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Lone Star Audio Fest 2024

09-30-2024 | By Norman Tracy | Issue 135

Our tribe of dedicated audiophiles and music lovers met up in Dallas Texas the weekend of June 7-9 for the seventeenth Lone Star Audio Fest. LSAF is designed and executed to be different from typical HiFi shows. The emphasis is placed on hosting a low-cost experience encouraging individual audiophiles, DIYers/Makers, startups and smaller companies to gather for a fun lower stress weekend sharing their passions for music and HiFi gear. Is contrast to other shows where exhibitors' cost of entry skews the ‘entry level' system costs into five figure territory LSAF tends to offer a wider range of systems including DIY options where sweat equity and ‘I built that' pride are part of the cost up from there ranging to the no holds barred systems demonstrating what is possible at the state of the art.

LSAF 2024 did experience some challenges. Chief among those is the news any show dreads, the hosting hotel is under renovation. Exhibitors and attendees navigated around the areas blocked off on the ground floor and tried to ignore on and off noises from construction several floors above second floor suites hosting LSAF. The numbers of exhibitors and attendees was down compared to typical LSAFs. Beginning immediately after LSAF 2024 closed definitive steps were taken to address the issues lest LSAF fade away. Specifically, Wayne Parham LSAF founder and Emiko E. Carlin CEO, T.H.E. Enterprises, LLC announced in July a collaboration "T.H.E. Lone Star Audiofest, sponsored by T.H.E. Enterprises," the event moving to Austin, Texas, May 2-4, 2025. Details for the 2025 event can be found at lonestaraudiofest.com and www.theshownow.com.

Exhibitor quality was not an issue at LSAF 2024. Before discussing the rooms the caveat, your author is also an exhibitor. Given the excellent sound quality in each LSAF 2024 room it was easy to report on and praise all exhibiters' efforts. In 2024 we enjoy an abundance of high-quality choices in the HiFi market with the mediocre weeded out. For attendees the fun is discovering the wide range on offer and choosing which fits your personal sound goals and budget.

Raven Audio

James Connell of Raven Audio (ravenaudio.com) demonstrated their wide range of products using a system anchored by the Avian series amplifiers, in this case a Nighthawk. Selected NOS preamp tubes feeding a quad of 6L6 output tubes yields superb sound. Raven Audio's deserves kudos and the attention of those in the market for being able to manufacture in the USA while delivering such fidelity, classic styling, build quality all with attainable cost.

Corvus Reference Monitors in black and grey were joined by Raven Audio's new Raptor.

Large format woofer plus horn loaded tweeter as featured in the Raptor is a great architecture to use with tube amps. This pair of Raptors finished in a deluxe stained red and black veneer with polished high gloss.

Everyday Audiophile

Everyday Audiophile (everydayaudiophile.com) is a web site and YouTube channel (@everydayaudiophile5409) created by software engineer Matthew Philpot. This was Matt's first time exhibiting at LSAF and he did it right. Triode Labs preamp and mono blocks provided amplification. Audial's TDA1541A equipped DAC acted as source. Speakers included the Coherent Audio GR10 classic format 10" coax alternating with Rick Craig's Selah Audio high-tech Ritorno featuring 8" ceramic woofer and ribbon tweeter.

My audition of Matthew's system found it configured with the GR10s and push pull EL84 Triode Labs mono blocks. This is highly refined HiFi assembled by a practiced hand, and ear. EL84 amps are so sweet and delicate and the Triode Labs' version is no exception. Fronted with such a refined source and then onto high efficiency speakers was a great example of where a tube centric audiophile journey should lead.

