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Charisma Audio Musiko Turntable

World Premiere Review! I strongly suspected when listening to the first song with the Musiko that I would buy it. Review By Rick Becker With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music where Rick Becker shares his thoughts on the Charisma Audio Musiko Turntable. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief The Charisma Audio Musiko... Read More »

Audience Studio ONE Interconnect and Speaker Cables

An audio reviewer's mandate is to seek out the new, the innovative, the cutting-edge, and to write about it, preferably while it's still new and innovative and cutting-edge. As a scribe for Positive Feedback, I've certainly done my share of chasing the newest and most revolutionary products for evaluation. But, in assembling my reference system... Read More »

Paradox Pulse Signature 70 Phonostage and Pulse Guard R RSG Cartridge Upgrades

In 2019 I reviewed the Paradox Pulse Signature 70 MC Phono Preamp. I was so engrossed with it that I actually bought one along with the Paradox Pulse Guard R SMR Cartridge that I also reviewed around the same time. In the subsequent two years since my purchase Terence Robinson has upgraded both pieces with... Read More »

Charisma Audio's Eco Cartridge

Charisma Audio is a Canadian importer and distributor of a number of high performance audio lines, and over time have crafted a remarkable series of moving coil cartridges that have gathered praises and accolades over the last several years. The Charisma series of cartridges may not possess the instant brand recognition of Koetsu or Shelter,... Read More »

Audio Note Cobra Integrated Tube Amplifier

Audio Note is a company founded in 1976 (company site says October 1979) in Japan by Hiroyasu Kondo. The first products hit the world markets in 1989. In 1997, the company split into two parts, Kondo Labs, focused on the Asian market, and Audio Note UK, responsible for Europe and the rest of the world.... Read More »

Rotel Michi X3 Integrated Amplifier

This has been one of the hardest reviews I have ever done because the Michi X3 integrated amplifier really surprised me. Out of the box and into my system it performed so well that I was at a loss for words. Not so much as in spectacular audiophile terms, but because it just went straight... Read More »

Virtuoso Interconnect from Fono Acustica

Last year I spent quality time with the Armónico cable from Fono Acustica. The wires left a lingering impression of intense musicality, along with a desire to audition more of their products, including the top-of-the-line Virtuoso model. Felix Avalos, the proprietor of Fono Acustica, teased me along with, "The Virtuoso is a whole different cable... Read More »

Audience frontRow Cables

Whenever I write about cables I always feel the need to include a disclaimer as they're such a hot button topic. Especially when it comes to high dollar interconnects such as the Audience frontRow cables reviewed below. What I can tell you from personal experience is that cables matter. There is a clear difference in... Read More »

Music Hall Classic turntable

Until recently, I'd discourage turntable shoppers on tight budgets from buying new. It was too easy to pick up a very competent, built-like-a-tank Japanese direct drive, or something more modest like a classic Dual CS-505, for short money. They last for decades and easily compete with new models in the $500 range. However, hipster types,... Read More »

Børresen Acoustics 05 Silver Supreme Edition

While visiting Ansuz in August 2020, I was so captivated by the Børresen 05's elegant appearance alone that I instantly ordered a pair in the Silver Supreme Edition for a review. Now they finally happen to be in my listening room. But the way to it wasn't that easy, and furthermore, these dream speakers also... Read More »

Gingko Audio Vibration Control Solutions (VCS) Toolkit - Part 1

I've been a fan of Gingko Audio's vibration control products for a long time. Way back in '08 (remember the sub-prime mortgage crisis?), I reviewed the Cloud 9 vibration control platform for my VPI turntable (HERE). Fast forward 14 years, and I'm still using it. Although I've replaced the rubber isolation balls, it still works... Read More »

Entreq Olympus Infinity T Ground Box And Entreq Eartha Ground Cables

World Premiere Review! A flight of fancy or Grounded in reality? Review By Paul Schumann With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music where Paul Schumann shares his thoughts on the Entreq Olympus Infinity T Ground Box And Entreq Eartha Ground Cables. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief I'm so lucky to be married. Not... Read More »

Sonic Occupation - Atlantic Technology AT3 Loudspeakers

After considerable thought, I decided that I would begin this review in a somewhat unconventional manner. Normally, my articles launch with a clever anecdote, short tale, or muse to pull you, the reader, in closer. However, in this case, I'm going to begin right away talking about the challenges and ultimate rewards that came with... Read More »

Wells Audio Commander Level II Preamplifier

A little while ago I reviewed the Wells Audio Cipher. I asked Jeff Wells, the owner of Wells Audio, to tell me more about the Cipher, and he more or less described it as his preamp circuit, with a single fixed input coming from the DAC. I was so impressed with the smooth analog nature... Read More »

iFi xDSD Gryphon Portable DAC and Headphone Amp

iFi Audio has been on my radar for a couple of years mainly due to the excellent reviews for their affordable DACs, streamers, amps, and other digital accessories. The digital portion of my home audio system is currently in a transition phase. I had to give up my reference AURALIC Vega DAC, reviewed in Positive... Read More »

Nordost QPOINT Synchronizer

I came to the Nordost QPOINT Synchronizers in a roundabout manner. My primary interest was their QSOURCE Linear Power Supply. After auditioning a couple of low-price linear power supplies for my ethernet streaming front-end and coming away unsatisfied, I turned my gaze higher and spied the QSOURCE LPS. It exceeded my expectations and the review... Read More »

Grado Timbre Series Opus3 Phono Cartridge

If you've never heard one of the new, wood-bodied Grado cartridges, you may be under the same misconceptions I was. Maybe because they look so pipe-and-slippers, I'd assumed they'd sound commensurately warm, cozy, syrupy-sweet, homemade, and comforting. Or maybe it's because my first experience with a Grado cartridge—a whopping two decades ago—left me with the... Read More »

Audeze LCD-5 Flagship Planar Headphones

Cutting right to the chase! I hypothesize that the excellent performance of the LCD-4 was criticized by many for its excess weight, and that the design required a makeover. At the same time, the CRBN Electrostat was bubbling up in R&D and would set a new musical standard for any headphones at half the weight. Most... Read More »

Simaudio Moon 740P Preamplifier and Moon 820S External Power Supply

The Simaudio Moon 740P preamplifier has been reviewed many times since its introduction circa 2012, most recently for Positive Feedback by Sam Rosen (HERE). I read many of these reviews, but not until after I had done my own evaluation. I am evaluating the 740P in conjunction with its companion piece the 820S External Power... Read More »
