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Clayton Audio M70 Amplifiers

This article, by Francisco Duran, Dave Clark, Larry Cox, and Victor Chavira, originally ran when audioMUSINGS was in print - Issue 9, 1999. Back in Issue 6, I had Clayton's S40 stereo amp in my system for review, when I had a somewhat different setup than I do now. I was using a Classe CP-60 preamp... Read More »

64 Audio U12 IEMs

Recently, there has been an emergence of innovation and unprecedented technologies which have overhauled the headphone and IEM industry from a stagnant industry to one which is exciting and rapidly ever-changing. Redefining standards within the audio industry is a hard feat to accomplish and so when a company finally does so, it signifies progression; a... Read More »

PS-Audio Directstream DAC ( in German)

Auf den PS Audio DirectStream DAC (DS) war ich aus mehreren Gründen sehr gespannt: PS Audio löst mit dem DS das bisherige, bestens beleumundete Topmodell PerfectWave DAC II, durch einen technisch vollständig anderen Wandler, rein auf DSD Basis, ab.

Creaktiv Isolation Board (in German)

Die Audio Selection creaktiv GmbH ist in der HiFi Szene ein recht bekannter Hersteller, nicht zuletzt, weil dieses findige Unternehmen immer wieder für Aufsehen sorgt. Das vielfältige Sortiment beinhaltet auch Produkte, die zu Diskussionen anregen.

VertexAQ Powercables and Distribution Block ( in German)

Der Austausch von Kabeln läuft für viele unter dem Begriff „Tweaking“, in Anbetracht der zu erwarteten Ergebnisse. Oder anders ausgedrückt, dies ist etwas, wo sich jeder Nicht-Audiophile an den Kopf greift. Zum Beispiel die Ehefrau.

Reviewers' View, AXPONA 2015: David Robinson and Myles Astor with Peter Breuninger of AV Showrooms.com, Our Final AXPONA Show Impressions

Watch David Robinson and Myles Astor, along with Peter Breuninger of AV Showrooms.com, share their final thoughts on the 2015 AXPONA Show on YouTube. Courtesy of AV Showrooms.

Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 4 Interconnects and Speaker Cables

Synergistic Research continues to be one of the driving forces in the high end audiophile community. Teaming up with several industry leaders at the various audio shows throughout 2015, their showrooms have been receiving admirable praise and feedback—and deservedly so. No longer just a cable manufacturer, their continued growth has been impressive while making a... Read More »

The Reel Deal - A Pair from The Tape Project's Third Series of Releases

Dan Schmalle, Paul Stubblebine and Mike Romanowski, aka The Tape Project's tres amigos, are more than anyone else responsible for putting the reels back in motion. When my first Tape Project piece appeared in the virtual pages of PF some six years ago now (Issue 46), these folks were the only game in town; today... Read More »

The Democratization of Hi-fi Through Personal Audio Part One

I missed the golden age of stereo, I've said it before and that really sucks. By the time I got a job at Pearson Publishing, home of The Absolute Sound magazine in 1994 (where other mags also lived, like The Perfect Vision & Films in Review) the party was nearing its end.

Pass Laboratories INT-60 Integrated Amplifier

Over the past ten years, I have reviewed a half dozen or more products from Pass Labs. I ended up purchasing many of those components. It seems like every time I roll the dice and drift away in another direction, I come running back with my hair on fire and apologizing to the audio gods.... Read More »

Audio-Technica AT33EV Cartridge

Audio-Technica was founded in 1962 by Hideo Matsushita; the company's first offerings were the AT-1 and AT-3 phono cartridges. Over the years the company has branched into numerous facets of music reproduction, with products in both the home and commercial environment. For decades, Audio-Technica microphones have been chosen for their overall quality and performance, as... Read More »

Finite Elemente Pagode APS Amplifier Stand - They Take Away the Edge

I'm no longer responsible. I've relinquished control—the system has taken over. I'm only along for the joyride, afforded aural thrills on a regular basis that are beyond what I could have imagined only yesterday, as the system spirals ever upward in its willful pursuit. Ah, yes, there's no doubt about it. We're in a Golden... Read More »

Your Final System (YFS) PS-12m Mac Mini Power Supply/Internal Power Filter Mod

If you're an audiophile, you realize at some point that digital spinning discs won't be around forever. Although that realization hit me several years ago, it took quite a while before I really decided to get serious about a digital source based on a computer. I'd heard several computer-based rigs at shows, and what I... Read More »

The Rega DAC-R: Will the Circle be Unbroken

Avec l'assistance de M. Bastille "We sang songs of childhood Hymns of faith that made us strong Ones that mother Maybelle taught us Hear the angels sing along" —"Will the Circle be Unbroken" by Johnny Cash OK, first I have to admit something. I'm about to receive an Ayre QB-9 DSD as my new reference... Read More »

AES 2015 Europe, Best Of...

Best New Product in Show DPA has come out with something new, a vocal microphone using their existing 4000-series capsules. You can order it as an omni, cardioid, or hypercardioid, and you can order it as a a handheld mike or as a head that fits onto a number of standard wireless systems. These are very... Read More »

AES 2015 Europe

The European AES show is a very different beast than the American shows, in part because of much lower vendor involvement. The trade show section is very small, filling up only a section of a hotel ballroom rather than a whole convention center as with the US shows, and that puts more emphasis on the... Read More »

Niemen, NIEMEN, or the Red album, or Człowiek jam niewdzięczny

Style of the work of Czesław Niemen is very heterogenic. It covers big-beat, progressive work, rock with jazz elements, blues-rock, avant-garde, and electronic music—you will find all these elements in his works. The period from 1967, the year of his debut album Dziwny jest ten świat… till 2001 was the most interesting period in popular... Read More »

Miyajima Laboratory MC Cartridge

Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine (jap. 石清水八幡宮) is one of the three most important Hachiman-gu Shintō shrines in Japan. It was founded in 859 by the monk Gyokyo on the instructions of the Emperor Seiwa in Yawata. Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu enshrines Hachiman, the God of War, associated with the mythical Emperor Ojin. Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu was built for the... Read More »
