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Larsen Model 4 Loudspeaker

In 2013 I wrote about Sweden's Larsen Hifi Model 8 speakers (HERE) a veritable bargain at $6,995 for those with such resources. The musical and organic sounding Model 8 notably provided exceptionally deep bass (~24Hz) from a small box (HWD 36" x 11" x 13"). My wife and I enjoyed the speaker very much as... Read More »

KEF LS50 Wireless Loudspeakers

We are witnessing an entirely new generation of HiFi. Gone [going?] are the singularly designed, specifically functioning, one trick ponies; all hail the Swiss army knives arriving in lifestyle. Case in point, KEF's latest and perhaps greatest achievement, the awesome KEF LS50 Wireless Loudspeakers (LS50W). Yes. Wireless. As in, "look Ma, no wires!" Everything and... Read More »

Brahms: The Four Symphonies, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Andris Nelsons

This time Brahms. Our musical guide John Marks, of The Tannhauser Gate (http://www.thetannhausergate.com), leads us into a recent recording of four symphonies by Brahms. Andris Nelsons leads the Boston Symphony Orchestra in four of Brahms' compositions. John's reviews of worthy music is once again republished from TGG with pleasure here at Positive Feedback! The performances are brilliant, done... Read More »

Journeys in Audio Subjectivism - Part Eight: Of Andrew Jones, Elac, and Spotted Dick

"The speaker that changed my life?" said Jones. "Easy. The Quad ESL57. It's the first true Hi-Fi speaker I heard once I got to university. I have almost always owned a pair." No surprise, then, that the ESL57's creator, Peter Walker, continues to inspire Jones's own work. "I had many conversations with Peter," said Jones.... Read More »

Lefson: French High-End Analog Audio Devices - The Lefson Resistor

I have been enjoying quite a lot of audio adventures over the last year or so while doing audio projects where I experimented with various wire types, capacitors, inductors, and resistors in audio circuits. As a result, my knowledge, skills, and confidence related to developing, modifying, and optimizing audio circuits have been progressing to where... Read More »

Camilla Tilling, "loves me… loves me not…"

In which our esteemed friend, John Marks of The Tannhauser Gate (www.thetannhausergate.com) introduces us to yet another worthy singer, she of a truly lovely voice, Camilla Tilling. I was not familiar with Ms. Tilling, but was very much taken by her fine performances on this recording by BIS.  As always, John is a sure guide to worthy... Read More »

Wells Audio Milo

Falls Ihnen der Milo bekannt vorkommt, ist das kein Déjà-vu-Erlebnis: Im Bericht über die Messe in Warschau hatte ich Ihnen den originell gestalteten Kopfhörerverstärker und seinen Schöpfer Jeff Wells bereits vorgestellt.

Zingali Twenty Evo 1.2

Was hat die Zahl „Twenty“ mit den Lautsprechern der italienischen Edelschmiede Zingali zu tun? Wenn Sie jetzt weiterlesen, werden Sie noch viel mehr erfahren.

Ayon S10 Streamer

Bereits auf der letztjährigen High End hat mir Gerhard Hirt, Eigentümer und Chef von Ayon, seine Neuentwicklung im Bereich Netzwerkspieler ausführlich vorgestellt und danach war klar, dass wir dieses Gerät so schnell wie möglich zum Test haben wollten.

From the Kipnis Studios (KSS): The View From The Top - An Interview with Tommy O’Brien of Digital Amplifier Company

Kipnis Studio Standard (KSS) - Stereo Loudspeaker & Amplifier Testing Array with (Left to Right) Ologe Model FIVE, Ceratec Effeqct Mk. IV, and Waterfall Audio Niagara, Hurricane, & Elora Evo Glass Loudspeakers being powered by the Golden Cherry Amps from Tommy O'Brien at Digital Amplifier Co. (plus Nero Barky von Schnauzer - my assistant). The tiny... Read More »

Top 500 SuperSonic List - Part 3

This is an ongoing project by Claude Lemaire of Soundevaluations. In a slight variation of sorts, and at the risk of foregoing a bit of diversity, for Part 3, I elected to pit back-to-back two selections sharing a common thread between them. 21. Buzz Brass, Mélanie Barney, The Planets. Fidelio Music Inc. FALP028 (2012), (2x45 rpm). Genre: classical, modern... Read More »

Accuphase DP-950/DC-950 Super Audio CD Player

It's been thirty years since Accuphase presented to the world their own Compact Disc Player. The two-box DP-80/DC-81 system premiered in July 1986 and immediately became a flagship player for this brand. The CD transport was designed in a way it would have been today, ie. with utmost attention to the power supply circuit and knowledge... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 108 - Kondo ONGAKU Integrated Amplifier

It was clear from the moment I knew I would receive Kondo OnGaku amplifier for a review that I would also want to listen to it together with my friends from Krakow Sonic Society. These meetings give us not only a chance to meet, talk and listen to some music together but most of all to... Read More »
