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The Aging Audiophile … a Tale of Sorrow and Redemption (sort of)

  I stopped writing about equipment quite some time ago. I blamed it on a number of things that were absolutely true … old man, heavy boxes; crazy distributors, the clamor of other things in my life. While this was the truth, it wasn't the whole truth. Like many men in their sixties, my hearing... Read More »

The Audio Circular: No.12 in a Series of Parallel Narratives: The Audioengine B1 Premium Bluetooth Music Receiver

If you frequently read high-end publications or Internet audio chat boards, then Audioengine is not new to you. Their finely engineered audio components and speakers have been recognized and lauded by publications around the world for great sound and high value. I had only heard Audioengine products at AXPONA, and even under show conditions their... Read More »

Impressions: Robinson's Brutus Awards for 2014

Damn. How does this happen? Every year, I work hard to compile my list of Brutus Award winners for the end of the year; every year I promise myself that I'll complete this award article way ahead of the curve; and every year, this deadline bushwhacks me. Bloody hell. You'd better appreciate it amigos…you'll never... Read More »

When New is Really Great: The Stunning AudioQuest Diamond Ethernet Cables

"By the time I got your letter I had lost my mind I was trippin' ‘When you gettin' better?' It's a jagged line Nothin' lasts forever when you travel time I've been sippin' that cool aid of the cosmos" —"The Voyager" by Jenny Lewis I wrote a while back about the AudioQuest Forest Ethernet cables,... Read More »

Harry Pearson: Audiophiles' Tutto de Tutti Capi

Walter Benjamin pointed out, during the tragic era when Adolph Garbage-bag stormed Europe with unquenched anti-Semitic malice, that each memorable character type and archetypal personality reflected (with inevitable prismatic distortion) the underlying zeitgeist from which it emerged on the historical scene. Benjamin suffered inordinately from The Fascist Fraud's hateful pomposity. His philosophically refined awareness of... Read More »

Impressions: 2L's Magnificent Magnificat (SACD stereo; Double DSD stereo download)

Shall I confess something? I've fallen in love. This time with an exceptional chorale and orchestral recording from Morten Lindberg and the good folks at 2L: Magnificat. Recorded by 2L at the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway, in 2013 and 2014, with Morten Lindberg at the controls, this album shows that rare bird: Brilliancies in... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener… The Peachtree Audio nova220SE Integrated Amplifier

Four years ago, when some folks were worrying about WikiLeaks and toot-tooting their vuvuzelas, I spent two thoroughly enjoyable months listening to the Peachtree Audio iDecco integrated amplifier. At the time, I declared that the iDecco was the hands-down, no foolin', best option for anyone desiring a fast, thoroughly modern musical integrated for less than... Read More »

Magnepan 3.7i Upgrade and System Woes and Woo-hoos!

(Including… deep breath here!... notes on the ModWright KWA 150 Signature Amplifier and LS 100 Preamplifier; the eXemplar T105 two-box tubed universal player; the Rogue Audio R99 Super Magnum Preamp and Rogue Audio Medusa Hybrid Vacuum Tube Amplifier; the Blue Circle BC30X1 Powerline Conditioner) When I reviewed the Magnepan 3.7 and Bass Panel DWM speakers... Read More »

Impressions: Audionet's Brilliant Reference-Class System

Introduction Funny how you can get bushwhacked by excellence in the audio arts. In the early spring of 2014, Bill Parish, a long-time audio friend, got in touch with me about a line of products that he thought I would be interested in. It was from a company that I had never heard of: Audionet,... Read More »

Pear Audio Blue Reference Preamplifier

Audio Skies, importer of the wonderful sounding Larsen Model 8 speakers, seems to have found another winner in Pear Audio Blue, a Slovenian firm which makes preamplifiers and turntables. On hand is their Reference Preamplifier. Michael Vamos of Audio Skies tells me that Pear Audio Blue's Peter Mezek was best friends with the late Tom... Read More »

The Audio Circular - No. 13 in a Series of Parallel Narratives: The Only Way to Get Bent!

Eight years ago or so, I purchased a pair of David Slagle's Intact Audio "Basic" $200 autoformers. They lay unloved in a drawer for five years before I put them in a little wooden box and hooked them up to my system. (HERE) Once I did, I couldn't believe how fantastic they sounded. While I... Read More »

Vermouth Audio Black Pearl Speaker Cables - Making a Case for Globalization

Globalization has definitely made it easier for people to have a chance to show what they can do. When my "o fearless editor" suggested that I review a new cable coming from Indonesia I was honestly surprised by the country of origin. I could not pass up the opportunity to give it a shot and... Read More »

K&K Audio Premium Maxxed-Out Phono Preamplifier

Some products are disarmingly ingratiating. It's possible that attraction can be subversive, so pleasing that you let your guard drop, and thus allow potential issues to slip by undetected. That's certainly an apt description of the product at hand, for the K&K Audio Premium Maxxed-Out Phono Preamp is nothing if not a sweet talker.  ... Read More »

Koetsu Azule Platinum Moving Coil Cartridge - A True Gem

So much for the Japanese tradition of honoring your ancestors! The simply stunning looking and even better sounding blue stone body Azule Platinum moving coil cartridge bears little or no resemblance to the Koetsu cartridge your father owned. Moreso, any sonic similarity—or even familial resemblance—between the current Azule Platinum and the Koetsu Rosewood Signature cartridge... Read More »

YG Acoustics Hailey 1.2 Loudspeakers

Certainly 2014 stood out at chez K, for it was the year that I reviewed not one, not two, but three full range, quasi statement speakers (systems) and to be honest, I don't think that will happen again anytime soon. First, it's a pain in the you-know-what to deal with all the logistics relevant to such an... Read More »

AES 2014 Show Report

The AES show has long been two shows in one: a scientific conference in one set of rooms and a trade show in another set of rooms. What is great about the event is that although the two are often disjoint, there are people who straddle both of them. Vendors who would normally just send... Read More »

Yarlung Records: DSD Albums from Native DSD A New Adventure in Recorded Sound!

I am new to the digital download game, but better late than never! With my excellent Astell&Kern 240 portable digital audio player (DAP) as a music system server, I loaded four DSD albums downloaded from NativeDSD.com. All were from the excellent label, Yarlung Records, in that section of the NativeDSD site. Originally recorded on analog tape in... Read More »

Dance With The Dead, Near Dark

Imagine this, it is 1986, your girlfriend/boyfriend has been kidnapped, people out there are trying to kill you, and you can only rely on yourself for protection. So you jump into your red and black Trans AM, with your black leather jacket and gloves, with nothing but vengeful intent to rescue and redeem your name.... Read More »
