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The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 15: RTS-30 Turntable Mat, RHS-1 Headshell, RHR-21 Helmholtz Resonator, CS-3K Outlet Stabilizer, RCI-3HK Cable Lifts, and RGC-24K Ground Conditioner!

07-10-2024 | By Jeff Day | Issue 134

RGC-24K Ground Conditioner ($613 USD)

The RGC-24K ground conditioner is an updated version of the RGC-24 ground conditioner that I reviewed in 2008 while writing for 6Moons

The RGC-24K's chassis has beautifully crafted Duralumin casework with a matte black Alumite finish, and utilizes a gold-plated brass plate for a base. Inside the chassis is a blend of tourmaline, hydrozincite, and other (i.e. proprietary blend) piezoelectric crystals that serve as the grounding medium.

An included solid core cable connects the RGC-24K grounding assembly to a chassis mounting point. The connector cable is an annealed single crystal cable similar to that used in Acoustic Revive power cables, and has a natural silk buffer material and Teflon-coated flexile copper and carbon mesh tubing as a covering. A rhodium-plated RBN-1 banana plug is used to connect to the RGC-24K, and a gold plated Y-connector is used for connecting to the equipment grounding point. If your component doesn't have a standard grounding connection, the RGC-24K includes a special RCA plug that can be attached to the Y-connector, and then inserted into an empty RCA input to serve as a grounding connection. 

The RGC-24K, like all Acoustic Revive products, exudes quality in its construction and materials.

Ken-san originally developed the RGC-24K as a Japan specific product, as the AC power supply grid does not have a ground in Japan. It is a "two-conductor unbalanced wiring" arrangement, says Ken-san. So if you want a high-quality ground in Japan, you have to take a DIY approach. Either you can have discrete grounding done during the construction work of a new structure, or added to an existing structure - which is very expensive in Japan, and somewhat unpredictable with respect to ground loop and hum noise. Ken-san wanted to develop something that would improve the sound quality of a HiFi rig like a proper earth ground, but be less expensive and easy to implement. 

So for HiFi enthusiasts without a typical earth ground, the RGC-24K addresses that need. All you have to do is hook the RGC-24K up to a component's grounding point, and voilà—you have an earth ground. 

You might wonder—as I did—what effect the RGC-24K would have on a HiFi rig in a country like the USA where earth grounds are already part of the normal electrical grid. 

In my original review, I found that with my Leben RS28CX preamplifier, my Leben CS300X integrated amplifier, and my Leben CS600 integrated amplifier, all benefited considerably from an RGC-24 even in the presence of a grounded electrical supply. That's still the case, of course. 

With the Audio Note (UK) components that I had in the system for this review, I did not hear an improvement when using the RGC-24K as a virtual ground. I'm not sure why.

Like most accessories, you should try them before you buy them, if at all possible. The RGC-24K worked wonders on my Leben components, but there was no discernible improvement with the Audio Note (UK) components. 

If you have components that can benefit from a virtual ground, I think you'll be impressed with the performance improvement an RGC-24K can deliver. Conditionally recommended as a "try it before you buy it" audio accessory. 

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