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iFi Audio's Zen Can Headphone Amplifier

Six months ago, I was an infrequent headphone user. At best I listened to an old set of ear buds with balance armatures while riding the elliptical during one my very infrequent visits to the gym. Did I possess a decent pair of closed-back circumaural headphones? Check. Had I attended headphone shows and been exposed... Read More »

Kora Explorer 90SI Integrated

This article, as reviewed by Larry Cox, Carol Clark, and Victor Chavira originally ran in Issue 3, October/November 2002, so while we call this section "New Old Stock - Articles from Our Days in Print" you are also going to see some articles from our early days of going online. Of the three integrated amps... Read More »

Lamm Industries LP2.1 Deluxe Phono Preamplifier

In the year 2002 the CD era was in full swing. CDs made up 93% of all recorded music sales—a huge slice of the pie. Vinyl record sales were 2/10ths of 1%. Into that vinyl-on-life-support environment Lamm Industries introduced their first phono preamplifier, the LP2. Fast forward 17 years to 2019. Sales of all physical... Read More »

A Look Back at Klipsch Pilgrimage, 2017

Robert Schryer and Dave Mallette report: A Story about Speakers, People, and Hope. Read about it HERE

Jane Ira Bloom: Wild Lines - Improvising on Emily Dickinson

Jane Ira Bloom: Wild Lines - Improvising on Emily Dickinson. Anderson Audio (2017, Audiophile Edition 2020 (DXD) HERE Jane Ira Bloom is an acknowledged jazz master on the soprano saxophone. She has built a following bridging modern and experimental jazz. In Wild Lines she has created a fresh and unpretentious exploration of the intersection of... Read More »

Auralic Aries G2.1

Für mich überraschend schnell löst Auralic den Aries G2 durch den G2.1 ab. Der ist höher, schwerer und knapp zehn Prozent teurer als sein Vorgänger. Wenn ich jedoch einen Blick auf die Komponenten meiner Kette werfe, muss ich zugeben, dass sich in den etwa zweieinhalb Jahren eine Menge getan hat. Unsere digitalen Zeiten sind halt recht schnelllebig.

Buchardt a500 Active Speaker

Der HiFi-Markt erfährt aktuell einen Generationswechsel. Während aktive Lautsprecher im Studiobereich seit Jahrzehnten gang und gäbe sind, ziehen sie inzwischen, kritisch beäugt, auch verstärkt im HiFi-Bereich ein. Die Kompaktlautsprecher buchardt A500 möchten dabei nicht nur mitmischen, sondern ganz vorne an der Spitze spielen.

This is Big, Bold, Exciting Handel

Handel: Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 and Op. 3, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin. Pentatone (Three Albums 2019, 2020 (DXD) [HERE] This is big, bold, exciting Handel. None of your timid tinkly stuff. This music has drive! It has bass! It is energetic! Just have fun with it. Yes, that was my first reaction listening to... Read More »

Impressions:  The Raidho TD 4.2 Loudspeaker

The Raidho TD 4.2 Loudspeakers, with a Stillpoints Aperture first-reflection-point panel and stand, and a two-high stack of Ryan Tinsel Rack-It LP storage units. Black and white oil painting by Dan Zimmerman. (Photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson...true of all listening room photographs in this essay.) PF Editor-in-Chief David W. Robinson at Munich... Read More »

Top 500 SuperSonic List - Part 23

Battle of the Big Bands! This is an ongoing project by Claude Lemaire of Soundevaluations The late-1930s to mid-1940s—it was the height of the big band era, as well as the second world war. Call me foolishly nostalgic perhaps but at least during that arduous period, we could lovingly hug and comfort each other, as opposed to... Read More »

SPEC Designer Audio RSA-V10 Integrated Amplifier

SPEC Corporation is a Japanese company founded by Mr. Shirokazu Yazaka, a former chief engineer at TEAC and Pioneer, to achieve one goal: to deliver tube sound using semiconductor technology. The RSA-V10 is its latest integrated amplifier in class D. This is its world premiere. It seems that Class D amplifiers are no longer a... Read More »