Uilleam Audio

Michael Lundy's Uilleam Audio (uilleamaudio.com) is a custom oriented woodworking cabinet shop where Michael brings his considerable skills and tools to the task of bespoke speakers and audio furniture. Michael works with speaker designs including GR Research, Pi Speakers, CSS, Madisound, Solen.ca, Troels Gravesen, etc. from whom the client selects a design and Michael builds the cabinets. His services provide an option for those who want to access the wealth of advanced speaker kits and designs available but lack the necessary woodworking skills and shop a way to get cabinets and turn key speakers. He does insist the design's intellectual property rights be honored, as specified by author or company. Michael's deep experience in finishing and veneering, including shop sawn exotics, is available as is consulting on crossover parts upgrades. Often Michaels's clients op for higher end finishes and crossover upgrades resulting in speakers beyond the typical retail offerings. Or with his CNC capability he can cut flatpacks and prototypes for more hands on DIYers and small manufacturers.

Michael's LSAF 2024 demo system used the GR Research NX-Studio Monitors atop dual 8" servo sub speaker stands. The NX-Studios are finished in an oak burl with purple heart border inlay and black baffles. The sub stands are sized to work with the NX-Studios. Michael calibrates monitors to subs handoff and integration into the room using both measurements and listening. The result combines the fast tight sealed bass of the NX-Studio Monitor with servo-controlled subwoofers resulted in a room friendly system with impressive capabilities.

Uilleam Audio's system ran off a full PS Audio stack including BHK Signature preamp, Stellar Phono Preamplifier, PerfectWave SACD player, and DirectStream DAC MK2. Power amplification PS M1200 mono blocks powering monitors and Rythmik A370XLR3 Direct Servo amps powering subwoofers. LPs via SL10 turntable, a classic 1980s linear tracking Technics halo product. AC power for the front end was a PS P3 regenerator and Pi Audio Uberbuss on power amps. Rack is the Audio Crafters Guild Pz3 Three shelf Panzerholz rack with Carbide Audio Carbide Base Micro isolators.

With such resources brought to the party and Michael's expert setup skills as one would expect the sound was top shelf. During show hours and unofficial night sessions the Uilleam Audio was a popular place to hang out and hear favorite music. With Michael setup to play LPs, CDs, SACDs, and streaming favorites requested or brought to the show were enjoyed by all.

Uilleam Audio also displayed a new product line at LSAF, HiFi furniture. Following photos show Michael's very deluxe record storage system featuring room for box sets, sliding hardwood tambor doors, and pullout shelves allowing flipping through one's collection. These can be ordered in custom configurations and finishes.

Michael Lundy on the left selecting music on Roon, loyal LSAF attendee JP Morere on the right.

Pete Millett's DIY Audio, Landfall Systems, Arcturus Audio

The returning championship level team comprising Pete Millett of Pete Millett's DIY Audio pages (www.pmillett.com), David Flores of Landfall Systems (www.landfallsystems.com), and Raymond Koontz of Arcturus Audio (www.tubesusa.com/arcturusaudio.html) are a guaranteed stop at LSAF for great music and fun. All while experiencing the state of the art in tube based ultra-fi. Pete Millett supports the DIY tube community with designs and PCBs, but his practice is so much more including design services for brands like Arcturus Audio and boutique builds like the "Gossamer" amp shown here running the demo system. That amp is a good example of the synergies this team brings using Millett's design and PCB modules, Japanese ISO output transformers imported by Arcturus Audio all housed in custom Landfall Systems' mono block chassis.

Millett "Gossamer" (www.pmillett.com/gossamer.html) - VT-62 SE A2 amplifier 15-watts of bright emitter triode magic.

Idler drive Rek-O-Kut restored and mounted in custom plinth.

Millett's LR phono stage (smaller enclosure) and the all-tube amplification Arcturus Deco Phono advanced phono stage with multiple loading and EQ setting for the serious LP collector.

Special order Arcturus amps using antique 27 triodes (above) and exotic 89 triple grid pentode (below). Arcturus is an obvious place to shop for the audiophile diving deep into the wonders of exotic triode and other golden age tube based HiFi.

