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Something New from audiodharma Cable Cooker: the Ground Breaker

I'll share a snippet from an email exchange with Alan Kafton, proprietor of audiodharma, the company that makes the Cable Cooker. The subject is the long anticipated, but now available, Ground Breaker adaptor set for the conditioning of power cables. Good morning, Alan I just finished cooking a pair of power cords. One PC used... Read More »

Berlioz from Cincinnati

Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique. Roméo et Juliette: Scène d'amour. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra/Paavo Järvi. Telarc CD-80578.  TT: 71.22. Downloads: classicalarchives.com (mp3) Like Cala Records and Avie Records, which I've recently discussed, Telarc Records, based in Cleveland, was created as an audiophile label. At first, they briefly pursued the "direct-to-disc" blind alley with Advent Records' Direct from Cleveland, presenting Lorin Maazel... Read More »

The Best Of Gabor Szabo

When I was fifteen I had yet to learn that greatest hits and best of records also meant The Worst Sounding Records. Back then my ears weren't very sophisticated, so I was oblivious to the fact that albums like Simon & Garfunkle's Greatest Hits and Rod Stewart's Sing It Again Rod were, despite the wonderful... Read More »

Meet Robert Pincus - Mr. Record

Robert Pincus joins PF as a writer of music and other topics of interest. Telling a story about myself is always a challenge, so I will start by telling you my name. My name is Robert Pincus, but some people call me Mr. Record. Some of you may know me from my ten-year tenure at Cisco... Read More »

David Berning - The Zero-Hysteresis ZH270 Amplifier

This article by Gary Beard originally ran in Issue 5, February/March 2003, so while we call this section "New Old Stock - Articles from Our Days in Print" you are also going to see some articles from our early days of going online. A Lighthearted Look at the Lightweight ChAMP of the World: The Zero-Hysteresis... Read More »

Women's Listening

Part 1: About the Brain From the Editor In her first column for High Fidelity, Malwina Prus-Zielinska talks about how our brain works and what sounds have to do with it. Women's Listening is a series of essays written by Malwina Prus-Zielinska, an occupational therapist by profession, a music fan by choice, and an audiophile's... Read More »

Dave and Carol Clark's Brutus Awards for 2022

Been an interesting year or three. Neither of us have done much writing simply because not much in audio interested either of us. The pandemic, health and personal issues, life... but also other things that were positive diversions to both our time and spirit. Audio took a back seat to so much that we just... Read More »

Saint-Saens Symphony No. 3 with Munch/BSO now in DSD256 from HDTT

There are times when something so special comes along that one needs to shout "Stop the presses. Hold page one." This is one of those occasions. HDTT has just released a superb DSD256 transfer of the legendary RCA Living Stereo recording of the Saint-Saens Symphony No. 3 "Organ Symphony" from Charles Munch and the Boston... Read More »

An Audio Journey

So, this is going to be a trip of sorts… one where we take you from our early audio system beginnings to where we are today. Yeah, just like most audiophiles we have seen many changes in our systems, rooms, and listening habits. No doubt for many, music preferences as well. We figure that for... Read More »

Vermouth Audio Studio Monitor Loudspeakers

With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music where Tom Lyle shares his thoughts on the Vermouth Audio Studio Monitor Loudspeakers. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief A good-looking and great-sounding loudspeaker. Review By Tom Lyle Vermouth Audio is located in the Indonesian province of Bali, which is located east of Java. Most know... Read More »

The Boulder 866 Integrated Amplifier - A True Standard Of Excellence

The journey continues. In pursuit of the finest in high end audio integrated amplifiers, last month I auditioned the Aavik I-580 from the Audio Group Denmark. You can check out the review HERE. The I-580 certainly deserved its position as the flagship integrated in the Aavik lineup, but it has just recently been upstaged by... Read More »

Capital Audiofest 2022 - It is Alive!

Audiofest! Things are opening and people are going out to events finally, and one of those events is the Capital Audiofest. If you're not familiar with the event, it's a show in Rockville Maryland where individual dealers and a few manufacturers book rooms in a hotel in order to demonstrate their products. The rooms are... Read More »

The Editors Series No. 35 - Andrija Curkovic of Hi-Fi Media

The Editors is a series of interviews with audio magazine editors from all over the world—both printed and online magazines, and portals. It started on January 1st, 2012, and 34 interviews have been published so far—the one below is No. 35. Our aim is to make our readers more familiar with the people who usually... Read More »

Audio Note AN-K/SPx SE Speaker and AN-K Stands

Das fast unüberschaubar große Angebot des Vollsortimenters Audio Note hält eine Fülle an Geräten aller Preisklassen bereit. Pekuniär greifen wir dieses Mal weit oben ins Regal der Kompaktlautsprecher der Briten und angeln uns den hochinteressanten Zweiweglautsprecher AN-K/SPx SE samt passender AN-K Stands für einen Test heraus.
