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MAG-LEV ML1 Turntable - Part 3

03-16-2019 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 102

Every day I play the ML1 is an adventure. It has its glitches, but is musical and quiet. At the price, it is miraculous indeed. (You can read Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.)

Currently, I use the latest version of this unique magnetically powered and suspended turntable: the ML1. This version, with tweaked firmware, is the current model available worldwide. For ultimate performance, I have made these changes with outstanding results as follows:

  • Replaced the felt mat with Stein Music Signature Carbon Mat
  • Replaced the OM10 cartridge with Ortofon 2M Black Cartridge, which is a moving magnet design
  • Leveled table with spacers, as needed.
  • Upgraded the interconnects with WyWires Platinum or Diamond phono interconnects
  • Upgraded the power cord withUIT Incredible AC Purifier power cord series

These upgrades increase already excellent definition and dynamics by another 40-50%!

More notes

  • The tonearm cartridge combination must, must, must not need more than 1.4 grams of stylus force for optimum tracking. The supplied cartridge and the upscale Ortofon 2M Black work perfectly at that force...their minimum is 1.25 grams. You must do this with a precision tonearm weight gauge. This information is new!
  • The vestigial anti-skate must be set in the center detent position for flawless performance. This information is new!
  • Obviously, no moving coil cartridge I know of will work at this stylus force, so stop trying.

Significant changes to the tonearm and electronics will need to be made to allow the use of a heavier MC cartridge. The MM cartridge selected cannot weight more than 9 grams...8 is preferable.

Warning! You may overheat the MAG-LEV system if your cartridge tracks at even 1.5 grams and the anti-skate is set in any other position. The effect of overheating causes audible flutter in the playback of your LPs.  I managed to do this, and the new distributor of ML in North America and the technicians at the factory provided the fixes. 

From the Factory:

"It is extremely important to set the tonearm as instructed in order to adjust the tonearm’s balance properly.

The pressure to the plate/tracking force should be 1,4 gr. This is very important.

Also, one needs to keep in mind that some adjustments of the tonearm are more important for ML1, because of levitating, so if it’s not done correctly, the error will appear. This does not happen in case of standard turntables.

The detail information on the tracking force from the supplier: 

  • Tracking force range: 1.25-1.75g
  • Tracking force, recommended 1.5g(25mN)

For ML1 model, we recommend the tracking force1,4 g – it is proved to be most effective force in order to avoid errors and/or overheating."

I can assure you that at speeds of 33 and 45, vinyl from 150-200 grams, and with the Ortofon 2M Black Cartridge, stable tracking, smooth quiet playback, and eye-popping dynamics will be yours. The changes in paragraph 1 are well tested and will provide huge increases to the overall performance and pleasure from the ML-1. Platter wobble caused by warped records is 100% inaudible on high-resolution speakers.


After months of use, the MAG-LEV ML1 turntable continues to amaze. I am gilding the lily by reiterating all the major performance advantages present with this design...surprisingly introduced to the world from, of all places, the Balkans. Maybe this is the new technological Mecca for this century? They did have sophisticated Universities before America had books, so why be surprised?

Combined with the E.A.R. 324 phono stage which allows for MM tweaking, the finest interconnects and power cords, it is outclassed only by my Grado Epoch/ EAT Forte S combination in my system, $20,500 retail vs. $4400 including my custom changes for the ML1. Note, the ML1 is just as quiet and dynamic as my top reference. The big difference is the extraordinary Grado Epoch cartridge is noticeably more detailed overall at 13x the cost of the Ortofon. 

Assuming you do not have a pacemaker or all metal turntable stand, the MAG-LEV ML1 turntable is a gift to audiophiles who love vinyl and want optimum playback. You do not need a second mortgage for thrilling realistic LP sound. 

The MAG-LEV ML1 turntable brilliantly solves so many problems inherent with vinyl playback, like eliminating ALL feedback and motor noise, for much more than competitive pricing. I enthusiastically recommend you buy it before the price goes up. Is there a nice Hilton or Ritz Carlton in Slovenia?

MAG-LEV ML1 turntable

Webpage:  https://www.maglevaudio.com/mag-lev-ml1/

Email:  info@maglevaudio.com
Support:  [email protected]
Phone:  +386 51 495 743 

All Sales Direct from Factory as of November 1

Retail: USD $4400

All photographs by Bob Levi