Pi Speakers

For LSAF 2024 Pi Speakers (pispeakers.com) demo system used their three π loudspeaker loaded with B&C drivers along with a pair of three π subwoofers. Large format speakers like the three π with its horn loaded compression driver and 12" woofer are enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Pi Speakers is not another me-too brand bringing a 70s inspired design to market now that they are back in fashion. High efficiency uniform-directivity loudspeakers have been Pi's specialty for years. Wayne Parham's design expertise and depth is attested to in the Technologies tab (pispeakers.com/Technologies.html) of their web site and extensive documentation on each models' product page. Combined with his preferred triode amplification on the mains with powered subs smoothing in-room bass response the years of refinements shows in an exquisite result.

Following their proven LSAF plan Wayne and his wife Kelly setup their room as an inviting place to hang out and enjoy music, mostly off Blu-ray live concert disks. This emphasizes both how friendly and social the Parham's are and how home friendly a Pi Speakers based system can be.

Pi Speakers owner/designer LSAF founder Wayne Parham (left) enjoying some tunes with Carlos.

Oppo multi-format disk player as source, AN amp for mains and sub amps is all it takes.

This set of three π loudspeakers features quilted maple and figured waterfall Bubinga veneers and high gloss finish by Michael Lundy's Uilleam Audio.

Van Zyl Audio

Johan Van Zyl founder and chief designer of Van Zyl Audio (vanzylaudio.com) returned to LSAF with his Alpine Mid-horns and BB-10 subwoofer. Shown as prototypes at last years show 2024 found this unique take on horn loaded speakers refined and production ready.

Van Zyl Audio Alpine Mid-horns achieve 101dB @ 1-watt sensitivity over a bandwidth of 125-20kHz. The wide band driver features a direct connection to the amplifier and is supported by horn loading the rear wave and an AMT tweeter. The Alpine main and BB-10 sub both use room boundaries to extend their horn loading.

Experience shows horn loading brings a dynamic life to music reproduction very beneficial to the goal of reproducing live music in one's home. Many of us have also experienced poorly designed horns being the very embodiment of harsh shouty fatiguing sound. Johan Van Zyl's designs fall squarely in the former camp exhibiting his long-practiced design skills. Year in year out the special treat of horn loaded bass is on prominent display in Johan's room. The BB-10 subwoofer has the depth and impact one expects of top range subs in 2024 adding inner detailing of bass tonality that is very rare in HiFi bass. Above the bass the Alpine Mid-horns work with the room delivering an expertly tuned full range sound. Johan often uses large scale romantic era orchestral works demonstrating to great effect how his designs scale to breathtaking dynamic heights while maintaining lovely tonal expression with high contrast rendering of instrumental complexity.

Van Zyl Audio BB-10 subwoofer sensitivity is 106 dB @ 1 watt bandwidth 48-100Hz with useable output to 20 Hz. Note the spacing between BB-10 and corner, this is deliberate as the sub's horn exit faces the corner turning that corner of the room into a large bass horn.

Van Zyl Audio demo system used ClassD Audio's Mini GaN 5 400W Gallium Nitride Audio Amplifier, Dayton Audio sub amp, Mojo Audio's Mystique X DAC and cabling by Silversmith Audio.

Johan is an enthusiastic user of and proponent for Silversmith Audio ribbon cables.

Rosso Fiorentino and Norma Audio

Derek 'Skip' Skipworth's distribution company Audio Thesis (audiothesis.com) is a room to search out at LSAF and the other HiFi shows where he exhibits. As North American distributor of Italian brands Rosso Fiorentino speakers and Norma Audio electronics Skip's systems naturally feature these exotics. Rosso Fiorentino's Fiesole model speaker in a stunning custom red leather and black finish was driven by Norma Audio Rivo IPA-80 integrated amplifier. Streaming sourced via Norma Audio Revo DAC-2 and Lumin network player. Skip's expert setup including the eye-catching WAY Cables completed this outstanding example of UltraFi.

Skip's work brings style and substance together in a luxury high-end experience. The refinement of Rosso Fiorentino speakers and fast wide bandwidth low noise signals delivered by Norma Audio electronics combine with great synergy. This outstanding music reproduction is delivered with the style and flare that comes it seems so easily to the Italians. Fidelity for the music lover and style for the house proud.

