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Recording Technique RADAR – Random Access Digital Audio Recorder, PART 3: Music (2)

The first fully functional HDD non-linear recording system, or how albums recorded using RADAR sound like Digital Sound Recording – method of preserving sound in which audio signals are transformed into a series of pulses that correspond to patterns of binary digits (i.e., 0's and 1's) and are recorded as such on the surface of a... Read More »

A World of Wilco: Bearing Witness to Jeff Tweedy's Music

Wayne Goins in watercolor (image processing by David W. Robinson) Jeff Tweedy and his world of Wilco music has entered my space, and I'm pretty damn happy about it. Let me just say upfront: I admit it—I'm probably the last one to the party. Actually, I'm extremely late, but very likely not the last one.... Read More »

In Memoriam: The Passing of Brian Hartsell

Brian Hartsell in the Atrium at RMAF 2005…back when you could smoke there! Brian Hartsell has passed away. Another good audio man gone. Apparently, he died on Friday, August 4, 2023, while in hospice care. My audiobud Nick Despotopoulos got in touch with me earlier this week to let me know. (Thanks, Nick!) His life... Read More »

In Unity There Is… We May Never Find Out

Roger Skoff picks up the cry for a new HiFi Industry Association   Do you remember electric trains? Practically every family who had kids owned one. Even adults loved them, and they could be bought almost everywhere, including toy shops, hobby shops, department stores, and even some "dime" stores. At Christmas time, there was hardly... Read More »

Confessions of a Record Collector, Part One

I wonder if a lot of Copper and Positive Feedback readers are record collectors. Well, I suppose that's like asking if dogs like bones. Record collecting can be fun or frustrating, cheap or expensive. Finding a mint original copy of an RCA Living Stereo Reiner Scheherazade or Meet the Beatles at a garage sale for 50 cents—an... Read More »

Neurochrome Purifi 1ET400A / Hypex NC500 Input Buffer

Hi Folks! Not in your typical fashion here but I have a quick review based on a module meant for the DIY folks. See, I've been on a journey to build my own amplifiers using *gasp* Class D modules readily available from a few different sources. I've built ICE-based amplifiers, some nondescript "chip amps" (which... Read More »

A Cartoon by Bruce Walker

From the PF paper 'n ink archives:  A cartoon by Bruce Walker, drawn in 1993 Pianist Envy:  'Oh, how I wish that I could play like that!'

Whizbang 9: An Unbelievable Review of an Absolutely Incredible Preamp

Roger Skoff writes about the very latest hot setup "The Whizbang 9 High-End audio preamp is a remarkable piece of audio equipment that aims to deliver an unparalleled listening experience. With its sleek design, advanced features, and excellent performance, it caters to audiophiles and music enthusiasts who demand the highest quality sound reproduction. First and... Read More »

The Passing of Jonathan Tinn:  a Photo-Essay in Melancholy

Ye Olde Editor on the Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Israel, 2022 (photograph by John Robinson) Friendships are the only unregulated relationships. There are legal requirements for marriages, the having of children, and the treatment thereof. Business relationships and financial institutions are subject to laws, claims, suits, and the legal system of this country. Relationships with the... Read More »

…and Steve says…On Excellence and Expectations – and Choosing Speakers

Last year I had the opportunity to visit with a friend and listen to their system that included the $329,000 Wilson Chronosonic XVX Loudspeakers. Their system is certainly one version of "state-of-the-art" and one of the very best systems I've ever heard. Over the years I've heard many other very expensive, high quality systems that... Read More »

My Audio Oasis! Awards for AXPONA 2023:  Chunklet the First

E-in-C Robinson enjoying cigars rooftop-style near the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret). Tiberias, Israel, 2022. (Photograph by John Robinson; image processing by the elder Robinson.) As I have been doing for many years now at audio shows, my response to the good stuff is to issue my Positive Feedback Audio Oasis! Awards. What are they?... Read More »

Contemplations On the Current State of High-End Audio Trade Shows

Norman Varney of AV RoomService Ltd. has joined Positive Feedback as a Senior Technical Editor as of Issue 113. His expertise in his field of audio acoustics and experience in the field makes him a helpful voice in our creative community for the audio arts. As has been our wont from the beginning of PF,... Read More »

Three Good Ideas for Beating Hi-Fi Inflation

Roger Skoff writes about dealing with something that affects us all  There's no denying that inflation is real. When Eater magazine recently described a $23 Brooklyn hamburger as "controversial" and the thing they said was controversial about it was not its price but the mustard, catsup, and maple syrup sauce used on it (HERE), it... Read More »

Remembering Copper's Dan Schwartz: A Friendship That Went Deep

Reprinted with permission by the author and Copper Magazine. Dan was also a contributor and good friend here at Positive Feedback. I and his friends knew the day would come, but when it did, it was no less of a shock. Copper contributor, bassist extraordinaire, and audiophile Dan Schwartz passed away on May 16, 2023 at age... Read More »

Confessions of a Setup Man 11: Can a System be too Good?

PF Senior Associate Editor shares with us one of his columns from PS Audio's Copper Magazine, Issue 127, December of 2020. He raises excellent issues here, ones that the readers of PF may well benefit from. Enjoy! Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief As audiophiles, we are on what can sometimes seem a never-ending quest for better sound... Read More »

Impressions:  AXPONA 2023, a Photo-Essay & Intro to the Extro

Ye Olde Editor at work at AXPONA 2023, in ink outline (photograph by Bill Parish; image processing by Robinson) The years of the plague… It’s no feat of insight to say that the coming of COVID during 2020, 2021, and 2022 was a time that hit high-end audio shows with significant force. One after another,... Read More »

A Rumination Upon Audio Research, VW's Phæton, and Subaru vs. SAAB

I must confess that I love Alternate History books, the more plausible the better. But I will fall for the occasional "Time Machine from the Future" yarn. In addition to writing about audio, I also was an automotive journalist. I was accredited to Mercedes-Benz USA by the U.S. Mercedes Club. I also wrote for Robert... Read More »

Impressions:  The ModWright Analog Bridge...a Rave!

Robinson with cigar. Munich, 2018 (photograph by Bill Parish; ink outline image processing by Robinson) Last summer at the first Pacific Audio Fest, I heard a product that I really liked, first take and all. While in the ModWright/Seattle HiFi/Cardas Audio/Revel/SME/Ortofon/Solidsteel room, I got to hear Dan Wright's newest design. This was his new ModWright... Read More »

When Does the Game Actually Change?

Roger Skoff writes about incremental improvements and value Is there anyone out there who doesn't know that, in addition to writing these articles, I also own a cable company? (RSX Technologies, for those who don't.) Positive Feedback, and I, and every other publication that I've ever written for, have all gone to great lengths to... Read More »
