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Newport THE Show 2014 - A Pictorial Essay of Sorts... Part 1

08-11-2014 | By Dave Clark | Issue 74

What a great time was experienced by anyone attending this year's event. Healthy attendance, crowded rooms, wonderful discussions (many heartfelt thanks to those who asked about Carol—is nice to see such love for her and for myself after such a year). And hats off to Richard Beers and his organization for putting such a stellar and well ran show... it ran like a Swiss watch. Kudos! Also thanks goes out to Lucette Nicoll for her role in dealing with the Press.

I will admit that combined with the pf/pfe Hospitality Suite, covering the show, being on a panel, and attending an audio show solo for the fist time in a good 20 years I had little time to spend listening to rooms for more than a quick 'hit and run'... so if I did not sit and stay, I apologize. Age and time worked against me this year.

So here we go....

The pf/pfe room was usually pretty packed with anyone looking for good sound (courtesy of mbl, WyWires, VPI, iFi, Skogrand, and exaSound... working together to play back DSD, double DSD, and quad DSD files), good drink (many bourbons, scotches, and wines), good coffee (Ristretto Roasters), and good conversation.

Please help yourself...

mbl with Skogrand's finest speaker cables...

WyWires and more!

VPI and exaSound!

Live music too...

Please help yourself...

May I have another...?

Dynamic Design featuring AnnaLyric Systems' AC unit, Marten loudspeakers, Modwright Instruments' electronics, Stillpoints racks and isolation devices, and of course, Dynamic Designs' cables! Always sounding really good.

High Water Sounds' room featuring TW-Acustic, Tron-Electric, Horning Hybrid, Silver Circle, Silent Running Audio, Teo Audio, and Shun Mook Acoustics.

Nordost featuring… Nordost with NOLA and Rowland. Nice sound here.

Hemingway cables with Egglestonworks and Rogue Audio.

Audio Note UK.

Von Schweikert Audio featuring their speakers with Constellation Audio and Master-Built Audio Cables.

GTT Audio showing the Grimm Audio system.

AudioQuest with Vandersteen and Audio Research in one of the Optimal Enchantment rooms.

The other Optimal Enchantment room featuring the bigger Vandersteen, Audio Research, Audioquest, Basis, Lyra, and Harmonic Resolution Systems.

Empirical Audio room with Vapor Audio.

Woo Audio brought the kitchen sink.

Wyred 4 Sound room.

Hegel Music System with Raidho Acoustics and Ansuz Acoustics.

Emerald Physics DSPeaker with Underwood HiFi and WyWires.

Channel D and Lynx Studio

Cake Audio featuring Rockport Technologies, Brinkmann, Viola Audio laboratories, Nordost, Stillpoints, Esoteric, and Balanced Audio Technology.

Red Dragon Audio and Spatial Audio… a minimal setup that sounded rather nice.

Electra-Fidelity featuring Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Audiokineses, Resolution Audio, and WyWires.

Another Electra-Fidelity room with Fritz Speakers and WyWires.

Endeavor Audio with Constellation Audio and Your Final System.

One of the many Sunny Components' rooms featuring T+A, Dynaudio, HRS, Orofon, and Transparent Cables.

Another Sunny Components' rooms but this time featuring Wilson Audio, Audio Research, Transparent Cables, Dr. Frickert Analog, and HRS.

Debbie Wilson. Such a beautiful person who brought tears to my eyes.

Debbie and Sunil.