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Isolation Platforms from Marigo Audio Lab

The highlight bout begins with King Resolution dancing in his corner taunting Bishop Musicality across the ring, both egged on by PR guys with stakes in the outcome. The handicappers lay odds on the King. Why? Because resolution trumps all in the audiophile arena. These bouts occur regularly in my sound room. While I love... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RGC-24K - Artificial Round Conditioner

Acoustic Revive is a Japanese company that was set up in 1997, run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in connectors and anti-vibration products, but also offers innovative devices, most often the brainchildren of the University of Tokyo. We are testing one of the company's products that filter ground interference—the RGC-24K. The artificial ground, or—as... Read More »

An Impressive Breakthrough In Streaming Performance - The Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF

As mentioned in some of my recent reviews, I have really settled in on the basic building blocks in my current system. Click on my name above in red for a complete list and description. Even during the lockdown, I never thought twice about making any major changes. This despite plenty of time reading about... Read More »

Nordost Premium QKORE Wire

A fellow-traveler who delights in extracting the max from his gear relayed this narrative the other day. "When guys come over for a listen, they often comment they never heard XYZ gear sound this good. Why is that? I tell them it is the attention paid to the little things—like premium fuses, RFI noise stopper... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RTS-30 and RKI-5005 Turntable Sheets and Anti-vibration Pads

WORLD PREMIERE Acoustic revive is a Japanese company founded in 1997 and run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in connection cables and anti-vibration products, but offers also  innovative products, the ideas of which are most often sourced from the University of Tokyo. We test its products containing a mineral called Kiyoh-stone. The use of minerals... Read More »

The Latest audiodharma Cable Cooker

Competitive upgrade, the notion of "keeping up with the Joneses," was never my thing. For whatever reason, even as our income grew, we opt to maintain the same comfortable lifestyle, rather like Warren Buffet has famously chosen to live in the same modest abode for 63 years. (We're going on 40 in our apartment. The... Read More »

Kirmuss Audio Advances Record Restoration and Introduces the Adrenaline Speaker Cable 

An important announcement! The energetic and brilliant Charles Kirmuss has no grass growing under his feet as he announces changes in usage of his superb KA-RC-1 Ultrasonic Record Restoration System and newly developed and very high value speaker cables for audiophile systems. I inquired about the cleaning process since there is so much buzz associated... Read More »

Impressions:  From an Editor’s Notebook, Part 1...ADD-POWR Sorcer X4

David W. Robinson, a portrait in late August of 2021. (Photograph by John Robinson.) "We will serve no wine before its time." – Carlo Rossi It's time. I have a set of brief impressions about some of the audio gear that's made its way over here to Positive Feedback in 2021. The second year of... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RWL-III Absolute Acoustic Panel

Acoustic revive is a Japanese company founded in 1997 and run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in audio cables and anti-vibration accessories, but it also offers innovative products, the ideas of which are most often inspired by the University of Tokyo. We are testing one of the products used to correct room acoustics, the... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RPC-1K Passive AC filter

Acoustic revive is a Japanese company founded in 1997 and run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in audio cables and anti-vibration products, but it also offers innovative ones, the ideas of which most often come from the University of Tokyo. We are testing one of the products used to filter the AC supply voltage,... Read More »

AudioQuest Noise-Stopper Caps

Stick around long enough and you get to witness the life cycle of a fad. Presently, the audiophile community has been riding herd on RFI, judging by the third-party Band-Aids proliferating on Audiogon and webzine talk. I believe the interest to be an offshoot from the prior focus on the electrical ground: after all, RFI... Read More »

A Brace of Buzz Busters from iFi - The GND Defender and DC Blocker

I've long been a fan of those wizards at iFi, especially the wonky folks tasked with widget warfare on hi-fi noise pollution. Although perhaps best known for their cost-effective DAC/Headphone amps, iFi has also issued a stream of USB and AC power iPurifiers and iDefenders to address audio problems both common and not so. Of... Read More »

Intona 7054-x Galvanic Isolator

The last few years I've been pretty pleased with my system, so I've really not been considering any major changes. My current gaggle of components, cables, and room treatments works well in my somewhat difficult room, and delivers most of the passion of the music while usually keeping me happily engaged.  I even get to... Read More »

Adventures In De-Crapification with the USBe Perfect

Hey Kids! It's 2021, and with no more pressure to have the US BeBest, let's all go play with the USBe Perfect! When the call came in, Georgia area code—caller unknown, I let it go straight to voicemail. Finally weeding out spam calls, I found—tucked between a Police Defense Fund plea and a faux breast... Read More »

Ahhh zaZen! The zaZen II Isolation Platform

ZaZen is a Zen Buddhist practice for individuals to achieve some peace, however temporary. I am familiar enough with Zen practices to know that I have little to say that is true of it, but allow me to say that the peace does not come easily, and certainly not automatically. One of the results practitioners... Read More »

Record Doctor Clamp

Might this be the easiest review I have ever written? I'll cut to the chase and claim that the Record Doctor record clamp is a "no brainer" essential accessory for vinyl enthusiasts. Numerous similar products have been available for years, but I have never felt motivated to experiment with admirable performance of my Pioneer PLX1000... Read More »

Enhanced System Performance with AudioQuest Niagara Power Conditioning, NRG Edison AC Outlets, and AC Power Cables

I've talked here at intervals over the last couple of years about a variety of system enhancements I've employed at my home with the goal of improving system performance, reducing noise, and increasing my ability to see through more clearly to the music I enjoy. It's really shocking how seemingly simple fixes like vibration reduction... Read More »

The IsoAcoustics GAIA I Speaker Isolators – Superb Performance and Big Time Value

I have a great deal of respect for isolation devices, though certain caveats should always be considered. I have reviewed and/or owned some of the most simple to the most sophisticated. This includes designs from Butcher Block Acoustics, Solidsteel, Adona, Sound Anchors, Silent Running Audio, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Rix Rax, Critical Mass, and Grand Prix.... Read More »

Point of View Depends on Where You Sit

Or what do the audiophiles sit on "First of all, audiophile doesn't listen to. He assesses." source: Bartek Chaciński, Wyż nisz, Kraków 2010 ⌋ Preparing the 3-part mini-series entitled. MICROTUNNING I focused on three elements of audio systems: 1 LOUDSPEAKERS, 2 ELECTRONCS and 3 CABLES. Already back then one of our Readers pointed out to... Read More »
