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A Supercharged Fanless Case for Your NUC Music Server - the HDPLEX H1 V3

Want a souped-up fanless case for your music server but don't want to overspend, are willing to roll up your sleeves a bit, but you don't know where to look? It turns out the HDPLEX H1 V3 just might be your end game! Several years ago, I built my reference music server by purchasing an... Read More »

LSA Signature 60 Monitor Loudspeakers

Living Sound Audio (LSA) is the in-house brand of Underwood HiFi, a company that's nearly legendary in audiophile circles. Walter Liederman, Underwood HiFi's "big kahuna"—hey, the dude lives in Maui, for heaven's sake—was a perpetual fixture on the Atlanta audio scene for decades. Walter was a partner in Atlanta-based HiFi Buys for 23 years prior... Read More »

The Blue Things

I love forgotten bands and forgotten albums. Part of it is the pleasure of knowing something that other people don't know, and the other part is knowing about obscure rock bands that made really good music. Having said this, I don't like cult bands. Cult bands are usually overrated, and their appeal is usually traceable... Read More »

Anna Fedorova and Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto

With this release of the Third Piano Concerto, Anna Fedorova's wonderous traversal of the four Rachmaninoff Piano Concertos reaches a triumphant conclusion. It is a scintillating, powerful, gorgeously emotional performance. Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3, Youth Symphony, and Valentin Silvestrov's The Messenger.  Anna Fedorova, Sinfonieorchester St. Gallen, Modestas Pitrenas conducting. Channel Classics 2023 (DXD) HERE... Read More »

Songer Audio S1 Field Coil Point-Source Loudspeaker

With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music where Bob Grossman shares his thoughts on the Songer Audio S1 Field Coil Point-Source Loudspeaker. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Singing a magnificent song. Review by Bob Grossman Do you remember as a kid when you first heard an excellent quality music system? It was... Read More »

Naiu Laboratory Ella Mark 3 Class ND Stereo Amplifier

  Naiu Laboratory is a German-based manufacturer that's been in existence since the late 1990s. It's the brainchild of Mircea Naiu, who also designed the proprietary circuit employed by their only current model, the Ella Mark 3 stereo amplifier. Naiu refers to this technology as Class ND, which is an acronym for "Naiu Digital." Naiu's... Read More »

Cary Audio SLP-98P Tube Preamplifier

Audiophiles that might be reading this are most likely very familiar with Cary Audio, originally the brain child of Dennis Had who is something of a legend in our industry. The venerable Cary 805 Mono Block Power amplifiers are legendary, and the audio equivalent of the Lamborghini Countach and Ferrari 512 Testa Rosa. Many of... Read More »

Impressions:  The ModWright Analog Bridge...a Rave!

Robinson with cigar. Munich, 2018 (photograph by Bill Parish; ink outline image processing by Robinson) Last summer at the first Pacific Audio Fest, I heard a product that I really liked, first take and all. While in the ModWright/Seattle HiFi/Cardas Audio/Revel/SME/Ortofon/Solidsteel room, I got to hear Dan Wright's newest design. This was his new ModWright... Read More »

When Does the Game Actually Change?

Roger Skoff writes about incremental improvements and value Is there anyone out there who doesn't know that, in addition to writing these articles, I also own a cable company? (RSX Technologies, for those who don't.) Positive Feedback, and I, and every other publication that I've ever written for, have all gone to great lengths to... Read More »

The Grace Design m900: Vilfredo Pareto's Favorite "Budget" USB DAC

The Grace m900 USB DAC Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) was an Italian civil engineer, sociologist, and economist. Pareto was primarily responsible for shifting the focus of economics from theories of "moral philosophy" to being a data-driven social science. Pareto was the first to use the term "elite" in economic and social analysis and criticism. Vilfredo Pareto... Read More »

C.P.E. Bach Sonatas for Keyboard and Violin with Rachel Podger

Ah, and THIS is how it's done, my friends. A completely scrumptious new release from the queen of the Baroque violin, Rachel Podger. In partnership with keyboardist Kristian Bezuidenhout, Rachel gives to us a bit over an hour of completely entrancing music by the often underestimated Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 - 1788), fifth child... Read More »

The Dan D’Agostino Master Audio Systems Progression Integrated Amplifier – An Engineering Marvel And A Musical Tour De Force

There is something special about the Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems brand and legacy. For myself, every interaction has been first class from beginning to end. This not only includes the product and the performance, but even more important are the people that stand behind it. We of course have Petra and Dan D'Agostino, but... Read More »

Clash of the Analog Titans: Impex Records' 1STEP Nightclub LP Takes on All Challengers!

Abey Fonn, President of Impex Records, always likes a good challenge. But Impex Records' latest project required Abey to dip deep into her bag of tricks to come up with the ultimate vinyl version of Patricia Barber's Nightclub. Nightclub was Barber's sixth, not to mention, one of her best-selling albums with sales peaking at 200,000... Read More »

Paul Paray Post-Mercury - Liszt, Les Préludes; Mephisto Waltz

Liszt, Les Préludes; Mephisto Waltz; Orpheus; Mazeppa. Monte Carlo Opera Orchestra/Paul Paray. Festival Classique FC 416 (LP). TT: 51.54 My "retrospective" reviews have usually covered compact discs of—ahem—a certain vintage. But I know some audiophiles still favor vinyl over digital formats—I've never given up my own vinyl, though, with age, I'm looking to pare down the sprawling... Read More »

AXPONA 2023…Greg Weaver on the YouTube Front!

Greg Weaver checking out...Greg Weaver! AXPONA 2023 was as stirring a success as portended! Here is a link to my promotional episode highlighting the then upcoming 2023 Audio eXPo North America event. https://youtu.be/39Xda-_nCao Now that it is in the books, I can't believe how many of you stopped me in the halls to say hello... Read More »

Grado Timbre Series Master3 Phono Cartridge

I'm all for unburdening oneself of unwanted crap. As George Carlin said, if you didn't have so much goddamn stuff, you wouldn't need a house, which is really just a pile of stuff with a cover on it. Of course, that doesn't mean stuff is inherently bad. I, for one, enjoy sleeping in a bed.... Read More »

Results from NativeDSD's Expanded Catalog

You may have seen that NativeDSD recently decided to expand its catalog offerings to now offer albums originally recorded in PCM 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, and 192kHz rates in addition to the DSD/DXD recordings they have always featured. See the announcement HERE. So, after a month under the new policy, I've been watching to see what... Read More »

Charisma Audio Charm Phono Cartridge

Consider the enigma that is the conical stylus, which is essentially the starting point for the earliest cartridges. While this stylus shape is widely used on modern entry level cartridges, curiously, it can also be found on a few select moving coil designs. Not all conical styli are created the same, as many are bonded... Read More »

HDTT Adds LP Transfers with Excellent Sound Quality

Bob Witrak's High Definition Tape Transfer (HDTT) has long been known for its excellent transfers from analog reel-to-reel tape. Both Dr. David and I have written many articles about Bob's very fine digital releases of vintage classical and jazz recordings, many of which sound better than the digital reissues from the major labels.  And now... Read More »
