology! Review By Paul L. Schumann With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Paul L. Schumann shares his thoughts on the Kimber Kable Naked Interconnects. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Ok, we've all done it. We've swum in the water in our... Read More »

Andover Audio Model-One Turntable Music System

With their Model-One Turntable Music System, MA based Andover Audio has achieved the seemingly impossible by creating a stylish all in one turntable, speaker, DAC, amp, and Bluetooth enabled preamp combination that even picky audiophiles like me can easily fall in love with. Until now all in one turntable solutions, think Crosley, have largely been... Read More »

Simaudio MOON 600i v2 Integrated Amplifier

As I've grown older, and presumably, wiser, I've come to appreciate more the significance of anniversaries. Whether they be personal, such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries, or professional (it occurs to me that I've been on the masthead at Positive Feedback for nearly 20 years), these milestone accomplishments resonate with me, due perhaps to their... Read More »

The REL No. 25 Subwoofer - Operation Coup de Main

Definition from Oxford Languages coup de main /ˌko͞o də ˈman/ noun: a military attack that relies on surprise, speed, and concentrated strength to attain its objectives. Introduction There are brands that many consider the very foundation of the high end industry. In my opinion, REL is one of those brands. They have a long and impressive... Read More »

Bakoon AMP-13R Integrated Amplifier

Soon after I received the Soundkaos VOX 3f speakers for review, I was given the opportunity to listen to a very interesting amplifier along with these terrific speakers. Mr. Soo In Chae of Bakoon International Corp. asked me if I would like to listen to the Bakoon AMP-13R integrated amplifier (Gary Lea also has reviewed... Read More »

Alta Audio Alyssa Loudspeakers

My appreciation for ribbons goes back to my earliest days with high end audio. As a university student, I rode public transportation across the city with my CD wallet in hand to visit fine audio shops on the west side in order to listen to Magnepans and Apogees. Their incredibly spacious and transparent sound left... Read More »

Obravo EAMT-2C IEM - Breathtaking Musicality, Transparency, and Engagement!

We review products across a relatively narrow band, a niche, if you will. And our niche is dichotomous, generally, in that it supposes that great transparency and superb musicality can coexist in the same piece of audio equipment—headgear. Our research has revealed that we are, indeed, in a quite narrow niche, as manufacturers, to date,... Read More »

Stage III Kraken Power Cords

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all agree what neutrality means? Webster's definition may be clear, but in the dialect of HiFi, we don't get off so easy. Is it a binary—either present or not—or a sliding scale with degrees of the quality? And consider that it is a loaded term carrying a positive... Read More »

McGary SA 2 Stereo Amplifier

Readers might remember my review of the McGary Audio SA1 in 2018 (HERE). It was a wonderful amp and highly recommended. It made the PF Writer's Awards list and that is not something that is easy to do. Well Mike McGary is at it again with the new SA2 Stereo Amplifier and what a follow... Read More »

KECES Sphono Preamplifier and Sphono Power

What if I told you there is a two box phono preamp with one box being the outboard power supply and the other box contains the dual mono balanced phono circuit, and that it has inputs for four separate cartridges (two moving magnet and two moving coil), complete loading adjustments for all four phono inputs... Read More »

MEZE Audio 99 Classic Headphones - "You've Got the Music in You!"

I have become quite familiar with Meze Audio, born in the city of Baia Mare at Romania's northwestern border. Their flagship headphone, the Empyrean, was selected as an AudioKey Reviews Best Product of the Year for 2020, and its In-Ear-Monitor (IEM), the Rai Penta, is an AudioKey Reviews' favorite. And not just because of the... Read More »

AGD Productions - The Audion Monoblock Amplifier

What's new in audio? Not much in the past 40 years or so. When was the last technological shake-up in audio? Compact Disc, maybe? From there, digital technology has spawned endless formats of claimed resolving power that is rarely capitalized on. What I have had a hankering for is not another format war, rather, HARD... Read More »

iFi hip-dac - A Smooth, Musical Operator!

The Streaming Houses—Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Qobuz, Tidal, etc.—that provide access to, literally, millions of albums at home or On-The-Go (OTG), can be said to have birthed the "Glorious Age of Accessible Music (GAAM)." And the generation that is, arguably, best suited to take advantage of this is Generation Z (<20yrs)—the largest population segment at 25.9%,... Read More »

Gingko Audio Sextet Speaker System

Enjoying everything the Gingko Swarm has to offer with many options available too! Review By Brett Rudolph With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Brett Rudolph shares his thoughts on the Gingko Audio Sextet Speaker System. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Over the years, I have had the opportunity to review several... Read More »
