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Boulder 508 Phono Preamp

Als die Highendscouts Daniel Gottschalk und Frank Pietersen berichteten, dass sie den Vertrieb der High-End-Elektronik von Boulder übernommen haben und mir eine Phonostufe anboten, stimmte ich deren Test spontan zu – wohl wissend, dass Boulder auch 200-Kilogramm-Endstufen im Portfolio hat. Zum Glück bewegt sich die 508 in einer anderen Gewichtsklasse.

Hack-a-Rack: An Equipment Stand for Audiophiles on a Budget from VTI

Yes, V-TEE-I. That is not a typo. VTI is not from New Jersey; they don't make turntables (although they support them nicely); as far as I know, the initials stand for something other than Virgo Taurus Industries. Actually, I had never heard of them until recently, myself. I was mulling the prospect of replacing my... Read More »

Boston: "More Than a Feeling" (Reveries, Part 2)

Yon goode fellow John Marks continues his reflections on our recent musical past that he began in his just-published essay, "Walk Away Renée," to be found at his excellent Web site The Tannhauser Gate, as well as its re-publication here at Positive Feedback. Frankly, I was gratified by how quickly John continued the thread that... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Nola Boxer S3 Bookshelf Loudspeakers

In 2010, I declared, "If you're looking for a pair of standmount monitor speakers and you have about $1500 to spend, buy the Nola Boxers." The quality of sound at that price made the recommendation a cinch. Many other reviewers and audiophiles reacted with the same enthusiasm, so it's not a surprise that Nola continues... Read More »

How We Listen

Roger Skoff writes about getting the most from our audio hobby. Many years ago, Stereophile, to get a better handle on its marketing, had a study done to find out who and how many its readers were. One of the (then-surprising) things that study turned-up was the fact that almost all (well more than 90%)... Read More »

Lone Star Audio Fest 2019

At times Lone Star Audio Fest seems like "Old Reliable." While other Hi-Fi shows struggle to survive or move upmarket pricing startups and enthusiasts out LSAF remains steady and accessible for both attendees and exhibitors. This year in year out consistency all the more impressive given the event is 100% the work of volunteers. In previous... Read More »

The New Apartment Lounge - It's Raining Wires: The Stunning Kubala-Sosna Research Sensation Cable Loom

The Unbearable Simplicity of Good Design At the start of the summer, I waxed enthusiastic about the arrival of a boatload of new goodies that have made listening to music here at Casa Jeffries an unalloyed pleasure (HERE). Amongst the newcomers, the spectacular Kubala-Sosna Sensation cable loom really stood out. In my preview, I praised... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the SOtM sNH-10G Switch

For those of us who are pushing things in terms of what can we accomplish with playing our music back via files within some networked system, well… where does one stop? Or better yet, what else can one do to improve things? Obviously, it starts with files whether ripped from a CD or sourced from... Read More »

Göbel Lacorde Statement XLR Interconnects

I've bailed from the Hi-fi shows. The combination of expense plus the effort to produce a timely report (which could be intense) had become onerous. Of course, I miss the meet and greet, not to mention keeping up on trends and all the new gear. If my local New York show ever got out of... Read More »

PureAudioProject 5th Anniversary, and Classic15 Launch Party at The VPI House

It all started with a facebook chat between Ze’ev Schlik (the founder of PureAudioProject) where he was personally inviting me to attend the PureAudioProject 5th Anniversary party and official launch of their new Classic 15 loudspeaker. The Classic15 debuted in prototype form earlier this year at Axpona 2019. The event was to be hosted by VPI Industries at their new off-site location — the VPI House.

Synergistic Research Galileo SX Phono

For your consideration: Synergistic Research Galileo SX Phono cable. But first, let me tell you about my great audio day today. In my quest to lose weight, I am walking two to three miles every day. To treat myself, I often do a loop around town that brings me to Comeback Vinyl, my neighborhood record store and a frequent vacuum of my “excess” cash.

Advanced Optical Streaming with the Sonore Signature Rendu SE System Optique

Since Adrian Lebena reached out to me three years ago with the offer to review Sonore's first product, the microRendu, a Sonore streamer has been in my system ever since. The microRendu was amazing—especially when paired with Sonore's Signature Linear Power Supply. It took my streaming experience—which previously had been restricted to bandwidth-limited and feature-limited... Read More »

Jeff Williams, Bloom | The Vinyl Anachronist

Jeff Williams and his new album Bloom makes me rethink all of those reviews where I discuss the idea of the drummer-as-leader in jazz, and how that individual coaxes performances from the others on stage through momentum as well as the arrangements.

Jeff checking in ... the Duelund-Altec Project, musical chairs with Pass Labs & First Watt stereo amplifiers, and enjoying the company of friends!

The Duelund-Altec Project is really something special, a lot of fun, and it's definitely not your typical audio project or review, but rather is intended to be more of a "dream" article that is decidedly outside of the usual audio mainstream,

The Left Banke, "(Just) Walk Away Renée" (Reveries, Part 1)

He's back! Good friend and brother John Marks...the Big Kahuna of The Tannhauser Gate...strikes a note in my heart by plucking at a favorite song of mine from 1966, and fleshing out the flesh and souls behind it. Having just recently purchased the reissue of this album on LP, I am content to stir this... Read More »

AV RoomService Low Density EVPs: Now Providing Superior Isolation for Lightweight Components

Vibrations. They occur in every aspect of the listening room environment, whether that room is dedicated to the listening experience, or just happens to be your living room—or any other room where your audio equipment resides, for that matter. The problem is—even when you think you've taken the greatest precautions to prevent spurious vibrations from... Read More »

Thom Mackris: exaSound DACs

This guest article is by Thom Mackris, head honcho at Galibier Design. PF Senior Associate Editor Lynn Olson shared it with me right after Thom published his comments on a very recent three-hour listening session that he had with Lynn. They were doing some listening comparisons with exaSound DACs; the comments below summarize Thom's take on... Read More »

Impressions:  Final Thoughts on the Merrill Audio Element 118

David W. Robinson:  a portrait by John Robinson The Merrill Audio Element 118. Why that name? Simple, says Merrill Wettasinghe, the designer:  "Element 118 is named after the newest element in the periodic table called Oganesson, which completes the 7th row of the periodic table. The name Element 118 reflects the newest in technologies in... Read More »

Audiophiles as Artists - Adam Goldfine

Twenty questions with an audiophile who is also an artist. For this Audiophiles as Artists, we feature Adam Goldfine who also writes for PF. What's your background? My interest in film and photography began around the age of 10. I loved going to the movies, started taking photographs, developing film, and making prints. I studied... Read More »
