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Flaunt the Audio Imperfection

Frank Doris is a valued colleague at Positive Feedback, a Senior Associate Editor here, as well, and Editor of Copper magazine, the publication of PS Audio. We republish the best of Frank's writing, with the kind permission of Copper. This reflective essay was first published on October 16, 2023, in Copper, Issue 199, as his "Frankly Speaking"... Read More »

Is it Really all BS? Part 2

Roger Skoff of RSX Technologies at the LAOC Audio Society Gala, December of 2023 (photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson) Roger Skoff writes more about the weirdest thing about our hobby. In Part 1 of this article, I wrote how some people who claim to be audiophiles seem to be constantly on the... Read More »

RP22 Immersive Audio Guidelines v1.0

Norman Varney of AV RoomService Ltd. has joined Positive Feedback as a Senior Technical Editor as of Issue 113. His expertise in his field of audio acoustics and experience in the field makes him a helpful voice in our creative community for the audio arts. As has been our wont from the beginning of PF, we do welcome... Read More »

Impressions: Photo Essay of AXPONA 2023 Audio Oasis! Awards, a Final Wrap-Up [Updated]

Ye Olde Editor, before the tsunami... Personal tsunami, 2023. Such a strange year for me, one that threw me for a loop right in the midst of the two main audio show that I attended:  AXPONA 2023 and Pacific Audio Fest 2023. Normally, I'm able to issue my considered judgements and Audio Oasis! Awards within... Read More »

Stu's Place - Ice Age Audio Power Cords, Interconnects and Speaker Cables

Intro - Some New Toys at Stu's It's been a while. Over two years by my reckoning. There's been a lot going on in my world, but hidden away, deep in my audio bunker, I've been doing a lot of modifying, tweaking, and after doing much careful listening, I've even picked up a few new... Read More »

Simplicity Offers a Lot of Possibilities

About the fact that what is simple is better than what is complex. But also about the fact that thoughtless simplifying is a mistake. Listening to music should be a simple matter. It is, after all, about one of the basic ways of spending free time that humans have indulged in for a very long... Read More »

the audio analyst© Episode 160: Vienna - Chasing Beethoven

My fascination with and appreciation of Beethoven's work began even before my relatively formal introduction to his vast body of work and influence on Western music which came in junior high school, where I not only had Miss Bloom's music class once a week throughout the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades, but also sat in... Read More »

Impressions: Portraits from AXPONA 2023, a Gallery

As I explained many months ago last May in Issue 127, my 2023 show impressions for both AXPONA and Pacific Audio Fest were derailed and terribly delayed by death...family and close friends...disease, and depressive moments. Top it off with too much work and some travel, and, well here I am. But I'm working on finishing... Read More »

Is It Really All BS? Part 1

Roger Skoff, President of RSX Technologies, at the LAOC Audio Society Gala, December 2023 (photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson) Roger Skoff writes about the weirdest thing about our hobby On one of the larger Facebook audio groups, a question currently being asked is "Who is the biggest proliferator of audio BS?", and... Read More »

Waters on the Hardware: The Vivid Audio Kaya 45 and Kaya 90 Loudspeakers

Dean Waters with cigar: a portrait at Pacific Audio Fest 2023 (photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson) The Vivid Audio Kaya 90 loudspeaker in one of its many custom colors (image courtesy of Vivid Audio) The smaller Kaya 45, again in a custom color (image courtesy of Vivid Audio) The Kaya product line... Read More »

Power Is No Longer So Simple

Norman Varney of AV RoomService Ltd. has joined Positive Feedback as a Senior Technical Editor as of Issue 113. His expertise in his field of audio acoustics and experience in the field makes him a helpful voice in our creative community for the audio arts. As has been our wont from the beginning of PF,... Read More »

Audio Art Cables -The Loom Effect

When we left off (HERE), I had just contacted Rob Fritz at Audio Art Cable about possibly getting set up with a loom of cables for both my digital and analog room systems. While I didn't press Rob to go the "full loom" route, he did agree to send me a full suite of interconnect... Read More »

First Impressions of the Audio Art Cables

I've always believed in the importance of well-constructed audio cables, and my systems of the last five or so years have been built around expensive (if not completely esoteric) cables from highly regarded manufacturers. I simply believed that logically, having well-made cables of a higher pedigree would give my systems a more legitimate claim to... Read More »

The Bottom Line

Roger Skoff at the 2023 Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Gala (portrait and image processing by David W. Robinson) Roger Skoff writes about how to save money on great sound Of all the components of your system, the likely most expensive are the speakers and, almost certainly, the most expensive part of building... Read More »

Dave and Carol Clark's Brutus Awards for 2023

Here we are at the end of 2023 and again, not a lot has passed through our doors for review. Why? Neither of us are just not interested in reviewing whatever. We were years ago, but now after reviewing some 35+ years... yeah, no thanks. Been there, done that, and just don't have the interest... Read More »

Network Acoustics' muon pro Streaming System

Network Acoustics is probably best known for their ENO Ethernet Filter (HERE), but they also offer a line of Ethernet and digital cables as well as an assortment of other products to make your network streaming all that much better. And as you will see, a whole lot better. Case in point, their statement muon... Read More »

"Christmas Jazz Vespers" Jazz-Quintet Track "What Child Is This?" Recorded by John Marks: Free Download!

EXCLUSIVE! FREE HI-RES DOWNLOAD! 24-bit/88.2kHz Christmas Jazz Vespers jazz-quintet track "What Child Is This?" recorded location-live by John Marks. From the Editor: Our good friend John Marks got in touch about a "Christmas Jazz Vespers" concert he had recently recorded location-live in the spacious Third Meeting House (1775) of the First Baptist Church in America (gathered... Read More »

Impressions:  A Collection of Notes on the Furutech Lineflux XLR NCF, V-1 Power Cable, and Pure Power 6 NCF

David W. Robinson in Jerusalem, 2022 (portrait by John Robinson; image processing by Ye Olde Editor himself) The Furutech Lineflux XLR NCF The Furutech Lineflux NCF XLR interconnect (image courtesy of Furutech) Furutech. A front-rank, top o' the heap high-end audio headquartered in Japan. I've followed their products for many years now, and for very... Read More »

The 2023 30th Anniversary Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society: A Photo Essay

Ye Olde Editor presenting the first LAOC AS MUSE Award to Abey Fonn…in ink outline, no less! (Photograph by unknown; image processing by yours truly) The weekend of December 2-3, 2023, saw the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society (LAOC AS) hold its 30th Anniversary Gala celebration. Following is a collection of photographs that... Read More »
