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From an Editor’s Notebook:  A Trip to YG Acoustics, a Photo Essay

10-09-2021 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 118

Ye Olde Editor at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, Denver, CO, 2019 (photograph by Scot Hull of Part-Time Audiophile; image processing by David W. Robinson)

I haven't been doing much traveling over the past couple of years. No news here:  COVID-19/Delta, you see. And thus, no audio shows.

But just recently I did get an opportunity to visit the good folks over at YG Acoustics in Arvada, CO, just a biscuit toss down the road from Denver. At the invitation of David Komatz, the CEO of YG Acoustics, I was able to squeeze in a brief trip from September 8-10, with the intention of updating me on all of the new developments at YGA. This includes some new products that aren't public knowledge yet. So, you won't be hearing about those from me yet. (Hint:  YGA is going in some very bold new directions in the near future!)

Thus, camera in hand, I took off for Denver. This photo essay is the summation of what I saw, with some comments on what I heard. Thanks to the YG Acoustics group for their kind hosting, and to Dick Diamond, Director of Sales and Marketing, for his assistance with the captioning of my photographs.

Dick Diamond holding the rather pricey Ingersoll Rand powered torque tool. Precise torque settings for all screws is an important aspect of YG Acoustics speaker production.

I've had numerous contacts with YG Acoustics over a number of years now. Founded by Yoav Geva (the "YG" of YGA), their loudspeakers at various audio shows impressed me from the beginning with their detailed, clean and clear sonics, with excellent top-to-bottom harmonic integration, and musicality. Bill Parish of GTT Audio has handled YG for a long time, and it was while visiting the GTT Audio rooms over the years that I become familiar with the virtues of the YG loudspeaker line.

Dick Diamond, Bill Parish, and Joe Kubala at AXPONA 2016

After hearing YG at shows, I was able to review their Anat III Pro Loudspeakers in my own stereo listening room years ago, back in Issue 64 (Nov/Dec, 2012).

From 2012:  They were really impressive designs, and sang wonderfully with the big Tenor monoblocks.

And now, after years in between, we have the next-generation Sonja 2.3i loudspeakers in…and they are stirring the place up! Simply brilliant…more on them later in the year.

The YG Acoustics Sonja 2.3i Loudspeakers, with a first-rate supporting cast, including the new YGA Equipment Rack

And so, it was inevitable that I would travel to Denver to visit the YG Acoustics production facility in Arvada. David Komatz, CEO, Steve Huntley, VP of Business Development and Sales, Gary Mulder, North American Sales Executive, and Dick Diamond, Director of Sales and Marketing, were very courteous and friendly hosts as we spent a day together in September touring the place that produces so many very fine loudspeakers.

Photo highlights follow.

One of the DMG/Mori CNC machines milling speaker parts.

YG Acoustics has invested some very serious dollars into their 12,000 square foot facility. (There are plans being considered to increase the size of their plant.) Some of the most advanced machinery that I've seen are in place, handling all aspects of the complex process of precision milling both the aluminum enclosures and the drivers (yes, also aluminum). All crossovers are also built here, including the new i generation design. This is a state-of-the-art production line.

The control module display of one of YG's many CNC machines.

Computer controls for the German-made machinery are the latest and greatest. It takes skilled artisans to oversee the production work done.

The listening showroom at YG Acoustics, displaying the mighty four-column Sonja XVi speakers and InVincible 21.2 subwoofer.

This is an angled photograph of YG Acoustics' showroom.

Naturally, YGA has a brilliant listening room. It is equipped to provide a full-range evaluation setting for members of the YGA team to make sure that their designs remain powerfully musical as well as technically advanced.

The THALES TTT-Compact II turntable & tangential pivoted SIMPLICITY II tonearm, with EMT JSD Refence Platinum Cartridge.

The mighty InVincible 21.2 subwoofer with two 21' sub bass drivers and 3kW sub amp.

The Main Tower and Subwoofer Tower of the Sonja XVi speakers.

The setting for the discussion of parts in the YG Acoustics Conference Room.

Shown are various stages of BilletCore driver machining, tweeter parts, circuit board and ViseCoil bass inductor.

A sampling of speaker crates and internal packing material, with one of YG's over-head cranes in the background.

A static photograph of a YG speaker testing area.

Early-stage speaker assemblies.

A display of new colors being offered by YG Acoustics.

Something new here! YGA is greatly expanding its offering of cabinet colors, going well beyond its traditional palette.

A YG Acoustics ViseCoil bass circuit.

Having hoisted it, I can tell you that the ViseCoil is heavy. Really, really heavy. Beautifully built, too.

Assorted crossover boards.

Wonderfully handmade, these! And some primo parts in the mix…

Early steps of a YG BilletCore speaker cone from billet to first side machined.

Yes, the YGA speaker cones really are milled from a solid billet of aluminum, and eventually end up as ultra-thin cones in their unique drivers.

Second side machined BilletCore speaker cone.

Delicate, but incredibly strong and rapid in their sonic action. Remarkably transparent in effect.

A YG Acoustics ViseCoil bass inductor. It looks rather rough-looking, due to available lighting.

Machining stages of the "airframe" that is part of the YG Acoustics BilletDome tweeter. The airframe weighs only 1/1000th of an ounce.

Internal connecting members.

A YG Acoustics robust milled circuit board (not acid etched).

A modest (in YG terms!) stack of aluminum.

There are many tons of aluminum at the YGA facility. I was amazed.

Overhead crane suction plate-lifters beside YG's Gary Mulder.

This gives you a sense of the scale of the major aluminum slabs. This stack makes Gary look rather small!

A down and dirty look into YG Acoustics Gildemeister 5-axis CNC machine.

Chips and debris collected by the many CNC milling machines, soon to be sent to recycling.

Fine machining chips produced by YG's CNC machines, waiting to be picked up by the recycler. 

One of YG's dedicated staff members, Will Snell, takes great pride in his work.

I came away from YG Acoustics with a much better understanding and a greater appreciation for the enormous amount of work that their team in the US and the UK do to produce the exceptional loudspeaker systems that I have heard over the years.

But there's more! As I mentioned earlier, and while I am not at liberty to share everything that the YGA team told me, their future plans are very ambitious. They have a vision for new designs that will be announced quite soon, and some brilliant new directions for their company. I am quite excited about what the coming years hold for YG Acoustics. You will be too, as they are revealed.

Stay tuned!

All photographs by David W. Robinson.