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Top 500 SuperSonic List - Part 8

This is an ongoing project by Claude Lemaire of Soundevaluations.   61. Pixies, Surfer Rosa. 4AD – 803 (UK) (1988), MoFi ‎– MFSL 1-296 (2009), 33 1/3 rpm. Genre: alternative, garage rock, noise pop, punk The words garage, punk, and noise rarely go hand in hand with audiophile, and yet this second release by the Bostonian band encompasses exactly... Read More »

Bricasti Design M15 Solid-State Stereo Amplifier

I just had a rather arresting (in the sense of, one has to stop doing anything else, and just listen) listening experience. I want to share it with you. The music I was listening to is from an underappreciated (really, almost unknown) classic-era jazz recording; but I have heard it many times. However, I had never heard it... Read More »

Tellurium Q Interconnects and Speaker Cables

I wonder if Geoff Merrigan, the owner and designer of the British company TELLURIUM Q is having nightmares? The question seems to me to be all the more justified, since both him and his company have roots in the pro world, that is, one set on functionality and utilitarianism and reluctant to any experiments. The experiments... Read More »

The B3B4 Organ Jazz Quartet

Self-released and available at b3jazz.com; CD $12.97, digital download $9.99 "My name is Kevin Gerzevitz and I play the Hammond Organ. I've learned through my fellow organist Robert Kennedy that you write reviews of jazz recordings. I am a member of a group called B3B4. We are based in the San Francisco Bay Area and... Read More »

Spendor A2 Loudspeakers: Legendary British Sound at an Affordable Price Point

At the last Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, a conversation took place between Chris Morris of Bluebird Music (Spendor's North American distributor, based in Canada) and PF's Dave Clark regarding Spendor's newest and most affordable line of loudspeakers. The A2 and A4 Models, priced at $2395 and $3195 USD, would offer Spendor's renowned sound at a... Read More »

ATC SCM50asl Loudspeakers and the SCA-2 Preamplifier

This article, as reviewed by Francisco Madrid, Victor Chavira, and Larry Cox, originally ran when audioMusings was in print. Issue 13, 2001 This is going to be the easiest review I've ever written. Simply stated, the ATC system is the best sound I've experienced in my home. (But then, this is the first time I've had $15,000 dollars... Read More »

AXPONA 2018: PS Audio Unveils New DSD Waveform-Generation P15 and P12 Power Plants

The Renaissance Schaumburg played host to a number of announcements at AXPONA this year, of particular interest to me was PS Audio‘s room on the ground floor in the Journey/Creation suite right before you entered the Expo Hall. Why was I so interested you ask?

Vancouver Audio Festival 2018: Bryston Meets with Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber is an Italian loudspeaker brand with a storied history, and designs which have been lauded as timeless classics. Bryston is an award-winning Canadian high-fidelity manufacturer with decades of experience in amps, pre-amps, speakers, and electronics. What do you get when you put them together?

AXPONA 2018: PranaFidelity, a One Man Powerhouse of Sound

Fresh and original, much of the story from here forth revolves around that feeling. Steven Norber is not only the founder of PranaFidelity, he is also their head designer. Prana is unique for a small company in that they design and manufacture loudspeakers, amplifiers, and pre-amplifiers.

Mojo Audio Déjà vu Music Server

I'm going to start off by saying that I feel like I have been on a digital journey during the process of reviewing the Mojo Audio Déjà vu Music Server. I encourage all who are interested in the specs and tweaks for the Déjà vu Music Server to visit the Mojo Audio website and read... Read More »

All Systems Go! The Bakoon International AMP-41 and DAC-21

We hold these audio Truths to be self-evident…until we don't. There are times when I feel that everything ever said or published about audio is only created so that people can have a good time arguing. One premise, however, is rarely challenged: system synergy. Plenty of manufacturers posit that it only makes sense to purchase matching components from... Read More »

Argento Flow Master Reference Power Cord Utterly Natural Sound

You know how one thing leads to another. Since I am a huge fan of CH Precision, having acquired a whole system of their components, when I found out they market audio cables, I soon reviewed their Reference line (HERE). Once again, I was taken and acquired the demo set. Turns out the CH cables... Read More »

Feuilleton: Celebrating 10 Years of Bergmann Audio

Bergmann Audio is a company and not an individual—and that's a good thing. Otherwise it would not have been very charming to admit that I did not quite believe the news about their tenth anniversary. For me, the Danish manufacturer appeared to be much older, basically due to their technically independent designs seeming to have... Read More »

AXPONA 2018: End of the Road, Snow on the Horizon?

Top Five Show Sounds at AXPONA 2018 1. GTT Audio lineup YG Acoustics Sonja XV Jr. speakers Audionet Heisenberg amplifiers, Stern preamplifier, PAM 2 phonostage Kronos turntable Air Tight Opus 1 cartridge Kubala-Sosna cabling 2. Quintessence Audio lineup Wilson Audio Alexia 2 Speakers Audio Research Reference M160 amplifiers and Reference 6 linestage AMG Viella 12... Read More »

Tekton Double Impact Loudspeakers

One of the things I have learned to expect and appreciate in my search for high-value, lower-cost equipment is that as the price goes down the differences between gear increase, and the need to understand your biases and preferences becomes more important as you will have to accept certain compromises. As I have listened to... Read More »

LessLoss C-MARC Power Cable (and S/PDIF Cable) Preview

What do you cleverly call a company that has at its core value the maximum extraction of auditory information from any given signal? LessLoss. Get it? Less Loss. Having written and opined about Louis Motek's (full name Liudas Motekaitis) ingenious designs many times over the past ten, fifteen years, I have come to realize that in... Read More »

Casey's Latest Album and Tom Weaver's Catharsis - "For All the Ways That I am Weak; I Am Also Strong"

Casey, Where I Go When I'm Sleeping. Hassle Records. Casey is an emotional melodic hardcore band from South Wales, United Kingdom. Their second full-length album, Where I go When I'm Sleeping, is a continuation of the band's journey through music. The album builds upon the overall sound of the band, nailing down their feel and... Read More »

Buy A Record Label and Blue Coast Prime

In recent years there have been major changes in the music industry. Sales of optical discs have declined while interest in other ways to get music albums including music downloads, streaming and formats like LPs and even Analog Tape are on the upswing with sales of some albums reissued on LP by Mobile Fidelity reaching... Read More »

AXPONA 2018 - My Top Rooms for Sound

AXPONA 2018 was an absolute delight. More head count. More smiling faces. More listening rooms. Friendly hosts. Friendly patrons. It wasn't the shoulder to shoulder crush of people and the waterfall of merchandise like the CES of 10 to 15 years ago, but the good vibes and positive energy was everywhere. This was the first... Read More »
