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Red Dragon Audio M500 and M1000 MkII Amplifiers

Here We Go Again Over many years I've endured hope and disappointment in the service of auditioning and evaluating loud speakers of virtually every sort. At a certain point one becomes braced for the worst or, at least, for the next version of "no cigar" in the process of countervailing but ongoing optimism once again. ... Read More »

Nuforce Primo 8

Taken from the closing remarks of a Myspace blog post that Kevin thumbed out sometime in 2006, that serves as a reminder of how important portable audio is for so many people. Music fuels the soul. It is not something to be left behind when we leave the house. It's not furniture.

Pylon Audio Pearl 25 Loudspeakers

Tonsil, a former giant and the largest manufacturer of drivers and loudspeakers in this part of Europe, located in the Polish town of Wrzesnia, has recently published information about a photo contest featuring speakers from this company. The winning photos showed older but no less interesting designs, meticulously restored, kept alive and—most importantly—still being used.... Read More »

Thales TTT Compact Turntable, Levi-Base, and Simplicity Mk2 Tonearm

The Air Force One turntable from the Japanese manufacturer TechDAS that I reviewed in March was a true revelation to me and its presence in my system (see HERE) made for an exceptional experience. It embodies all the design concepts of Mr. Hideaki Nishikawa, his whole experience and heaps of money from the Japanese company Stella, which... Read More »

The Aurender X100L - And Audio File Transport

TVLogic is a Korean manufacturer of audio components and UHD (Ultra High Definition) TV monitors. It just so happens that its research department is behind creating one of the most interesting audio file transports, the W20. Milled from an aluminum billet and equipped with a SSD drive, ultraprecise Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO), jitter reduction circuit... Read More »

The Funk Firm Little Super Deck Turntable + F5 Arm

By calling his turntable Little Super Deck (LSD), Arthur Khoubessarian (you can see him on the head picture made during the High End 2014 show in Munich) displayed a sense of humor. You can't deny him that, nor his talent and intuition. Looking at his first designs he presented under the Pink Triangle brand or... Read More »


When I returned to Warsaw, I got a phone call from Franciszek Walicki asking for some photographs of Czesław, because he had just hired him for the band Niebiesko-Czarni. I thought that they had all lost their minds and said that I didn't take pictures of bad singers. Walicki got seriously angry. He retorted: You'll see,... Read More »

Read a portrait of MYTEK DIGITAL in Warsaw (in German)

Auch wenn aus unserem östlichen Nachbarland immer mehr bemerkenswerte Geräte kamen wie zuletzt die Franc Audio Accessories, die famosen Acient Audio Aktiv-Lautsprecher, die Kollege Saile so gut gefielen, dass er sie inzwischen erworben hat, oder eben Myteks D/A-Wandler-Vorstufe, so richtig in den Blickpunkt geraten ist Polen für mich vor allem durch unsere Kooperation mit Wojtek Pacula und seinem Online-Magazin High Fidelity

The AK240 and JH Audio Roxanne's Rock My World

AK240 Astell&Kern is a company that is advancing high fidelity playback and while introducing new and exciting—innovative products—for portable audio. Astell&Kern is the high-end division of Iriver. Iriver was founded in 1999 when seven former executives left Samsung with a vision. Located in Seoul, Korea, the company's first products were MP3 players that were sold... Read More »

Headphones as Heard From an Engineer's Perspective

QUESTION: "What cans do you like to listen to? What do you hear as differences between speakers and headphones in terms of how they present sound?" ANSWER: "Good question. For myself, I use an ALO modded Grado 225 and Senn 600 for some recording work but I find the midrange on the Senn is not... Read More »

Musings on Building a Digital Music Server: The Ayre QB-9DSD and the State of the Art

"And you may ask yourself How do I work this? And you may ask yourself Where is that large automobile?" —"Once in Lifetime" by David Byrne, Brian Eno, Chris Frantz, Jerry Harrison, and Tina Weymouth It took a really long time to get to review the Ayre QB-9DSD and even then they had to send... Read More »

Skoff Goes Blind!

Roger Skoff, for the first time ever, actually advocates blind testing! Any of you, who have followed my writings, either here or in other publications, should already have a pretty good idea of where I stand on the issues of measurement and double blind testing as related to High End audio. Even those of you... Read More »

Early Impressions: Woo Audio's WA7TP

Six months ago, we caught our first sight of Woo Audio's WA7tp prototype at CanJam 2013. It was unassumingly dressed in a faux WA7 enclosure, and plainly labeled as a "Prototype Tube Power Supply for WA7 Fireflies."

T.H.E Headphonium at T.H.E Show in Newport - An Audio360 Show Report


That was the most prominent sound in my mind on my trip to The Home Entertainment Show in Newport Beach, California. The reverberating crunch of being solidly rear-ended at a stop light, late Thursday night, echoes throughout my sore muscles. The accident also punctuated what was to be a much-needed change of pace: less stress, more relaxation.

Astrotec ax-30

For several years now, Astrotec has been a name familiar to enthusiasts as a manufacturer of value-conscious, yet quality-engineered, balanced armature IEMs. This past year, they began shifting over to hybrid IEMs en masse.

The Crystal Method by The Crystal Method Subtitle: Los Angeles is Crackin'

Los Angeles: A seething darkness, grimey with discarded dreams of souls hiding behind its glittering, welcoming facade. The consummate actress, as much a chameleon as the talent it spins into the world on the silver screen.

A review of the van den Hul's cartridge The Crimson (in German)

Das Crimson ist zwar nun schon seit über einem Jahr auf dem Markt – aber dennoch ist dieser Bericht hochaktuell. Aalt van den Hul, der niederländische Analogspezialist, ist eben immer wieder für eine Überraschung gut

A review of the KORG's DAC DS-DAC 100 and the Audiogate DSD-upsampling-software Audiogate (in German)

Keine Angst, in den Hörräumen der Kollegen und in meinem warten schon Plattenspieler, Tonabnehmer, gewichtige Mono-Endstufen und Lautsprecher auf ihre Besprechung. Doch in der Digitaltechnik tut sich so viel Spannendes, dass ich Ihnen schon wieder einen Wandler vorstellen möchte: den Korg DS-DAC 100 mit der Audio-Player- und Upsampling-Software Audiogate 3

A review of the EINSTEIN's MC-cartridge The Pickup (in German)

Manche Tests sind das Resultat langer Planung, andere ergeben sich spontan. Zu letzteren zählt dieser. The Pickup war noch im SME V montiert, den Einstein-Chef Volker Bohlmeier nach der High End zusammen mit dem Air Force One in meinen Hörraum wuchtete. Da ein Test mit zwei Unbekannten wenig Sinn macht, wollte ich zuerst den Tonabnehmer genauer kennenlernen.
