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The Remastered Antonio Lysy At the Broad from Yarlung Records

01-22-2022 | By Rushton Paul | Issue 119

When Bob Atiyeh sounds excited about some sonic improvement he's achieved, I pay attention. In this case it is Bob's announcement of a 15th Anniversary remastering of the famous Antonio Lysy At the Broad: Music From Argentina, a recording that has received rave reviews since its release on vinyl in 2010 and as an EP in DSD256 in 2015. Could it sound even better?

Antonio Lysy At the Broad: Music From Argentina. Yarlung 2009, 2022 (DSD 256) HERE

Bob's announcement of the remastering and re-release in DSD256 came in NativeDSD's weekly newsletter last night. This morning, I booted up my computer and hustled over to the NativeDSD website. And I've been listening to this new release now for the past two hours, going back and forth between it and the 2015 release (also DSD256).

So, cut to the chase: does the 2022 DSD256 remaster sound better?

Oh, yes! Unequivocally.

And, perhaps more importantly, we now have the complete album in DSD256, not just the four tracks of the 2015 EP DSD256 release.

In the liner notes, Bob Atiyeh tells us: "In this remastering, we used SonoruS SHI18 technology to glean all the phase information and dynamic content embedded in our Agfa formula 468 tape to create an even more vivid and three-dimensional soundstage for this release."

SonoruS SHI18, courtesy of Sonorus' website

And, indeed, everything does have a greater clarity, a greater transparency, a greater delicacy of harmonics, than in the original DSD256 release from 2015. The original has a bit greater bottom end "oomff" and a bit more impact on some tracks. And some may prefer this. But by comparison to the remaster, these now sound like artifacts to me. The remaster sounds so much truer to the sound of the instruments as I would expect to have heard them in the hall. There is simply a greater clarity, a finer delineation of the harmonic overtones, a bit cleaner definition of transients. I am delighted to have this now in my library.

The Broad Stage, Santa Monica

So, congratulations to Bob and his team for this remaster. It is tremendously well done.

And a huge thank you for now sharing with us in DSD256 all of the tracks that were on the original LP release. I have missed them.

Now… perhaps you might consider making a similar gift to us of the complete Elinor Frey Dialoghi in DSD256? Wishful thinking here.