Infigo Audio

Calvin Johnson (U.S. Distributor and cable sales director) brought Infigo Audio (infigoaudio.com) back to LSAF. System used Infigo's Method 4 DAC its variable outs directly driving the Method 6 Stereo Amplifier. Completing this system were Gato speakers, Infigo prototype streamer, Infigo cables, and Audio Crafters Guild Pz2W rack with Carbide Audio Base isolation feet.

Calvin's LSAF rooms have always been outstanding, then in 2023 having discovered Infigo Audio he showed up with both Infigo electronics and Infigo Audio founder/CEO Hans Looman. It was a treat to discuss electrical engineering with Hans discovering we share many design philosophies and appreciation for the art of printed circuit board layout. As in 2023 the 2024 system Calvin presented was outstanding. Another reason one never regrets time spent in Calvin's demos is his connoisseurship of the music being played. I always leave with new artists that go onto heavy rotation back home. The speed and purity of Infigo's source, amp, and cables along with the neutrality and heft the Danish high-tech filled Gato speakers brought to the party combined into pure audiophile bliss.

Miller Audio LLC, PureArtFi, and ACG

Bryan Miller of Miller Audio LLC (milleraudiollc.com) and Norman Tracy (this report's author) of PureArtFi, and ACG (pureartfi.com, audiocraftersguild.com) combined forces for LSAF 2024.

Demo system used ACG media server, ACG DAM1941mkII R2R Ladder DAC, 1000 NT J-FET Nu-Tube preamplifier, Miller Audio Dyna-70 with Auto Bias & Mundorf Cap Upgrade. Equipment was setup on ACG Pz2W Panzerholz high mass high damping rack with 40mm shelves upgrade and Carbide Audio Base isolation feet. Cables by Swan Song Audio silver Ag series.

Speakers attendees could sample included the PureArtFi LS-6 with solid walnut baffles, shop sawn spalted hackberry veneers, Purifi woofer and GR Neo planer tweeter in waveguide on matching custom stands. From the Audio Crafters Guild Series 70 models' options included the Pure 70 with Purifi woofer Satori Silk tweeter in red and black or (on table) CBe 70 monitor with TexTreme woofer Satori Be tweeter featuring the Panzerholz baffles upgrade. Series 70 monitors played on custom tripod hardwood stands by Uilleam Audio.

Miller Audio Dyna 70s are available as upgrade subassemblies, full kits, or custom built to customers' specification. This example includes copper plated metal work and copper foil signal caps.

CBe 70 speaker, Carbide Audio multi-axis vibration isolation feet, and ACG Panzerholz feet.

Carbide Audio Base and Nano multi-axis vibration isolation feet.

Direct Audio (directaudio.net) was on hand with a tasty selection of SACDs, CDs, and LPs. Great HiFi needs great software.

LSAF John Busch Memorial raffle

An outstanding example of the community around LSAF was the John Busch Memorial Raffle held Saturday night. The late John Busch was a frequent exhibitor at LSAF, he was both a talented speaker designer (especially adept with large open baffle designs) and an early proponent of the high value tube electronics produced in Asia that became available in the 2000s. After John's untimely passing a couple of years ago LSAF community members have been helping his family liquidate his large collection of HiFi gear and parts. With most of the collection moved on to new owners the final items were given away as a free to enter raffle held Saturday night at LSAF 2024. Thanks to Steven Solazzo who transported the last truckload of John's storage unit contents to Dallas many lucky attendee and exhibitor entrants won speaker drivers and tube amps. Appropriately for a show with a strong DIY component many of the prizes were fodder for projects or in need of some TLC. Also typical for LSAF there were experts on hand offering assistance to the winners with getting their prizes up and running.

John Manzanita with his Widow Maker speaker at LSAF 2017.

Wayne and Kelly selected winners pulling tickets randomly from a box.

My favorite winners, the father and son whose prize was an 18" subwoofer driver. Could there be a more perfect project for a dad and teenage son? I believe John Busch would be happy seeing a next generation audiophile encouraged by his legacy.